
List of Gods : "Ori" - 531 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Mayan / Yucatec, Mesoamerican / Mexico Rain god(s). Not part of the hierarchy of Mayan gods, but worshiped with great devotion at local level. Originally there was a god, Chaac, who was of huge size and who taught mankind Agriculture. He was regarded as the god of thunder, lightning, Rain and bread, and of milpas (smallholdings) and their produce. Also God B....
Monster name
Greek A fire-breathing monster, which, according to the Homeric poems, was of Divine origin. Greek

Greek A daughter of the Theban Amphion and Niobe. According to an Argive tradition, her original name was Meliboea, and she and her brother Amyclas were the only children of Niobe that were not killed by Apollo and Artemis. But the terror of Chloris at the death of her brothers and sisters was so great, that she turned perfectly white, and was therefore called Chloris. Greek
Demon name
"Chung K'uei"
Taoist / Chinese God of the afterlife. He belongs to the heavenly “ministry of exorcism” and, though not the most senior (he is subservient to CHANG TAO LING), is probably the most popular within the category. He was originally a mortal working as a physician in the eighth century AD. He is depicted with a fearsome face, said to be so terrible that it can drive away any demonic spirit who dares to oppose him. He is engaged in combat using a sword and a fan on which is written a magical formula to ward off evil. Symbolic peaches are suspended from his hat and a bat circles his head representing happiness....
Deities name
"Co(co)chimetl (soporific)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Minor god of merchants and commerce. One of the deities collectively clåśśed as the YACATECUHTLI complex....

Greece Of Corinth, mentioned among the mythic stories of the invention of sculpture. Greece
Hero name
British A hero in the employ of Brute, who conquered the giant Goem'agot, for which achievement the whole western horn of England was allotted him. He called it Corinea, and the people Corineans, from his own name. British
Goddess name
Celtic One of the most potent of the Celtic river Goddesses. Most likely Roman in origin. She was also the Goddess of featherless flying creatures.
God name
USA Multifaceted deity. demigod, creator, trickster. In Tongva Mythology Coyote challenges "The River" to a race. Coyote is victorious, but collapses from fatigue. The river laughs at him and takes the name "Hahamongna". USA
God name
"Credne aka Creidhne"
Ireland A son of Brigid and Tuireann and the artificer of the Tuatha De Danann, working in bronze, bråśś and gold. He and his brothers Goibniu and Luchtaine were known as the Tri Dee Dana, the three gods of art, who forged the weapons which the Tuatha De used to battle the Fomorians. Ireland
King name
Welsh Originally betrothed to Gwythr ap Greidawl, she is abducted by Gwyn ap Nudd, causing the two rivals to go to war over her. In the early Arthurian tale Culhwch and Olwen, king Arthur settles the feud by arranging for the two to battle every May Day until Doomsday. Welsh
King name
Greek A mythical king of Corinth, a son of Lycaethus. Greek

Greek A son of Poseidon, from whom Cromyon in the territory of Corinth was believed to have derived its name. Greek
God name
Hindu / India Jjustice. The god of law who originates as a creator god and one of the sons of Brahma, but almost certainly derives from the dharmas or archetypal patterns of society identified in the Rg Veda. According to tradition he is the consort of thirteen daughters of DAKSA and the father of Yudhisthra. Also regarded as a minor avatara of VISNU, appearing as a bull standing for the redemption of souls....

Scotland A folkloric creature well known in France and Switzerland also known as a Haggis in Northern England and Scotland.
God name
Shinto / Japan God of luck. One of seven gods of fortune in Shintoism and often linked with the god EBISU. Originally a god of kitchens, he became a deity concerned with happiness. He is depicted as a fat, well-to-do figure seated on two rice bales and carrying a sack on his back. He also holds a hammer in his right hand. In depictions there is often a mouse nibbling at one of the rice bales. Small gold icons of the god may be carried as talismans of wealth. According to tradition, when Daikoku's hammer is shaken, money falls out in great profusion. In western Japan he is also syncretized with the god of rice paddies, TA-NO-KAMI, and thus becomes the god of Agriculture and farmers. He may have developed from the Buddhist god MAHAKALA....
Goddess name
Greek Oracular goddess. A number of oracular shrines were dedicated to her in various places in Asia Minor, including Antiocheia, Mopsuestia (Cilicia), Sura and Patara (Lycia), Telmessos (Caria). Represented by the laurel Dapbne she is linked with the Dapbnepboria festivals honoring APOLLO. Tradition has it that she was changed into the laurel to avoid sexual submission to the god....
God name
Australian aboriginal Creator god. Otherwise known as Gayandi he is the son of BAIAME and BIRRAHGNOOLOO and is worshiped principally by the Wiradyuri and Kamilaroi groups of aborigines in the southeast of Australia, who regard him as an intermediary between his father, the supreme being, and the human race. To an extent this role may have developed through Christian missionary influence....
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