
List of Gods : "even" - 330 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Greek A Neapolitan hetaira beloved by Horace but when she deserted him, he revenged himself upon her by holding her up to contempt as an old sorceress. Greek
King name
Roman the centaur archer. Capricornus is the tenth, or, strictly speaking, the eleventh sign of the zodiac. (Dec. 21-Jan. 20.) According to clåśśic mythology, Capricorn was Pan, who, from fear of the great Typhon, changed himself into a goat, and was made by Jupiter one of the signs of the zodiac. Roman
Goddess name
Roman A nymph who lived where Rome would eventually be. Jåñuś fell in love with her and gave her power over door hinges and handles. As a goddess, she was known as Cardea.
Monster name
Greek A hideous aquatic monster, a daughter of Gaia and Pontus. She was the personification of the dangers of the sea, unknown terrors and bizarre creatures. Eventually, the word "ceto" became simple shorthand for any sea monster. Greek
God name
Hindu / Puranic Mendicant god. A deified mortal who became one of the many incarnations of the god VIS NU. Born at Nadiya in AD 1484, he died at Puri in 1527. Chaitanya was a sickly child who, according to legend, was left to his fate, hanging in a tree to die, but was revived by the gods and thus became deified. He was married twice before adopting a strict ascetic existence at the age of twenty-four, from which time he traveled extensively, eventually settling in the holy city of Benares. He is remembered as a great social reformer. His main sanctuary at Nadiya includes a small statue of KRSNA to whom he devoted himself....

Greek A daughter of Boreas and Oreithyia, and sister of Cleopatra, Zetes, and Calais. She became by Poseidon the mother of Eumolpus, and in order to conceal the event, she threw the boy into the sea; but the child was saved by Poseidon. Greek

Greek There were revels in Parnåśśus, in Phocis, Messenia, Arcadia, even Sparta. The festivals were held on mountains, with blazing torches, in dark Winter nights. The votaries were in large part women, and were known by many names,--Maenads, Thyiads, Clodones, Mimallones, Båśśarides, etc. They were clothed in fawn skins, carried thyrsi and in their ecstasies used to hunt wild animals, tear them in pieces, and sometimes eat them raw. Greek

Persia The Satan of Persia. According to Persian mythology, the ages of the world are divided into periods of 1,000 years. When the cycle of "chiliasms" (1,000-year periods) is complete, the reign of Ormuzd will begin, and men will be all good and all happy; but this event will be preceded by the loosing of Dahak, who will break his chain and fall upon the world, and bring on man the most dreadful calamities. Two prophets will appear to cheer the oppressed, and announce the advent of Ormuzd.
God name
Shinto / Japan God of luck. One of seven gods of fortune in Shintoism and often linked with the god EBISU. Originally a god of kitchens, he became a deity concerned with happiness. He is depicted as a fat, well-to-do figure seated on two rice bales and carrying a sack on his back. He also holds a hammer in his right hand. In depictions there is often a mouse nibbling at one of the rice bales. Small gold icons of the god may be carried as talismans of wealth. According to tradition, when Daikoku's hammer is shaken, money falls out in great profusion. In western Japan he is also syncretized with the god of rice paddies, TA-NO-KAMI, and thus becomes the god of Agriculture and farmers. He may have developed from the Buddhist god MAHAKALA....
God name
Japan God of wealth and happiness and one of the Seven Gods of Fortune. The god invoked specially by the artisans of Japan. He sits on a ball of rice, holding a hammer in his hand, with which he beats a sack; and every time he does so the sack becomes full of silver, rice, cloth, and other useful articles. Japan
God name
"Daksa (skilled and able)"
Hindu / Vedic / Puranic Sun god. The son of BRAHMA and ADITI, he is an ADITYA and demiurge. His consort is PRASUTI, and he is said to have had up to sixty daughters. He appears in conflict with his son-in-law SIVA as the main offender against Siva's consort SATI (accounted as one of his daughters), who was so insulted by Daksa that she committed suicide by jumping into a ritual fire. Siva took revenge by decapitating Daksa but later, after intercession from other gods, Brahma brought him back to life, giving him the substitute head of a sacrificial goat. Attribute: head of a goat. Also PRAJAPATI....
God name
"Deus ex machina"
Roman The intervention of a god, or some unlikely event. Literally, it means "a god let down upon the stage or flying in the air by machinery."
Deities name
"Deva (the god)"
Hindu / Vedic / Puranic Generic name of a god. Originally, in the Rg Veda, thirty or thirty-three devas are indicated, divided into three groups of eleven. In later Hinduism, the term deva is generally applied to deities not included in the chief triad of BRAHMA, VISNU and SIVA....
Demon name
Sumeria Female demon of fever and and diseases of infants. There were seven evil spirits of this kind, who were apparently regarded as being daughters of Anu, the god of the heavens. Sumeria
Ghost name
Christian In Christian art, symbolises the Holy ghost. In church windows the seven rays proceeding from the dove signify the seven gifts of the Holy ghost. It also symbolises the human soul, and as such is represented coming out of the mouth of saints at death.
Deities name
"Dsahadoldza (fringe mouth)"
Navaho / USA Chthonic god of earth and water. A number of deities are known under this title. The priest impersonating the god has one side of his body painted red and the other side black. He wears a buckskin mask painted with a horizontal yellow band to represent the evening sky and eight vertical black stripes to represent Rain....
Angel name
Jewish An angel who acted as a guardian over the seventy nations. Jewish
God name
Ireland / Manx God of abundance and prosperity. He gave the sons of Tuirrean seven magic pigs, which reappeared the day after they were eaten. Ireland / Manx
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