
List of Gods : "God She" - 838 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Etruscan sky god. His attribute is a bunch of lightning flashes and he may appear in åśśociation with THALNA, goddess of birth. In Roman culture he becomes syncretized with JUPITER....
Goddess name
Greek Blind as Tiresias. Tiresias the Theban by accident saw Athena bathing, and the goddess struck him with blindness by splashing water in his face. She afterwards repented doing so, and, as she could not restore his sight, conferred on him the power of soothsaying, and gave him a staff with which he could walk as safely as if he had his sight. He found death at last by drinking from the well of Tilphosa. Greek
Goddess name
Aztec A chthonic creator goddess. (Tlal-teh-koo-tlee) is the monstrous earth goddess. Her name means "The one who give and devours life" and she required many human sacrifices to sustain her.
Goddess name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Chthonic creator goddess. In Aztec cosmogony, Tlaltecuhtli is a monstrous, toad-like figure whose body is cleaved in two by the gods TEZCATLIPOCA and QUETZALCOATL to fashion heaven and earth. The ruler of the second of the thirteen heavens known at the time of the Spanish conquest, Ilhuicatl Tlalocan Ipan Metztli (the heaven of the Paradise of the Rain god over the moon), she is also one of the group clåśśed as the MICTLANTECUHTLI complex. She is said to swallow the Sun each evening and disgorge it in the dawn. She also devours the blood and hearts of sacrificial victims and the souls of the dead.See also CIPACTLI....
Goddess name
"Tou Mou"
Chinese Goddess of measure. Usually depicted with many arms and with a caste mark on her forehead, suggesting that she derives from the goddess of the aurora, MARICI, in Indian Buddhism. She is considered to live in the constellation of Ursa major and may also be an aspect of the astral goddess TIN HAU....
Goddess name
"Touia Fatuna (iron stone)"
Polynesian / Tonga earth goddess. The daughter of Kele (slime) and Limu (seaweed), she is the apotheosis of rock deep in the earth and is periodically in labor, at which time she rumbles and shakes and produces children....
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan Goddess of foodstuffs. An ambiguous deity often identified with Inari, she is said in the Kojiki to be a daughter of WakuMusubi-No-Kami and a great granddaughter of IZANAGI and IZANAMI. Her main sanctuary is the Geku in Ise, whither she was allegedly removed from Tamba after the emperor had received a dream-message from the Sun goddess AMATERASU in AD 478....
Goddess name
"Trmi Mu"
Chinese Goddess of lightning. She is said to flash her mirror at an intended victim of the god LEI KUNG'S thunderbolts to ensure his aim....
God name
Celtic / Irish Minor god. Tsai Shen...
God name
"Tsai Shen"
China A god of wealth, åśśociated with the mandarins
God name
"Tsai Shen Yeh aka Lu Shing"
China Tsai Shen Yeh aka Lu Shing or The Star God of Wealth. God of wealth. China
Goddess name
"Tu (1)"
Chinese Chthonic earth goddess. A fertility spirit also identified as she who was invoked to bring good harvests by phallic-shaped mounds of earth left in the fields....
Goddess name
Etruscan Goddess of love. The tutelary deity of Vulci, she is depicted bearing wings and with attributes including a swan, a dove and a blossom....
Goddess name
Greco - Roman Goddess of fortune. She appears as a nereid in the Hymn to Demeter (Homer). According to Hesiod's Theogony she is the daughter of OKEANOS. Elsewhere she is identified as the daughter of ZEUS and HERA. She is depicted carrying a rudder or, alternatively, cornucopiae. Also mentioned as Agathe Tyche, the consort of Agathos Daemon. She became widely identified with the Asian mother goddess KYBELE but was replaced, in Roman times, by the goddess FORTUNA and åśśociated symbolically with a wheel device. She retained popularity for a long time. There is a record that the Emperor Julian sacrificed to Tyche at Antioch in AD 361-2 and her temple was still intact during the reign of Theodosius (379-95)....
God name
Greek A daughter of Salmoneus and Alcidice, was the wife of Cretheus, and the beloved of the river-god Enipeus in Thessaly, in the form of whom Poseidon appeared to her, and became by her the father of Pelias and Neleus. By Cretheus she was the mother of Aeson, Pheres, and Amythaon. Greek
Goddess name
"Tzu Sun Niangniang"
China The mother goddess that has a protective role, She had been the wife of a mortal
Goddess name
"Tzu Sun Niangniang"
Chinese Mother goddess. One of the “nine dark ladies” of the pantheon who are regarded as having a protective role. She was the mortal wife of a minor official and, having borne him five sons and two daughters, committed suicide in order to ensure her future chastity. She is invoked at weddings to provide children, especially sons, and special cakes are eaten by the bride and groom. One of her more famous sanctuaries, on the island of Taiwan, is the Yin Yang Stone....
Goddess name
Egypt Wadjit, Wedjet, originally a local city goddess she eventually became the patron goddess of the whole of Lower Egypt åśśociated with the land.
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