
List of Gods : "Garden" - 20 records

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Name ▲▼ Origin ▲▼ Description ▲▼

"Fangle Rainbowweb"
Computer games A fairy bringer of fortune who lives at the bottom of my tangled garden and is only seen in the mist of an early morning. She wears tangled dresses of multicoloured petals and has multicoloured wings like a butterfly.
God name
Roman A minor god of orchards & gardens, likely of of Etruscan origin his festival is beingVertumnalia on August 13th

Japan / Shinto An offspring of Okuninushi and a protector of land and gardens. Japan / Shinto
God name
Huli Fertility god of gardening. Huli
Goddess name
Polynesian / including Maori God of Agriculture. He is the father of cultivated food and the special gardener of the kumara or sweet potato which is a vital crop in Polynesia. In New Zealand the first sweet potatoes are offered to Rongomatane. In the traditions of the Hervey Islands, Rongo is one of the five sons of the moon god, Vatea, and the mother goddess, Papa....
God name
Egypt God of gardens. Egypt
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of gardens, plants, flowers, love, prostitution,spring and youth. Her festival was celebrated from the 28th of April till the first of May, with extravagant merriment and lasciviousness. The resemblance between the names Flora and Chloris led the later Romans to identify the two divinities. Roman
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of hope. Foundations of a sanctuary were commenced by the emperor Tiberius, linked with a similar building dedicated to the god JANUS. She is åśśociated with gardens and depicted as a young woman bearing a bunch of flowers....
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of orchards and gardens. Consort of VERTUMNUS generally represented by garden implements and offered fruits and flowers....
Goddess name
Latvia Goddess of the gardens. Latvia
Goddess name
Roman Minor god of gardens and orchards. Of Etruscan origin, he is the consort of the goddess POMONA. Usually represented with garden implements and offered fruit and flowers. He was celebrated annually in the Vertumnalia festival on August 13....
Planet name
"Paradise Lost"
Milton Satan rouses the panic-stricken host of fallen angels to tell them about a rumour current in heaven of a new world about to be created. He calls a council to deliberate what should be done, and they agree to send Satan to search out for the new world. Satan, påśśing the gulf between Hell and heaven and the limbo of Vanity, enters the orb of the Sun (in the guise of an angel) to make inquiries as to the new planet's whereabouts; and, having obtained the necessary information, alights on Mount Niphates, and goes to Paradise in the form of a cormorant. Seating himself on the Tree of Life, he overhears Adam and Eve talking about the prohibition made by God, and at once resolves upon the nature of his attack. Gabriel sends two angels to watch over the bower of Paradise, and Satan flees. Raphael is sent to warn Adam of his danger, and tells him the story of Satan's revolt and expulsion out of heaven, and why and how this world was made. After a time Satan returns to Paradise in the form of a mist, and, entering the serpent, induces Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit. Adam eats "that he may perish with the woman whom he loved." Satan returns to Hell to tell his triumph, and Michael is sent to lead the guilty pair out of the garden. Milton
Goddess name
Chinese The Daoist Goddess of Immortality, owner of the heavenly Peach Garden, and the queen of Paradise. Chinese

Jewish The Jewish Rabbi believed that the soul of the deceased was consigned to a sort of purgatory for twelve months after death, during which time it was allowed to visit its dead body and the places or persons it especially loved. This intermediate state they called by various names, as "the bosom of Abraham," "the garden of Eden," "upper Gehenna." The Sabbath was always a free day, and prayer was supposed to benefit those in this intermediate state.
Angel name
Zohar The angel with the keys to the Garden of Eden. He's also in charge of Saturn. Zohar

Greek The dragon who was believed to guard the apples of the Hesperides. He is said to have been able to åśśume various tones of voice, and to have been the offspring of Typhon and Echidna but he is also called a son of Ge, or of Phorcys and Ceto. He had been appointed to watch in the gardens of the Hesperides by Juno, and never slept; but he was slain by Heracles and the image of the fight was placed by Zeus among the stars. Greek
Goddess name
Sudan The first woman and patron goddess of women and gardens. south Sudan

Taoist The peach of immortality that grew in the garden of Hsi wang mu, "Queen Mother of the West". When the fruit ripened every 3,000 years, the event was celebrated by a sumptuous banquet attended by the Pa Hsien the "Eight Immortals". Taoist
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