
List of Gods : "Ona" - 400 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

"Halios or Halius"
Greek The name of two mythical personages, one a Lycian, who was slain by Odysseus and the other a son of Alcinous and Arete.

"Hanoona Wilapona"
Mexico The Sun-father of the Zuni Indians. New Mexico
Deities name
"Hanui-o-Rangi (fatber of winds)"
Polynesian God of winds and weather. He is the son of the sky god RANGINUI, who fathered him on one of his early consorts, Pokoharua, the sister of TANGAROA, the sea god. All the subsequent descendants of Hanui-o-Rangi are believed to rule over various aspects of the weather. Hanui thus fathered Tawhiri, the god of the northwest wind, whose son was Tiu. They control the fierce storms from the east. The children of Tiu include Hine-I-Tapapauta and Hine-Tu-Whenua, the deities overseeing the more gentle westerly winds. Hine-Tu-Whenua is the mother of Hakona-Tipu and Pua-I-Taha, controlling the southern and southwesterly gales....
God name
Navaho / USA God of racing. He organizes and oversees athletic races. The priest who impersonates him has to be a good runner and challenges others, using high-pitched squeaking calls. If the priest wins, the contender is whipped with a yucca scourge. If the contender wins, there is no penalty! A fastidious deity who avoids contact with any unclean objects. His ceremonial mask is a domino shape covering mouth and throat with white shells over the eyes and mouth....
God name
Polynesian / including Maori vegetation god. The deity concerned with wild plants gathered as food, and particularly with the rhizome of the bracken which has been traditionally relied on by the Maori in times of famine or need....
Nymph name
Greek A son of Deucalion and Pyrrha, or, according to others, a son of Zeus and Dorippe (Argonautica), or of Prometheus and Clymene, and a brother of Deucalion. By the nymph Orseis, that is, the mountain nymph, he became the father of Aeolus, Dorus, and Xuthus to whom some add Amphictyon. Greek
Goddess name
Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet Goddess of Winter. One of several seasonal deities. Also an attendant of Sridevi. Usually accompanied by a camel. Color: blue. Attributes: cup and hammer....
Deities name
Buddhist / Mahayana God. One of the most popular deities in the pantheon, though probably owing much to the influence of the Hindu god S IWA. Originally an epithet for another Hindu god, GANESA, but in Buddhism seen as an emanation of AKSOBHYA. His SAKTI is NAIRAMATA and the product of their liaison is nirvana (eternal bliss). Typically he stands upon a corpse. In northeastern India, Heruka is worshiped as a compåśśionate god. Attributes: club, flayed human skin, image of Aksobhya, jewel, knife, fifty skulls, sword, staff and teeth....

Greek 1. the name of two mythical personages, respecting whom nothing of interest is related. 2. A musician of the Mythic period, before the Trojan war. He is said to have invented the Hieracian measure and to have been the friend and disciple of Olympus the musician. He died young. Greek

Roman Was regarded as the protectress of horses. Images of her, either statues or paintings, were frequently seen in niches of stables. Roman
Goddess name
Huli Primeval goddess Huli
King name
Greek The youngest son of the Spartan king Amyclas and Diomede (Apollodorus iii), but according to others a son of Pierus and Clio, or of Oebalus or Eurotas. He was a youth of extraordinary beauty, and beloved by Thamyris and Apollo, who unintentionally killed him during a game of discus. Greek
King name
Greek A son of Theiodamas, king of the Dryopes, by the nymph Menodice or a son of Heracles, Euphemus, or Ceyx. He was the favourite of Heracles, who, after having killed his father, Theiodamas, took him with him when he joined the expedition of the Argonauts. When the Argonauts landed on the coast of Mysia, Hylas went out to fetch water for Heracles but when he came to a well, his beauty excited the love of the Naiads, who drew him down into the water, and he was never seen again. Greek
Hero name
Greek One of the Spartae, or the men that grew up from the dragon's teeth sown by Cadmus, was worshipped as a hero at Thebes. (Apollodorus iii) There are two other mythical personages of this name, one a son of Poseidon and Alcyone (Apollodorus iii), and the other a son of the Trojan Panthous, who was slain by Menelaus. Greek
King name
Greek A son of Peneius, and the Naiad Creusa, or Phillyra, the daughter of Asopus, was king of the Lapithae, and married to Chlidanope, by whom he became the father of Cyrene, Alcaea, Themisto, and Astyageia. (Apollodorus) Another personage of this name occurs in Ovid (Metamorphoses v by Ovid). Greek

Greek A son of Ares and Astyoche, and brother of Ascalaphus. One the Argonauts and a suitor of Helena. Greek
God name
"Ida Ten"
Japan Young god who protects monasteries and is rather quick Japan
God name
Japan Buddhist god of law and monasteries. Japan
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