
List of Gods : "Nin" - 811 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Greco - Roman Goddess of joining. Daughter of ARES (MARS) and APHRODITE (VENUS) or Cytherea. The consort of Cadmus and mother of Ino, SEMELE, Agave, Autonoe and Polydorus. She is the apotheosis of harmony in life which is also displayed in musical euphony. Also Hermione....
God name
Egypt Form of the god HORUS. Specifically when personifying the child of ISIS and OSIRIS. According to the Pyramid Texts, Harsiese performs the “opening of the mouth” rite for the dead king....
God name
Navaho / USA Chief house god. Also a god of farming identified with the west and the sky at Sunset. Regarded as a benevolent deity who aids mankind and cures disease. Believed to live in a cave system near San Juan. He also has a malevolent aspect in which he can cast evil spells. His priest wears a blue mask, at the bottom of which is a horizontal yellow band representing evening light, with eight vertical black strokes representing Rain. It is decorated with eagle and owl feathers....
God name
"Hastseyalti (talking elder)"
Navaho / USA Chief of gods. Not regarded as a creator deity, but god of the dawn and the eastern sky. Also guardian of animals in the hunt and, possibly, of corn. Regarded as a benevolent deity who aids mankind and cures disease. He also has a malevolent aspect in which he can cast evil spells. His priest invokes him in a ceremonial dance wearing a white mask with a symbol consisting of a corn stalk with two ears. At the bottom is a horizontal yellow band representing evening light, with eight vertical black strokes representing Rain. Also Yebitsai....
Goddess name
Hawaii A goddess of fertility and childbirth. With Kane Milohai, she is the mother of Pele, Ka-moho-ali'i, Namaka, Pere, Kapo and Hi'iaka. She was a powerful sorceress and gave birth to many creatures; some after turning herself into a young woman to marry her children and grandchildren. She was finally killed by Kaulu. Hawaii

Greek Second wife of Priam, and mother of nineteen children. When Troy was taken by the Greeks she fell to the lot of Ulysses. She was afterwards metamorphosed into a dog, and threw herself into the sea. Greek

"Heidrun [Bright-running]"
Norse A goat that stands over Valhal. Norse

Norse He was the heavenly watchman in the old mythology, answering to St. Peter in the medieval. According to the Lay of Rig (Heimdal), he was the father and founder of the different clåśśes of men, nobles, churls and thralls. He has a horn called Gjallar-horn, which he blows at Ragnarok. His dwelling is Himinbjorg. He is the keeper of Bifrost (the Rainbow). Nine giantesses are his mothers. Norse
Goddess name
"Hel or Hela"
Scandinavian queen of the dead, is goddess of the ninth earth or nether world. She dwelt beneath the roots of the sacred ash (yggdrasil), and was the daughter of Loki. The All-father sent her into Helheim, where she was given dominion over nine worlds, and to one or other of these nine worlds she sends all who die of sickness or old age. Her dwelling is Elvidnir (dark clouds), her dish Hungr (hunger), her knife Sullt (starvation), her servants Ganglati (tardy-feet), her bed Kor (sickness), and her bed-curtains Blikiandabol (splendid misery). Half her body was blue. Scandinavian
Goddess name
Greek The light of the terrestrial regions as Aether is the light of the heavenly regions. The Protogenos and the female personification of day. Both were the offspring of Erebus and Nyx. Hemera was closely identified with Hera, the wife of Zeus, and Eos the goddess of the morning red, who brings up the light of day from the east. Greek
Spirit name
Tongans In the beginning there was just the sea, and the spirit world. Tangaloa took the sky and Maui the underworld. Hemoana in the form of a sea snake, and Lupe, whose form was a dove, then divided the remainder between them, Hemoana taking the sea and Lupe taking the land. Tongans

Greek The name is compounded of Hermes and Aphrodite. He was originally a male Aphrodite (Aphroditus), and represented as a Hermes with the phallus, the symbol of fertility, but afterwards as a Divine being combining the two sexes, and usually with the head, breasts, and body of a female, but with the sexual parts of a man. Greek
Goddess name
Greek These goddesses of evenings and the golden light of Sunset were the famous guardians of the golden apples which Ge had given to Hera at her marriage with Zeus. Their names are Aegle, Erytheia, Hestia, and Arethusa, but their descent is not the same in the different traditions; sometimes they are called the daughters of night or Erebus (Theogony of Hesiod 215), sometimes of Phorcys and Ceto, sometimes of Atlas and Hesperis, whence their names Atlantides or Hesperides, and sometimes of Hesperus, or of Zeus and Themis Greek
Goddess name
Greek The goddess of evening

Greek The evening-star, is called by Hesiod a son of Astraeus and Eos, and was regarded, even by the ancients, as the same as the morning star, whence both Homer and Hesiod call him the bringer of light. Diodorus calls him a son of Atlas, who was fond of astronomy, and once, after having ascended Mount Atlas to observe the stars, he disappeared. Greek
Goddess name
Greek The goddess of the hearth, or rather the fire burning on the hearth, was regarded as one of the twelve great gods, and accordingly as a daughter of Cronus and Rhea. Greek
God name
Haida Indian / Queen Charlotte Island, Canada Tribal god. The personification of the thunderbird known to many Indian tribes. The noise of the thunder is caused by the beating of its wings, and when it opens its eyes there is lightning. The thunder clouds are its cloak....
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan Fire god. The deity whose birth caused the death by burning of the primordial goddess IZANAMI after which the eight thunders sprang from her corpse....
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