
List of Gods : "slain" - 85 records

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Name ▲▼ Origin ▲▼ Description ▲▼
Spirit name
A youthful heroic deity who was once mortal Iroquois (North American Indian). He was empowered by the spirit of thunder, Hino, to conquer the Great water Snake, enemy of humankind. The serpent devoured Gunnodoyak but was then slain by Hino, who cut open the snake, recovered the body of Gunnodoyak and returned him to his rightful place in heaven....
God name
"Camaxtli aka Mixcoatl-Camaxtli"
Aztec A god of hunting, war, fate and fire and one of the four creator gods, who made the earth. He leads human sacrifices and warriors who have been slain in battle to the eastern sky, where they become stars. Aztec
Monster name
Bantu A monster which swallows the population of a village-or, indeed, of the whole country and is subsequently slain by a boy hero. Bantu
Monster name
"Dragon of Wantley"
Britain warncliff, in Yorkshire. A monster slain by More, of More Hall, who procured a suit of armour studded with spikes; and, proceeding to the well where the dragon had his lair, kicked it in the mouth, where alone it was vulnerable. Britain

"Dun Cow"
Britain The dun cow of Dunsmore heath was a savage beast slain by Sir Guy, Earl of warwick. A huge tusk, probably that of an elephant, is still shown at Harwich Castle as one of the horns of the dun-cow. The fable is that this cow belonged to a giant, and was kept on Mitchell Fold (middle fold), Shropshire. Its milk was inexhaustible; but one day an old woman who had filled her pail, wanted to fill her sieve also. This so enraged the cow, that she broke loose from the fold and wandered to Dunsmore heath, where she was slain by Guy of warwick. Britain
King name
Britain The giant slain by king Arthur. Britain
King name
British A man of prodigious might, brother of Pyrochles, son of Malice (Acrates) and Despite, and husband of Acrasia, the enchantress. He sets out to encounter Sir Guyen, but is ferried over the idle lake by Wantonness (Ph?'dria), and forgets himself; he is slain by king Arthur. British
Deity name
Chaldean Chaldean serpent, slain by Bel, the chief deity.
God name
Crete Or Asterius, 1. A son of Teutamus, and king of the Cretans, who married Europa after she had been carried to Crete by Zeus. He also brought up the three sons, Minos, Sarpedon, and Rhadamanthys whom she had by the father of the gods. (Apollodorus i) 2. A son of Cometes, Pyremus, or Priscus, by Antigone, the daughter of Pheres. He is mentioned as one of the Argonauts. (Argonautica) There are two more mythical personages of this name, one a river-god [Acraea], and the second a son of Minos, who was slain by Theseus.

Fairy Tale Pride lived in a splendid palace, only its foundation was of sand. The door stood always open, and the queen gave welcome to every comer. Her six privy ministers are Idleness, Gluttony, Lechery, Avarice, Envy, and Revenge. These six, with Pride herself, are the seven deadly sins. Her carriage was drawn by six different animals- viz. an åśś, swine, goat, camel, wolf, and lion, on each of which rode one of her privy councillors, Satan himself being coachman. While here the Red-Cross Knight was attacked by Sansjoy, who would have been slain if Duessa had not rescued him.

France The giant slain by Averardo de Medici, a commander under Charlemagne. The tale is interesting, for it is said that the Medici took the three balls of this giant's mace for their device. Pawnbrokers have adopted the three balls as a symbol of their trade. France
Monster name
George The terrible monster of Sicily. A cross between a "land-tiger and sea-shark." He devoured five hundred Sicilians, and left the island for twenty miles round without inhabitant. This amphibious monster was slain by the three sons of St. George.
Goddess name
Germanic / Nordic / Icelandic Chthonic underworld goddess. The daughter of LOKI and the giantess Angrboda, and the sibling of both the Midgard worm who will cause the sea to flood the world with the lashings of his tail, and of Fenrir, the phantom wolf who will swallow the Sun, at Ragnarok. She is queen of the otherworld, also known as Hell, and she takes command of all who die, except for heroes slain in battle, who ascend to Valhalla. In some mythologies she is depicted as half black and half white. She was adopted into British mythology....

Greece A son of Agenor, who was slain by Achilles. A Trojan of the same name occurs in the Iliad. Greece

Greek A cruel giant slain by Guy of warwick.
King name
Greek A daughter of Eetion, king of the Cilician Thebae, and one of the noblest and most amiable female characters in the Iliad. Her father and her seven brothers were slain by Achilles at the taking of Thebae, and her mother, who had purchased her freedom by a large ransom, was killed by Artemis. Greek

Greek A son of Clymenus of Orchomenos, father of Actor and grandfather of Astyoche. He went with his brothers against Thebes, to take vengeance for the murder of his father, who had been slain by the Thebans at a festival of the Onchestian Poseidon. Greek
Cyclop name
Greek A monster which was appointed in Tartarus to guard the Cyclops. It was killed by Zeus when he wanted the åśśistance of the Cyclops against the Titans. Diodorus mentions a monster of the same name, which was slain by Dionysus, and which Nonnus identifies with the former. Greek
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