
List of Gods : "Ba She" - 1261 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Deities name
Roman Hearth deities. These gods are a peculiarly Roman innovation, unknown to the Greeks. The penates, chosen individually by the head of the household, oversaw the domestic affairs of most Roman families. They were considered sufficiently important that, if a move was anticipated, they were taken to and established in the new residence a priori. They are represented in the form of small statues made of anything from clay to gold according to the wealth of the owner, and were provided with regular offerings of scraps of food....

Greek A daughter of Icarius and Periboea of Sparta. According to Didymus, Penelope was originally called Ameirace, Arnacia, or Arnaea, and Nauplius or her own parents are said to have cast her into the sea where she was fed by sea-birds from which she derived her name. Greek
Goddess name
"Perkun Tete"
Balkans Goddess of thunder and lightning identified with the planet Venus. Each night she receives the Sun, then returns it the next morning washed and shining. Balkans

Greek A daughter of Oceåñuś and Tethys, and wife of Helios, by whom she became the mother of Aeetes and Circe. She is further called the mother of Pasiphae, Perses and Aloeus. Homer and Apollonius Rhodius call her Perse, while others call her Perseis. Greek

Lake Handmaid of Acrasia the enchantress. She sails about Idle lake in a gondola. Seeing Sir Guyon she ferries him across the lake to the floating island, where Cymochles attacks him. Ph?dria interposes, the combatants desist, and the little wanton ferries the knight Temperance over the lake again. Fairy Tale

Greek A daughter of Minos by Pasiphae or Crete, and the wife of Theseus. She was the stepmother of Hippolytus, the son of Theseus, by Antiope or Hippolyte, and having fallen in love with him he repulsed her, whereupon she calumniated him before Theseus. After the death of Hippolytus, his innocence became known to his father, and Phaedra made away with herself. Greek

Greek Was the wife of the Athenian Icarius. She was said to have invented the hexameter. Porphyrius designates her as the Delphic priestess of Apollo. Greek

Greek Daughter of Uråñuś and Ge, became by Coeus the mother of Asteria and Leto. According to Aeschylus she was in possession of the Delphic oracle after Themis, and prior to Apollo. Greek

Arabia Said to live a certain number of years, when it makes in Arabia a nest of spices, sings a melodious dirge, flaps his wings to set fire to the pile, burns itself to ashes, and comes forth with new life, to repeat the former one.
Spirit name
German Phynnodderee [the Hairy-one]. A Manx spirit, similar to the Scotch "brownie," and German "kobold." He is said to be an outlawed fairy, and the offence was this: He absented himself without leave from Fairy-court on the great levee-day of the Harvest-moon, being in the glen of Rushen, dancing with a pretty Manx maid whom he was courting.
Goddess name
"Pidari (snake-catcher)"
Hindu / Puranic / later One of the consorts of S IVA. A benevolent NAVASAKTI. The cult of Pidari probably evolved in the sixth and seventh centuries AD and is generally restricted to southern India. She is considered an aspect of the goddess KALI and is invoked in many villages to ward off evil and demons. She has most of the attributes of Kali and may also have snakes around her breasts, but may additionally be represented by a stone. Her cult moved at one time and reached a climax in eastern India between the eighth and twelfth centuries. Attributes: cup, fire, noose and trident. Also Pitali; Kala-Pidari....
Goddess name
Canaanite / Phoenician Minor fertility goddess. Mentioned in epic creation texts and treaties at Ugarit (Ras S amra) as the first daughter of BAAL. She is the consort of BAAL SAPON, the mother of Tly and may be the goddess Peraia described by the Greek writer Philo....
Goddess name
Inuit A goddess of the hunt, fertility and Medicine. She was also the psychopomp, bringing souls of the newly-dead to Adlivun, the underworld. Inuit

"Pisces (the fishes)"
Greek Winter signs. (Greek, zo-on, living creatures.)

Hindu Bo benevolent, she's one of the consorts of Siva Hindu / Puranic

Germany Polednica, Poludnica, Lady Midday. A young girl, a beautiful maiden or a crone who appears at the hottest part of a summer's day. She carries a scythe and will stop people in the field to ask difficult questions and if the person fails to answer a question or is evasive,she will strike them with illness or cut off their head. Germany
Spirit name
Slavonic 'Mistress of the Field'. Slavonic field spirit. She is a trickster who can be propitiated through sacrificial gifts.
Demon name
Ukranian 'Lady Midnight'. A demoness said to frighten children at night. She seems to have originally been the third Zorya of midnight with sisters dawn and Sunset. Ukranian
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