
List of Gods : "Ona" - 400 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Spirit name
Suk / western Kenya, East Africa Sickness god. A spirit of personal illness rather than plague. The sick person's house is emptied and the priest exorcizes Oi out of the dwelling....
God name
"Oi Suk"
Kenya A god more long the lines of personal illness rather than plague

Greek A mythical personage, who is represented as the earliest Greek lyric poet, and the first author of sacred hymns in hexameter verse. He is closely connected with the worship of Apollo, of whom, in one legend, he was made the prophet. Greek
Deity name
Mesoamerican Sun deity of the fifth and final era, the Fifth Sun. Mesoamerican
God name
Yoruba The sky Father and creator of the universe. Occasionally androgynous or female, he is a god of peace, purity and harmony. Yoruba
God name
"Ometecuhtli/ Olin-Tonatiuh"
Aztec / Toltec The god of duality & a supreme deity
God name
"Ometeoti (two god)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Primordial being. According to some traditions, the dual principle personified in a bisexual force which the Aztecs believed to be the only reality, all else being illusory. Ometeotl rules in the highest (thirteenth) heaven, Omeyocan (place of duality) which rests above Sun, moon, wind and other elements. Ometeotl impregnated itself to engender the four TEZCATLIPOCAS (aspects of the Sun). Another female aspect, COATLICUE, gave birth to the national Aztec god HUITZILOPOCHTLI. No formal cult existed for Ometeotl, but he was considered to be present in every aspect of ritual.See also TONACATECUHTLI and TONACACIHUATL....
Demon name
Enochian A cacodemon. Enochian
Spirit name
Iroquois spirit of wheat. Iroquois

"Onaugh or Oona"
Ireland A munster queen and the faery wife of the Tuatha leader Finvarra. Ireland
Spirit name
Nazorean A spirit who will summon the dead and raise them to life again. Early Nazorean
Goddess name
"Onuris [Greek]"
Egypt God of hunting and war. Onuris is first known from This, near Abydos in Upper Egypt. In later times his main cult center was at Samannud in the Nile delta. His consort is the lion goddess Mekhit. Onuris is generally depicted in human form as a bearded figure wearing a crown with four plumes and wielding a spear or occasionally holding a rope. He is sometimes accompanied by Mekhit in iconography. Seen as a hunter who caught and slew the enemies of RE, the Egyptian Sun god, some legends place him close to the battle between HORUS and SETH. In clåśśical times, Onuris became largely syncretized with the Greek war god ARES. Also Anhuret (Egyptian)....
King name
Christian Seven appeared in chaos, androgynous. They have their masculine names and their feminine names. The feminine name is Pronoia (Forethought) Sambathas, which is 'week'. And his son is called Yao: his feminine name is Lordship. Sabaoth: his feminine name is deity. Adonaios: his feminine name is kingship. Elaios: his feminine name is Jealousy. Oraios: his feminine name is Wealth. And Astaphaios: his feminine name is Sophia (Wisdom). These are the seven forces of the seven heavens of chaos. And they were born androgynous, consistent with the immortal pattern that existed before them, according to the wish of Pistis: so that the likeness of what had existed since the beginning might reign to the end. Christian / Gnostic. The Nag Hammadi

Roman A female Roman divinity, to whom an altar was erected at Rome, near the temple of the Lares in the Via Sacra. She was invoked by parents who had been deprived of their children, and desired to have others, and also in dangerous maladies of children. Roman
Spirit name
GrecoRoman Animistic spirits of the mountains. Female personalities åśśigned the guardianship of mountains by the great gods. Invoked by travelers to ensure their safety....
God name
"Ori (mind)"
Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa God of wisdom. The deity who, in heaven, guides the soul but who also acts as a personal guardian, controlling individual mental ability, so that one person becomes wise and another foolish....
God name
Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa God of destiny. He accompanied the creator god OLODUMARE at the creation of the world and when the destinies of mankind were decided. He is consulted in an oracular capacity at IFA and makes decisions on such matters as choice of sacrificial animals. He is also a god of healing and in many households enjoys personal shrines which include palm nuts, fragments of ivory and sea shells....

Greek Signifies the wrestler, as in the surname of Heracles in Lycophron but it also occurs as a proper name of several mythical personages.
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