
List of Gods : "art" - 1339 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. The Sun deity representing the first of the five world ages, each of which lasted for 2,028 heavenly years, each heavenly year being fiftytwo terrestrial years. Assigned to the earth and presided over by TEZCATLIPOCA. According to tradition, the age was populated by a race of giants and it ended in a catalclysmic destruction caused by huge and ferocious jaguars which devoured them. Illustrated by the Stone of the Four Suns [Yale Peabody Museum]. Also Ocelotonatiuh; Yoaltonatiuh; Tlalchitonatiuh....

Chippewa The first earth was called Ca'ca and the inhabitants were not wise so the creator sent a man to teach them. This man was called ockabewis, the messenger, and the first thing he taught them was how to make fire by means of a bow and a stick and a bit of decayed wood. Chippewa
Supreme god name
Yoruba The son of the supreme God Olodumare or Olorun, and was sent by him from heaven to create the earth. Descending from the heavens via a chain let down to Ile Ife, Oduduwa brought with him a chicken, some soil in a snail shell, and a calabash. After throwing the soil upon the waters, he set the çõçk on the soil who in turn scratched and scattered it around to create the rest of dry land that became the earth's surface. Yoruba
Supreme god name
Yoruba The son of the supreme God Olodumare or Olorun, and was sent by him from heaven to create the earth. Descending from the heavens via a chain let down to Ile Ife, Oduduwa brought with him a chicken, some soil in a snail shell, and a calabash. After throwing the soil upon the waters, he set the çõçk on the soil who in turn scratched and scattered it around to create the rest of dry land that became the earth's surface. Yoruba
Supreme god name
Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa Creator goddess. The consort, or alternatively the daughter, of the supreme god OLODUMARE. She is perceived as the substance, or matrix, of the earth which Olodumare impregnated to generate life. She is also a goddess of war and her sons include the great heroic Yoruba god OGUN. According to some traditions Oduduwa is also perceived as a god....
King name
Greek 1. A son of Cynortes, and husband of Gorgophone, by whom he became the father of Tyndareus, Peirene, and Arene, was king of Sparta. According to others he was a son of Perieres and a grandson of Cynortas, and was married to the nymph Bateia, by whom he had several children (Apollodorus iii). The patronymic Oebalides is not only applied to his descendants, but to the Spartans generally, and hence it occurs as an epithet or surname of Hyacinthus, Castor, Pollux and Helena. 2. A son of Telon by a nymph of the stream Sebethus, near Naples. Telon, originally a king of the Teleboans, had come from the island of Taphos to Capreae, in Italy and Oebalus settled in Campania. (The Aeneid Book VII) Greek
Hero name
Greek A son of Theras of Sparta and brother of Aegeus, was honoured at Sparta with an heroum. Greek
Monster name
Europe Of nursery mythology are giants of very malignant dispositions, who live on human flesh. It is an Eastern invention, and the word is derived from the Ogurs, a desperately savage horde of Asia, who overran part of Europe in the fifth century. Others derived it from Orcus, the ugly, cruel man-eating monster so familiar to readers of Bojardo and Ariosto. The female is Ogress.
God name
"Oko (hoe)"
Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa God of Agriculture. According to tradition he descended from heaven and lived at a farm near the town of Irao, where he attained a great age. One day he disappeared, leaving only his staff which was taken as a symbol of his presence. Annually, at the start of the Rainy season, a festival with strong fertility emphasis is held in his honor....
God name
Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa Creator god. He engendered the god OBATALA as his deputy. The souls of the dead are expected to make confession to Olodumare. When he created the earth, he filled a snail's shell with dirt, placed inside it a hen and a pigeon and threw it down, whereupon the hen and pigeon began to scatter the earth and create land. Olodumare then sent a chameleon to report on progress. Sand was added, followed by a palm, a coconut and a kola nut tree. When these were established the god placed on earth the first sixteen humans. Also Alaaye; Elemii; Olojo Oni; Olorun; Orishanla....
God name
Fon / Yoruba / Benin / Nigeria, West Africa God of fresh waters and oceans. The eldest son of the creator god OSANOBUA. He is symbolized in the sacred river Olokun, which runs almost the length of Benin and from the source of which come the souls of unborn children. A girl baby is given a shrine of the god which includes a pot of river water and which she takes with her to her new home when she marries. The god is particularly popular among women and has a cult of priestesses. Olokun is also a guardian deity of mariners....

Phoenicia Primordial principle in the form of particles floating or falling in the atmosphere. Phoenicia
Angel name
Nazorean The angel who supports the earth on his shoulders, just like atlas. Early Nazorean
Goddess name
Celtic Goddess of earth and fertility, known only from inscriptions Celtic / Gaelic
Goddess name
Celtic / Gallic Fertility goddess. Associated with the earth and known only from inscriptions....

Greek A Titan, was married to Eurynome, with whom he shared the supremacy previous to the reign of Cronos and Rhea; but being conquered by the latter, he and Eurynome were thrown into Oceåñuś or Tartarus. Greek

Roman A female Roman divinity of plenty and fertility, as is indicated by her name, which is connected with opimus opulentus, inops, and copia. She was regarded as the wife of Saturnus, and, accordingly, as the protectress of every thing connected with Agriculture. Her abode was in the earth, and hence those who invoked her, or made vows to her, used to touch the ground, and as she was believed to give to human beings both their place of abode and their food, newly-born children were recommended to her care.

Brazil The demiurge who vomited forth men from the bowels of the earth. The Tereno, Brazil
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