
List of Gods : "Lied" - 52 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Greek A son of Jason by Hypsipyle, in the island of Lemnos, from whence he supplied the Greeks during their war against Troy with wine. Greek
Goddess name
Celtic / Irish Tutelary goddess. A name applied to the “Sovereignty of Ireland.” By tradition Irish rulers-designate were offered a cup called the dergflaith to drink from, denoting their acceptance as consort of the goddess....

Norse The High One, applied to Odin. Norse
God name
"Hari (yellowish brown)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Minor incarnation of the god V IS'NU. Popularized by modern religious movements, Hari is one of the sons of the god DHARMA who sprang from the heart of BRAHMA. He is most closely linked with KRSNA, but he and Krsna also parallel Dharma's other sons, NARA and NARAYANA. Hari can be a more generic epithet applied to several Hindu gods....
God name
Polynesian / including Maori vegetation god. The deity concerned with wild plants gathered as food, and particularly with the rhizome of the bracken which has been traditionally relied on by the Maori in times of famine or need....

Greek The male and female descendants of Helios, and might accordingly be applied to all his children, but in mythology the name is given more particularly to the seven sons and the one daughter of Helios by Rhode or Rhodos. Their names are, Cercaphus, Actis, Macareus, Tanages, Triopas, Phaeton, Ochimus, and Electryone. Greek
God name
Roman The guardian or protector of the law of hospitality, the title is applied to a distinct clåśś of gods, though their names are not mentioned. The great protector of hospitality was Jupiter, at Rome called Jupiter hospitalis. Roman

Arabic An Arab idol brought from Bulka, in Syria, by Amir Ibn-Lohei, who åśśerted that it would procure Rain when wanted. It was the statue of a man in red agate; one hand being lost, a golden one was supplied. He held in his hand seven arrows without wings or feathers, such as the Arabians use in divination. This idol was destroyed in the eighth year of "the flight." Arabic
Angel name
Germanic This possibly Irmin, found in The Hildebrandslied, strangely the poem shows Christian influence
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan Generic name for a deity. The title applied to the gods and goddesses of Shintoism....
Spirit name
Mayan The god of death and earthquakes. If a person lied, was a thief, or committed murder or incest, their soul is given to Kisin, who punishes the spirit by alternate burning or freezing. Mayan
Deities name
Greek Forest deities. Known from Ephesus and other sites as the spirits of trees and streams, they are also perceived as nymphs who dance in attendance on the baby ZEUS. The term is also applied to a bride or young woman....
God name
Hindu A name of Skanda, god of war. In the Brahmanas the term is applied to Agni. Hindu
God name
Nordic / Icelandic God of wisdom and inspiration. An AESIR god who lives in the world of the Frost Giants. He guards the well of knowledge, filled by a spring which flows beneath the world Tree, Yggdrasil, and which is supplied from the primeval waters. The god OTHIN drank from the spring to acquire knowledge, having forfeited one of his eyes to Mimir. Said to be the wisest among the gods. According to some sources he was sent as hostage to the VANIR in their war with the Aesir and was killed by them (see Othin). Some authors argue that he is more properly a giant than a god. Said to be accompanied often by the silent god HOENIR. Mimir warns Othin of the final onslaught at Ragnarok (doom)....
God name
"MOT (death)"
Canaanite / Phoenician / northern Israel, Lebanon / Syrian coastal regions God of natural adversity. ot is the Canaanite representation of adversity in the natural world. He lives in a pit within the earth and is responsible for its annual death from drought and heat: “he has scorched the olive, the produce of the earth and the fruit of the trees.” He engages in the clåśśic confrontation with the Canaanite hero and national god, BAAL. Though the duel results in Baal's demise, his death is avenged by his twin sister ANAT, who slays Mot, then cleaves, winnows, burns and grinds him with a millstone, in what appears to be a ritual allied to the sowing of seed and harvesting (see OSIRIS). Baal is later restored. The conflict probably formed the basis of an annual ritual drama at the Canaanite New Year which was held in the autumn. In the texts Mot is the son of Il and his mother is AS'ERAH (ATHIRAT)....

"Man of Sin"
Roman The Roman Catholics say the Man of Sin is Antichrist. The Puritans applied the term to the Pope of Rome; the Fifth-Monarchy men to Cromwell; many modern theologians apply it to that "wicked one" (identical with the "last horn" of Dan. vii.) who is to immediately precede the second advent.
Goddess name
Hindu Mother goddess applied to the Divine mothers Hindu
Goddess name
Hindu Mother goddess. Applied collectively to groups of deities, the Divine mothers, also more specifically to the consort of the god KASYAPA. As Divine mothers they are also regarded as SAKTIS. The numbers vary according to separate traditions and they are therefore identified as the SAPTAMATARAS (seven), ASTAMATARAS (eight) and NAVASAKTIS (nine). Less commonly there may be up to fifty mataras in a group. Their images are normally carved in stone (very few exist in metal) and they are depicted seated, often upon a corpse, and may be of terrifying appearance....
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