
List of Gods : "God Ome" - 570 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Indian The divinity invoked by Indian women who desire fecundity. Children born after an invocation to Bod must be redeemed, or else serve in the temple of the goddess. Indian
Goddess name
Pre - Christian Hungarian Tutelary goddess. The guardian deity of women and children, she became syncretized with the Virgin Mary after Christianization....
God name
"Bres Macelatha"
Celtic / Irish vegetation god. The son of ERIU and of the Fomorian king Elatha. He is therefore part TUATHA DE DANAAN by parentage but, having become Lord of Ireland, he sides with the Fomorians in the Battle of Moytura and is defeated. Concerned with the supply of food from the land....
God name
Greek A giant with fifty heads and a hundred hands. Homer says the gods called him Briareos
Goddess name
Celtic Goddess of the seasons, doctors smiths, poets, and women in childbirth Pan-Celtic
Goddess name
"Brigantia/ Bridget/ Brigit"
Pan-Celtic The goddess of the seasons, doctors smiths, poets, & women in childbirth
Goddess name
"Buddhi (perception)"
Hindu / Puranic (1) Minor goddess. Sometimes identified as consort of the MAHA-GANAPATI form of the elephant god GANESA, depicted seated on his knee.(2) Minor goddess. Jain....
Planet name
"Budha (awakening)"
Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic (1) Astral god. The personification of the planet Mercury. The son of SOMA (CANDRA) and TARA or ROHINI. Depicted in a chariot drawn by eight horses or lions (sometimes a single lion). Color: yellow. Attributes: bow, club, rosary, shield and sword. Also Candraja and Candrasuta. 2. Astral god. Buddhist. The personification of the planet Mercury. Stands on a lotus. Attributes: bow and arrow....
Goddess name
"Budhi Pallien"
India A fearsome goddess of Forests and jungles, who roams northern India in the form of a tiger. India
God name
"Buluc Chabtan"
Mayan Sometimes referred to as "God F," he was a war god who received human sacrifices. Mayan
Goddess name
"CHALCHIUHTLICUE (her skirt is of jade)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico water goddess. Featuring strongly in creation mythology, Chalchiuhtlicue presided over the fourth of the world ages which terminated in a great deluge. She is the tutelary deity of the fourth of the thirteen heavens identified at the time of the Spanish conquest, Ilhuicatl Citlalicue (the heaven of the star-skirted goddess). She takes the role of a vegetation goddess responsible for the flowering and fruiting of the green world, particularly maize; she also takes responsibility for such natural phenomena as whirlpools. Attributes include a rattle on a baton, and her dress is adorned with waterlilies....
Goddess name
"COATLICUE (the serpent-skirted goddess)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Mother goddess. The creator goddess of the earth and mankind and the female aspect of OMETEOTL. One of the group clåśśed as the TETEOINNAN complex. She has 400 sons, the stars of the southern sky, and is the mother of the goddess COYOLXAUHQUI. Later, as a widow, she was impregnated by a ball of feathers as she was sweeping the “serpent mountain” of Coatepec near Tula. Her other children decapitated her as punishment for her dishonor, but she gave birth to the Sun god HUITZILOPOCHTLI who subsequently slew Coyolxauhqui and her brothers, thus banishing night for day. According to tradition Coatlicue feeds off human corpses. She is also recognized as the patron deity of florists....
Goddess name
Roman / Celtic / British Tutelary and water goddess of uncertain affinities. Little is known of Coventina other than that she was a purely local British goddess of some importance. She is best observed from the period of the Roman occupation, at which time she shows a clåśśical influence but is clearly Celtic in origin....
Goddess name
Carthaginian / North Africa moon goddess. The Romanized form of the Punic goddess TANIT. Elsewhere she became syncretized into the cult of APHRODITE-VENUS. Annual games were held in her honor. She was brought to Rome in the form of an abstract block of stone (like that of KYBELE from Pessinus) and became popular there during the early part of the third century AD; in this guise she was known as the “mighty protectress of the Tarpeian hill.”...
God name
"Camaxtli aka Mixcoatl-Camaxtli"
Aztec A god of hunting, war, fate and fire and one of the four creator gods, who made the earth. He leads human sacrifices and warriors who have been slain in battle to the eastern sky, where they become stars. Aztec
Goddess name
Roman Goddesses of springs, wells and fountains, or water nymphs of Venus . They were wise, and sometimes gave prophecies of the future. There were four Camenae: Carmenta, Egeria, Antevorta, and Postvorta. Roman
Goddess name
Hindu / Epic / Puranic (1) Goddess. A distinct form of DURGA. The name is said to be a contraction of the names of the demonic beings Camda and Munda killed by her. She is also recognized among the SAPTAMATARA and ASTAMATARA mothers as well as sometimes being regarded as a NAVASAKTI. She stands variously on a lion, an owl and a corpse. Attributes: a large and varied åśśortment of objects are held. Three-eyed. Also YAMI.(2) Goddess. Buddhist. She stands upon a corpse. Color: red. Attributes: cup and knife....
Goddess name
"Carmenta aka Carmentis"
Roman Goddess of childbirth, prophecy, charms and spells. Her soothing words ease the pains of women in labour, heal the ills of childhood, foretell the futures of brides and that of their children. Roman
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