
List of Gods : "Apit" - 38 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
King name
Sparta A son of Lacedaemon and Sparta, and father of Hyacinthus by Diomede, the daughter of Lapithus. He was king of Laconia, and was regarded as the founder of the town of Amyclae.
Goddess name
"An i"
Egypt / Upper Guardian deity. Seems to have become åśśimilated with HORUS and was one of the protectors of the eastern sky in which the Sun rises. According to some texts he is also responsible for the decapitation of the goddess HATHOR in a conflict for the throne of Egypt. Anti is known from Middle kingdom coffin texts (circa 2000 BC). Depicted as a falcon, or a human with a falcon's head, standing on a crescent-shaped barque....
God name
Egypt Aka Anher, Anhert. Official God of the nome Abt and its capital. Rules over war, Sun and the sky. Egypt.
Goddess name
Egypt Mother Goddess, nursing mother. Egypt

"Attabeira aka Atabei"
Antilles Momona, Guacarapita, Iella, Guimazoa , Primary Being of the pre-Hispanic people of the Antilles
Goddess name
"COATLICUE (the serpent-skirted goddess)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Mother goddess. The creator goddess of the earth and mankind and the female aspect of OMETEOTL. One of the group clåśśed as the TETEOINNAN complex. She has 400 sons, the stars of the southern sky, and is the mother of the goddess COYOLXAUHQUI. Later, as a widow, she was impregnated by a ball of feathers as she was sweeping the “serpent mountain” of Coatepec near Tula. Her other children decapitated her as punishment for her dishonor, but she gave birth to the Sun god HUITZILOPOCHTLI who subsequently slew Coyolxauhqui and her brothers, thus banishing night for day. According to tradition Coatlicue feeds off human corpses. She is also recognized as the patron deity of florists....
Goddess name
Aztec / post Mesoamerican Maize goddess. [Mexico]. Her festival was held in September when a young girl was sacrificed having taken on the role of the deity for a period of time during the celebrations. She was decapitated on a heap of maize fruits and her blood was collected in a large bowl before being poured over a wooden figurine of the goddess. Finally the victim's skin was flayed off and worn by a dancing priest.See also XILONEN....
Goddess name
"Chinnamastaka (decapitated)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Goddess. A headless form of DURGA. Also one of a group of ten MAHAVIDYAS, goddesses of great knowledge personifying the SAKTI of SI IVA. She may be depicted holding her head in her hands. Aspects include VIRARATRI. Attributes: scimitar, skull. Also Chinnamasta....
King name
Greek 1. A son of Apollo by Chrysorthe, father of Corax and Lamedon, and king of Sicyon. 2. A son of Thersander, grandson of Sisyphus, and founder of Coroneia. 3. A son of Caeneus, was a prince of the Lapithae, and father of Leonteus and Lyside. He was slain by Heracles. (Apollodorus. ii) 4. The father of the Argonaut Caeneus. (Apollodorus i. Argonautica) Greek
Goddess name
"Coyolxauhqui (golden bells)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Astral goddess. A deification and incarnation (avatara) of the moon. According to tradition she is the half-sister of the Sun god HUITZILOPOCHTLI. The god sprang, fully armed, from his decapitated mother, COATLICUE, and engaged all his enemies who, by inference, are the 400 astral gods, his half-brothers. He slew his sister and hurled her from the top of a mountain. Alternative tradition suggests his sister was an ally whom he was unable to save, so he decapitated her and threw her head into the sky, where she became the moon. She was represented in the Great Temple at Tenochtitlan, where she was depicted in front of successive Huitzilopochtli pyramids. She is also a hearth deity within the group clåśśed as the XIUHTECUHTLI complex....
King name
Greek 1. A daughter of Oceåñuś and Ge. She was a Naid, and became by Peneius the mother of Hypseus, king of the Lapithae, and of Stilbe. 2. A daughter of Erechtheus and Praxithea, was married to Xuthus, by whom she became the mother of Achaeus and Ion. Greek
God name
"Daksa (skilled and able)"
Hindu / Vedic / Puranic Sun god. The son of BRAHMA and ADITI, he is an ADITYA and demiurge. His consort is PRASUTI, and he is said to have had up to sixty daughters. He appears in conflict with his son-in-law SIVA as the main offender against Siva's consort SATI (accounted as one of his daughters), who was so insulted by Daksa that she committed suicide by jumping into a ritual fire. Siva took revenge by decapitating Daksa but later, after intercession from other gods, Brahma brought him back to life, giving him the substitute head of a sacrificial goat. Attribute: head of a goat. Also PRAJAPATI....

Greek One of the Lapithae, who distinguished himself in the contest at the nuptials of Peirithous. Greek
God name
"HERYSAF (he who is upon his lake)"
Egypt Primeval deity åśśociated both with Osiris and Re. Herysaf is a ram god said to have emerged from the primeval ocean, possibly recreated in the form of a sacred lake at Hnes, the capital of Lower Egypt for a time at the beginning of the third millennium (during the First Intermediate Period). The god is depicted with a human torso and the head of a ram wearing the atef crown of Lower Egypt. Herysaf began as a local deity but took on national importance as the soul (ba) of RE, and of OSIRIS. Herysaf's sanctuary was enlarged by Rameses II and the god is said to have protected the life of the last Egyptian pharaoh when the Persian and later Macedonian dominations began. He eventually became syncretized with HERAKLES in Greco-Roman culture and Hnes became known as Herakleopolis ...
Goddess name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Blue hummingbird on left foot. Sun god, patron god of the Aztec nation. The tutelary god of the Aztecs who also regarded him as a war god. He is the southern (blue) aspect or emanation of the Sun god TEZCATLIPOCA, the so-called high-flying Sun, and the head of the group clåśśed as the Huitzilpochtli complex. He is regarded, in alternative tradition, as one of the four sons of Tezcatlipoca. His mother is the decapitated earth goddess COATLICUE, from whose womb he sprang fully armed. He slaughtered his sister (moon) and his 400 brothers (stars) in revenge for the death of his mother, signifying the triumph of Sunlight over darkness....
Goddess name
Western Semitic / Syrian / Phoenician weather god. Derived from the Akkadian deity ADAD. In texts found at the site of the ancient Canaanite capital of Ugarit [Ras Samra] , the name of Hadad apparently becomes a substitute for that of BAAL. His voice is described as roaring from the clouds and his weapon is the thunderbolt. His mother is the goddess ASERAH. During Hellenic times he was predominantly worshiped at Ptolemais and Hierapolis. His Syrian consort is ATARGATIS, who overshadowed him in local popularity at Hierapolis. Statues of the two deities were carried in procession to the sea twice yearly. According to the Jewish writer Josephus, Hadad also enjoyed a major cult following at Damascus in the eighth and ninth centuries BC. By the third century BC the Hadad-Atargatis cult had extended to Egypt, when he becomes identified as the god SUTEKH. In the Greek tradition his consort becomes HERA.See also ADAD....
King name
Aztec The Divine leader who rescued an ancestral people from his devastated island kingdom in the Atlantic Ocean, Aztlan. Arriving in the Valley of Mexico, they built a new capital to commemorate their lost city, when Tenochtitlan was constructed on a rocky island at the center of a man-made lake. Aztec
God name
"Hun Hunapu"
Mayan / Yucatec / Quiche, Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. The father of HUNAPU and Ix Balan Ku. According to the sacred Mayan text Popol Vub, he was decapitated during a football game and his head became lodged in the calabash tree which bore fruit from that day....
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