
List of Gods : "Ate" - 2115 records

Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Nymph name
Greek The son of Perieres and Gorgophone, and a brother of Aphareus, Leucippus, Icarius, and Arete (Apollodorus) or according to others, a son of Oebalus, by the nymph Bateia or by Gorgophone. Greek
Deities name
"Tzacol or Tzakol"
Maya A sky god and one of the creator deities who participated in the last two attempts at creating humanity. Maya
Goddess name
"Tzu Sun Niangniang"
Chinese Mother goddess. One of the “nine dark ladies” of the pantheon who are regarded as having a protective role. She was the mortal wife of a minor official and, having borne him five sons and two daughters, committed suicide in order to ensure her future chastity. She is invoked at weddings to provide children, especially sons, and special cakes are eaten by the bride and groom. One of her more famous sanctuaries, on the island of Taiwan, is the Yin Yang Stone....

Hebrew Tsaphon, the north wind and, because the north was regarded among the ancients as a land of darkness and obscurity, this word came to mean whatever is hid or concealed, hence treasured up or held back. Hebrew
Supreme god name
"U Blei Nong-thaw"
Assam The Supreme god of the Khasis. To the Khasi, life is God's greatest gift and he therefore has to account for it in the hereafter. Assam
Goddess name
Egypt Wadjit, Wedjet, originally a local city goddess she eventually became the patron goddess of the whole of Lower Egypt åśśociated with the land.

New Guinea The name for ancestors, ualare is that by which all sacred objects are designated. Certain animals are ualare, and as these were never injured or eaten. The Elema, Papuan Gulf, New Guinea
God name
Roman Minor god of Agriculture åśśociated with fruitfulness, fertility and prosperity. Roman
God name
Roman Minor god of Agriculture. Known particularly from the reign of Tiberias in the second century BC and åśśociated with prosperity....
Goddess name
Celtic A Celtic god who, along with his consort Bergusia, was venerated at Alesia in Burgundy. The Divine couple are named on inscriptions of the Romano-Celtic period, and an image of a Divine couple has been found on the same site, the male figure bearing a hammer, the female appearing as a goddess of prosperity.

"Udens Mate"
Latvia Mother of water, presided over small bodies of water such as wells and ponds. Latvia
God name
Pre - Christian Finnish Thunder god. Drives a cart which generates flashes of lightning as the horses' hoofs hit stones along the way; the noise of thunder comes from the wheels or from Ukko grinding corn with a big stone. Attributes: ax, blue robe, hammer and sword....
God name
"Ukko (old man)"
Finland The god of the sky and thunder, related to Thor (Estonian Taara).
Spirit name
Babylon underworld spirit of earth and water. Babylon
Deities name
"Umashi-Ashi-Kabi-Hiko-Ji-No-Kami (pleasant reed shoot prince elder deity)"
Shinto / Japan Creator being. The fourth of the deities to be listed in the Kojiki sacred text. He was engendered from the reeds floating on the pri mordial waters and is perceived as a remote and vague figure who hides himself from mankind....

"Umashii-Ashi -Kabi-Hiko-Ji-No-Kami"
Japan / Shinto A creator being formed from the reeds floating on the primordial waters
God name
Zulu The sky God who has a voice like thunder and is known to send down lightning bolts. He descended from heaven to marry Uthlanga and created the primeval reeds from which Unkulunkulu emerged. Zulu
King name
Christian Truth, so called because truth is one. She starts with St. George on his adventure, and being driven by a storm into "Wandering Wood," retires for the night to Hypocrisy's cell. St. George quits the cell, leaving Una behind. In her search for him she is caressed by a lion, who afterwards attends her. She next sleeps in the hut of Superstition, and next morning meets Hypocrisy dressed as St. George. As they journey together Sansloy meets them, exposes Hypocrisy, kills the lion, and carries off Una on his steed to a wild Forest. Una fills the air with her shrieks, and is rescued by the fauns and satyrs, who attempt to worship her, but, being restrained, pay adoration to her åśś. She is delivered from the satyrs and fauns by Sir Satyrane, and is told by Archimago that St. George is dead, but subsequently hears that he is the captive of Orgoglio. She goes to king Arthur for aid, and the king both slays Orgoglio and rescues the knight. Una, now takes St. George to the house of Holiness, where he is carefully nursed, and then leads him to Eden, where their union is consummated. Spenser: Faerie queene