
List of Gods : "Eac" - 267 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Roman A personification of peace. Roman
Spirit name
Roman spirit of peace. Became well-known as Pax Romana and Pax Augusta from the second century BC and was accorded a shrine on the Field of Mars. Depicted as a young woman bearing a cornucopia, an olive branch and a sheaf of corn....
King name
Greek A son of Aeacus and Endeis, was king of the Myrmidons at Phthia in Thessaly. He was a brother of Telamon and step-brother of Phocus, the son of Aeacus, by the Nereid Psamathe. Greek
Goddess name
"Perkun Tete"
Balkans Goddess of thunder and lightning identified with the planet Venus. Each night she receives the Sun, then returns it the next morning washed and shining. Balkans

Greek A son of Poseidon and Cercyra, from whom the Phaeacians derived their name.
Goddess name
"Pidari (snake-catcher)"
Hindu / Puranic / later One of the consorts of S IVA. A benevolent NAVASAKTI. The cult of Pidari probably evolved in the sixth and seventh centuries AD and is generally restricted to southern India. She is considered an aspect of the goddess KALI and is invoked in many villages to ward off evil and demons. She has most of the attributes of Kali and may also have snakes around her breasts, but may additionally be represented by a stone. Her cult moved at one time and reached a climax in eastern India between the eighth and twelfth centuries. Attributes: cup, fire, noose and trident. Also Pitali; Kala-Pidari....
Goddess name
Greek Minor god of riches. A son of DEMETER who was abandoned in childhood and reared by the goddess of peace, EIRENE, who is sometimes depicted holding him in her lap. Plutos was blinded by ZEUS because of his discrimination in favor of the righteous....
Goddess name
"Prajnapti (teaching)"
Jain / India Goddess of learning. One of sixteen VIDYADEVI headed by the goddess SARASVATI....
Supreme god name
Dza'wadeenox Indian / British Columbia, Canada Supreme god. The guardian of the tribe but also a river deity responsible for bringing the salmon each year. Said to live in the river Gwae. His eldest son is TEWI'XILAK, the god of goat hunters. His attributes include a headband of red cedar bark....

Aztec A great teacher, according to the traditions of the Toltecs, who came to them from Tullan or Yucatan and dwelt for twenty years among the people, teaching them to follow a virtuous life, to cease all wars and violent deeds of any kind, to abolish human and animal sacrifices and instead to give offerings of bread and flowers. Aztec
God name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. The Sun deity representing the third of the five world ages each of which lasted for 2,028 heavenly years, each heavenly year being fiftytwo terrestrial years. Assigned to the element fire and presided over by the Rain god TLALOC. According to tradition, the age ended in a cataclysmic destruction caused by a great fiery Rain. The human population perished and in doing so were transformed into dogs, turkeys and butterflies. Illustrated by the “Stone of the Four Suns” [Yale Peabody Museum]. Also Quiauhtonatiuh; Tletonatiuh....
Goddess name
"Raka (trouble) (2)"
Polynesian / Hervey Islands God of winds. The fifth child of VARI-MA-TE-TAKERE, the primordial mother. His home is Moana-Irakau (deep ocean). He received as a gift from his mother a great basket containing the winds, which became his children, each allotted a hole in the edge of the horizon through which to blow. The mother goddess also gave him knowledge of many useful things which he påśśes on to mankind....
King name
Greek Two mythical personages, one the father of Chalciope, and the second a son of Nausithous the king of the Phaeacians, and accordingly a brother of Alcinous. (Apollodorus iii) Greek
God name
Blavatsky The father of Vedic storm gods. "To receive a name Rudra is said to have wept for it. Brahma called him Rudra; but he wept seven times more and so obtained seven other names -- of which he uses one during each 'period'" The secret Doctrine, by H. P. Blavatsky
God name
Phrygian / northwestern Turkey God. Eventually Hellenized, identified with ZEUS and DIONYSOS and linked with Dionysiac mysteries, appearing in Athens from circa 400 BC. His device is a right hand cast in bronze and decorated with symbols representing his benevolence. His influence extended into Roman culture where he reached a height of popularity circa AD 200. As late as AD 300 there are frescoes of Sabazios in the tomb of Vibia whose husband was a priest of the god's cult....
Goddess name
Hindu Goddess of warriors Hindu daughter of the celestial architect Tvastra disguised herself as a horse and fled from her husband. When he caught her, they produced the Ashwini Kumaras, the horse-headed twins. Each day the twins bring the dawn as their chariot speeds through the sky. Hindu
Goddess name
"Santi (peace of mind)"
Hindu Goddess. The consort of TRIVIKRAMA....
Goddess name
"Saraddevi (goddess of autumn)"
BuddhistLamaist / Tibet Fertility and vegetation goddess. Associated with autumn, and an attendant of the goddess SRIDEVI. Her sacred animal is an antelope. Attributes: cup, knife and peaçõçk feather....
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