
List of Gods : "Goddess Wit" - 581 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Egypt Minor mortuary goddess. Known from the middle of the third millennium BC, she protects the throne of the king in the guise of a scorpion. She is depicted in human form wearing a headpiece in the form of a scorpion with its sting raised. In the Pyramid Texts she is the mother of the scorpion god NEHEBU-KAU. In her role as a mortuary goddess she is partly responsible for guarding the jars containing the viscera of the deceased. Although she is never identified as warding off the effect of scorpion stings, her influence has been regarded as effective against other venomous attacks. Also Selkis (Greek)....
Goddess name
Egypt Goddess of libraries and the art of writing. Known from 2500 BC, or earlier, until the end of Egyptian history circa AD 400. She is depicted anthropomorphically bearing a seven-pointed star or rosette on her head, sometimes atop a wand and below a bow-shaped object. Early in her career she was åśśociated with the ritual of “stretching the cord” during which boundary poles were rammed into the ground by the king before measuring out the foundations of a sanctuary. As a scribe she recorded the lists of foreign captives and their tributes. At Karnak in Upper Egypt and at Dendara she recorded the royal jubilees on a notched palm stem.See also SEFKHET-ABWY....
Goddess name
"Sheela Na Gig"
Celtic / Irish Mother goddess. The primal earth mother closely åśśociated with life and death. One of the rare depictions of Irish Celtic deities that have survived into the Christian era. She is shown naked, with large breasts, with her legs apart and holding open her vag***. The image frequently adorns walls of Irish churches. Also Sheila na Cioch....
Goddess name
"Sheng Mu"
China Goddess of witchcraft. China
Goddess name
Western Semitic / Phoenician Minor attendant goddess. The personification of the holiness of sanctuaries of BAAL S AMIN. In Hellenic times she may have become syncretized with TYCHE....
Goddess name
"Siddhi (accomplishment, success)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Minor goddess of good fortune. A deity who grants favors. Sometimes åśśociated with the elephant god GANESA or MAHA-GANAPATI, on whose knee she may sit. In earlier times she was described as a consort of BHAGA....
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian Minor goddess of brewing. Also identified with wisdom....
Goddess name
Norse The wife of Thor and mother of Uller. The word denotes affinity. Sif, the golden-haired goddess, wife of Thor, betokens mother earth with her bright green gråśś. She was the goddess of the sanctity of the family and wedlock, and hence her name. Norse
Goddess name
Hindu / Vedic Minor goddess of prosperity. Associated specifically with the boon of children. The mistress of the nuclear family. She is depicted as a matronly lady....
Goddess name
Roman / Celtic / Gallic Local goddess of healing. Known from limited inscriptions in which she is usually åśśociated with the god GRANNUS or with the Celtic APOLLO. A sculpture from Hochscheid in the Moselle basin in Germany describes her with a snake round her wrist reaching toward a bowl of three eggs in her left hand. She may also have a small lapdog. Some authors suggest she has sky åśśociations.See also DIVONA and ONUAVA....
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian Sheep goddess. Known from inscriptions and påśśing comments in texts. Syncretized with NINSUN....
Goddess name
"Sitala(mata) (possibly meaning ‘mother cold')"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Mother goddess. One of seven SAKTIS who in later Hinduism became regarded as of evil intent, inflicting sickness. Particularly known from Bengal where she may be identified with the goddess KALI. Usually standing naked upon a lotus or riding an åśś. Alternatively symbolized by a stone on which a face is painted. Attribute: waterjar....
Goddess name
"Sitapatra (with a white umbrella)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Goddess. An emanation of VAIROCANA and a female BODHISATTVA or buddhadesignate. Color: white. Attributes: arrow, bow, hook, noose, parasol, prayer wheel and white staff. Sometimes three-eyed and three-headed....
Goddess name
Nordic / Icelandic Goddess. One of the AESIR goddesses. The daughter of the giant Thiåśśi and consort of the god NJORD. By tradition she lives apart from her husband, he preferring the coast and she the mountains. She is described as “ski lady,” a huntress who travels on skis and hunts game with a bow. She is constantly at odds with the god LOKI and on one occasion, when he had been captured and held down with stones, she tried to poison him by suspending a poisonous snake over his face. Loki's consort SIGYN saved him by collecting the venom in a bowl....
Goddess name
"Sobek (rager)"
Egypt God epitomizing the might of the pharaohs. Said to be the son of NEITH, the creator goddess of Sais. He is depicted as a crocodile wearing a plumed headdress, or as a part-human hybrid. The crocodile imagery suggests an ability to attack and kill with sudden speed. Sobek's cult was extensive along the Nile valley, but was particularly prominent in the fertile Faiyum region. Near Aswan in Upper Egypt a sanctuary dedicated to Sobek identifies him as the consort of HATHOR and the father of KHONSU. Also Suchos (Greek)....
Goddess name
Hindu Minor goddess identified with Tripurasundari, the radiant light in the three eyes of Shiva. She is the source of his wisdom, soul and consciousness. Hindu
Supreme god name
"Sol (1)"
Roman Sun god. Known by the full title of Sol Indiges, meaning “the indigenous Sol,” which may suggest a purely Roman cult on the Quirinal Hill, but there are also inferences that this deity is of more ancient origin. Coins from southern Italy depicting the god with a radiate image date back to circa 200 BC but he rose to particular prominence during the republican period. His festival was celebrated annually on August 9. Nero had a huge statue of himself, as Sol, erected in Rome and the emperor Aurelian elevated Sol to supreme god in the Roman pantheon when Jupiter Conservator gave way to Sol Invictus (the unconquered Sun). Sol may sometimes be linked with AURORA, the goddess of dawn....
Goddess name
Roman Minor god of sleep. He equates with the Greek god HYPNOS. According to legend he is one of the two sons of NYX, goddess of night, and lives in a remote cave beside the Lethe river. He is depicted by Ovid dressed in black but with his robe scattered with stars, wearing a crown of poppies and holding a goblet of opium juice. His attendant is MORPHEUS and he oversees the spirits of dreams and nightmares. Particularly noted from the art of the Lacedaemonians who placed statues of Somnus and MORS side by side....
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