
List of Gods : "Ona" - 400 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Dirona aka Sirona"
Gaul Serona, Sarona, Dirona, Sthirona. The Star Goddess of Gaul
Goddess name
Celtic / Gallic Fertility goddess. Associated with water and known only from inscriptions....
Goddess name
Huron Goddess of justice, fairness and peace. Huron
Nymph name
Greek A son of Zeus by Europa, from whom the oracle of Dodona was believed to have derived its name. Other traditions traced the name to a nymph of the name of Dodone. Greek

Greece A famous oracle in Epiros, and the most ancient of Greece. It was dedicated to Zeus, and situated in the village of Dodona.

Greek A son of Hermes, who had a sepulchral monument in the neighbourhood of Peiresiae and Magnesa, which was visible at a, great distance, and at which the Argonauts landed and offered up sacrifices. (Argonautica) Greek
God name
Germanic God of the sky and thunder. germanic
God name
Germanic storm god. The god of thunder whose symbol is either a hammer or an ax. The day name Donnerstag in modern German equates with Thursday, a corruption of Thor's day.See also THOR....
Spirit name
Austrian An water-spirit who asks all who come to the river what they wish most, and then ducks them in the river. Austrian

Celtic The Celtic religious movement returning to the traditional pre-Christian values, customs and faith of the Celtic people.
Deities name
"Dsahadoldza (fringe mouth)"
Navaho / USA Chthonic god of earth and water. A number of deities are known under this title. The priest impersonating the god has one side of his body painted red and the other side black. He wears a buckskin mask painted with a horizontal yellow band to represent the evening sky and eight vertical black stripes to represent Rain....
Goddess name
Korekore / Shona / northern Zimbabwe, southern Africa Chthonic mother goddess. Originally said to have ruled both heaven and earth and lived in a palace by a sacred lake near Dande. She is depicted wearing goatskins and bearing a cornucopia holding magical substances. Her sacred creatures are mythical golden Sunbirds, probably modeled on swallows, a pair of which were actually discovered in Zimbabwe....
Deities name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. The Sun deity representing the second of the five world ages, each of which lasted for 2028 heavenly years, each heavenly year being fifty-two terrestrial years. Assigned to the air or wind and presided over by QUETZALCOATL, to whose complex of deities he belongs. According to tradition, the age ended in a cataclysmic destruction caused by hurricanes. All humanity turned into monkeys. Illustrated by the “Stone of the Four Suns” [Yale Peabody Museum]. Also (4) Ehecatl; Ehecatonatiuh....
God name
"Ek Chuah"
Mayan / Mesoamerican / Mexico God of merchants. Also the deity responsible for the cacao crop. (The cacao bean was traditionally the standard currency throughout Mesoamerica.) Probably of Putun origin, he is typically depicted painted black, except for a red area around the lips and chin. He has a distinctive downwardly projecting lower lip, horseshoe shapes around each eye and a highly elongated nose. He may also bear a scorpion's tail. Other attributes include a carrying strap in his headdress and sometimes a pack on his back. Also God M....
Goddess name
"Ekajata (she who has but one chignon)"
Buddhist / Varjayana Goddess of good fortune. She offers happiness and removes personal obstacles. Occasionally found attending the goddess Khadirayani-Tara. She is an emanation of AKSOBHYA and a form of TARA. She may have one or twelve heads. Color: blue. Attributes: arrow, ax, bell, blue lotus, Book, bow, conch, cup, hook, image of AMITABHA on the crown, knife, noose, skull, staff, sword and tiger skin. Three-eyed....
Goddess name
Greek A daughter of Orchomenus or Minyas, who became by Zeus the mother of the giant Tityus and Zeus, from fear of Hera, concealed her under the earth. (Apollodorus i. Argonautica) This was where she gave birth to Tityas, who some traditions state to be the son of Elara and Gaia, the earth goddess. Greek
Goddess name
Celtic Divine horse. Mother Goddess and goddess of horses. Celtic
God name
"Epos Olloatir"
Celtic horse God often seen as either a male or male representation and masculine aspect of Epona. Celtic
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