
List of Gods : "husband" - 125 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

"Iasus 6"
Greek An Arcadian, a son of Lycurgus and Cleophile or Eurynome, a brother of Ancaeus and Amphidamas, and the husband of Clymene, the daughter of Minyas, by whom he became the father of Atalante.
God name
Polynesia A lunar deity daughter of Kui or Vaitere, who kept an eel in a jar, but it soon grew into the eel-god, Tuna, who tried to rape her. The people of Upolo rescued her and sentenced him to death. At his request, she buried his head in the sand and from it grew the first coconut. Ina is married to Marama, the god of the night. She lives in the sky during the daytime when her husband is not visible. Polynesia
Goddess name
Hindu The goddess of wrath and jealousy, and a daughter of Puloman, a demon who was killed by Indrani's future husband, Indra. She is beautiful and has one-thousand eyes. She is åśśociated with lions and elephants. Hindu
Nymph name
Greek A son of Amphictyon, and husband of the nymph Melanippe, by whom he became the father of Boeotus and Chromia.Greek
Goddess name
Egypt Keket. A primordial goddess, one of the eight who represent chaos. She was a snake-headed woman who ruled over the darkness with her husband. Egypt

Babylon He is in the husband / son of Tiamat

Greek A son of Apollo and Stilbe, the brother of Centaurus, and husband of Orsinome, the daughter of Eurynomus, by whom he became the father of Phorbas, Triopas, and Periphas. He was regarded as the ancestor of the Lapithae in the mountains of Thessaly. Greek
King name
Greek A king of Latium, is described in the common tradition as a son of Faunus and the nymph Marica, as a brother of Lavinius, and the husband of Amata, by whom he became the father of Lavinia, whom he gave in marriage to Aeneas. Greek
Goddess name
Micronesia Goddess of the sea, with her husband Tpereakla, co-creator and co-ruler of the world Tpereakl lived in the sky, while his wife had her residence under the sea. Pelew Is.

Greek The daughter of Titus Andronicus, bride of Båśśiåñuś, brother of the Emperor of Rome. Being grossly abused by Chiron and Demetrius, sons of Tamora, queen of the Goths, the savage wantons cut off her hands and pluck out her tongue, that she may not reveal their names Lavinia, guiding a stick with her stumps, makes her tale known to her father and brothers; whereupon Titus murders the two Moorish princes and serves their heads in a pasty to their mother, whom he afterwards slays, together with the Emperor Saturninus her husband. Greek
Goddess name
Italic Chthonic fertility god. Originally åśśociated with husbandry and crops but then åśśimilated with DIONYSOS. The consort of CERES and father of the goddess LIBERA. His festival, the Liberalia, was on March 17 when young men celebrated the arrival of manhood....
King name
Greek 1. One of the sons of Aegyptus. 2. A son of Poseidon and Celaeno, who was transferred by his father to the islands of the blessed. 3. A son of Hyrieus, and husband of Dirce, one of the mythical kings of Thebes. 4. A tyrant of Thebes, is likewise called by some a son of Poseidon, though Euripides calls him a son of Lycus. Greek
King name
Greek A son of Aegyptus and Argyphia, and husband of the Danaid Hypermnestra, by whom he became the father of Abas. He was king of Argos, whence that city is called Abas. Greek
King name
Irish utter intoxication. Originally queen of Tara,later queen of the Faeries and mythological queen of Connaught. She dumped her husband, king Conchobar and created nine Irish kings in succession and took each one her lover. She was also a fierce battle queen. Irish

Ireland 'Son of the Sun', he was the husband of Eriu. Ireland
God name
Mexico The sky god is the husband of Nangkwijo, the earth. The Tewa, Pueblo Indians, New Mexico and Arizona

Spain The giant, first cousin of queen Maguncia, of Canday'a, who enchanted Antonomasia and her husband, and shut them up in the tomb of the deceased queen. The infanta he transformed into a monkey of bråśś, and the knight into a crocodile. Don Quixote achieved their disenchantment by mounting the wooden horse called Clavileno.

Amur / Siberia She is the co-creator of earth but she was killed by her husband for creating Asia, for spite she created souls for at the magicians he built
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