
List of Gods : "God20Ard" - 590 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Hindu / Puranic / Vedic / Epic He is the guardian of the north as well as a god of riches
Spirit name
"Kubera (misshapen)"
Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic (1) God of riches. He was originally the head of the YAKSAS spirits of the Forests, but by Puranic times was åśśociated with wealth and productivity. He is also a dikpala guardian of the northern quarter. The son of Pulastya and Idavida, his consorts include Yaksi, VASUDHARA and Vriddhi. Identified with the city of Alaka. He is depicted as a dwarfish figure riding upon a Brahman or a chariot. Color: white. Attributes: generally carrying a purse, but occasionally with various other items. Also Kuvera, Kauveri.(2) God of riches. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. One of a group of DHARMAPALA with terrible appearance and royal attire. Also a dikpala or guardian of the northern quarter. Color: yellow. Attributes: ax, banner, club, cup, hook, Ichneumon disgorging jewels, noose, reliquary and occasionally a trident....
God name
Shinto / Japan Guardian deity. The god who guards the house and its environs as a whole....
God name
Japan / Shinto The god that guards the home & its environs
God name
Mayan / Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. Kukulcan is, in origin, a Toltec god who was adopted by the Mayan culture and who corresponds closely with the Aztec deity QUETZALCOATL. He is chiefly concerned with reincarnation, but is also responsible for the elements of fire, earth and water. He is depicted with various attributes, including a torch or a lizard representing fire, maize for earth, and a fish for water. Also God B....
God name
"Kuladevata (family god)"
Hindu Generic name of a household god. The god is chosen by a family to be their guardian deity and they all åśśemble at his temple, as and when necessary, for worship. Also Kulanayaka....
God name
Shinto / Japan Guardian deity. The god who protects entrance gates....
God name
Japan Guardian god, protects entrance gates Japan / Shinto
Spirit name
Kemchadal / southeastern Siberia Guardian spirit. The counterpart of the Koryak QUIKINN.A'QU, he fashioned the created world into its present form and is the majordomo of the creator god. His consort is Ilkxum and his sister is Xutlizic. His children include SI'MSKALIN, TI'ZIL-KUTKHU and SI'DIUKU. In mythology he is depicted as a salacious character. Also Kutq; Kutkinnaqu....
Goddess name
Babylonian In the Babylonian story of creation, Lahama is the daughter of the primordial goddess Tiamat. She guards the gate to the sea; the sea is her dominion. She holds an overflowing vase; she contains, bestows the waters of life. The Seven Tablets of Creation
God name
Akkadia First-born son of Apsu and Tiamat. He and his sister Lahamu were the parents of Anshar and Kishar, the sky father and earth mother, who begat the first gods. Lahmu was sometimes depicted as a snake, and sometimes as a bearded man with a red sash and six curls on his head. Akkadia
Goddess name
Pre - Christian Latvian Goddess of fate. Particularly concerned with guarding women at childbirth, and with the newborn. Regarded as a household goddess of prosperity and good fortune....
Deities name
Roman Hearth deities. The lares are a peculiarly Roman innovation. Two children, born of a liaison between the god Mercury and a mute naiad, Lara, whose tongue had been cut out by Jupiter, became widely revered by Romans as house guardians. Iconographically they are depicted in the guise of monkeys covered with dog skins with a barking dog at their feet.See also LARUNDA, MERCURIUS....
Supreme god name
Fon / Benin, West Africa God of fate. The youngest son of the supreme god LISA and his consort, the moon goddess MAWU. He is also regarded as a messenger god, moving between Lisa and mankind on earth....
God name
southeastern African Creator god. The name by which the supreme deity is known across a wide area of Zambia and Zimbabwe. Equating to LISA in regions of West Africa. Also regarded as a Rain god. Probably strongly influenced by Islam and, to a lesser extent, by Christianity. Also Leza....
God name
Nkundo / Democratic Republic of Congo, central Africa God. He became the subject of an epic known as Nsongo and Lianja and is regarded today less as a god than a heroic figure, probably under the influence of Christianity....
Deities name
Bangala / Democratic Republic of Congo, central Africa Creator god. One of a pair of supreme deities with his sister / consort Nsongo. He lives at the bottom of the river Congo, traveling the waterways and bringing floods as punishment as well as to generate prosperity. He is regarded as being generally benevolent. Also Ibanza....
God name
Norse Loki. To end, finish; Loke is the end and consummation of divinity. The evil giant-god of the Norse mythology. He steers the ship Naglfar in Ragnarok. He borrows Freyja's feather-garb and accompanies Thor to the giant Thrym, who has stolen Thor's hammer. He is the father of Sleipner; also of the Midgard serpent, of the Fenris-wolf and of Hel. He causes Balder's death, abuses the gods in ?ger's feast, but is captured in Fraanangerforce and is bound by the gods. Norse
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