
List of Gods : "Tin" - 848 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Greek God of hunting and healing. One of the great divinities of the Greeks, was, according to Homer, the son of Zeus and Leto. Hesiod (Theogony of Hesiod 918) states the same, and adds, that Apollo's sister was Artemis. Neither of the two poets suggests anything in regard to the birth-place of the god, unless we take "born in Lycia," which, however, according to others, would only mean "born of or in light." Apollo is one of the few Greek gods who did not sleep with Aphrodite
Deity name
"Ardhanari aka Ardhanarishvara"
Ammaiappan / Naranari Is an androgynous deity composed of Shiva and his consort Shakti, representing the synthesis of masculine and feminine energies. Ammaiappan / Naranari
Goddess name
Roman / Celtic / European Goddess of Forests and hunting. Known only from inscriptions and figurines in the Ardennes region. Depicted riding on the back of a wild boar and presumed to be a guardian deity of boars. Identified by the Romans with the goddess DIANA....
King name
Greek The wife of Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians. In the Odyssey she appears as a noble and active superintendent of the household of her husband, and when Odysseus arrived in the island, he first applied to queen Arete to obtain hospitable reception and protection. Respecting her connexion with the story of Jason and Medeia.
King name
Greek The wife of Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians. In the Odyssey she appears as a noble and active superintendent of the household of her husband, and when Odysseus arrived in the island, he first applied to queen Arete to obtain hospitable reception and protection. Respecting her connexion with the story of Jason and Medeia, see Alcinous. Greek
Spirit name
Greek Oversees the sprites, the nature spirits åśśociated with water and is involved with healing and protecting nature
God name
Greek God of herdsmen. The consort of Autonoe. Of ancient origin, worshiped by peasants as a guardian of herds and beekeepers. The cult continued for many centuries at Kyrene [Libya]....
God name
"Arjuna (silvery)"
Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic Heroic god. Arjuna appears in the Mahabharata epic. One of the princely sons of the mythical Pandu family, his father is INDRA. He generally appears with the warrior god BHIMA. Allegedly responsible for requesting VIS'NU to take his VISVARUPA form but also identified as a minor incarnation or avatara of Vis'nu. Attributes: usually depicted bearing a bow received from AGNI the fire god, but may also appear carrying a sword and shield. Also NARA....
Goddess name
"Armkis [Greek]"
Egypt / Upper Birth goddess. Minor deity with cult centers in lower Nubia and at Elephantine. She is variously the daughter of RE, and of KHNUM and SATIS. Anukis lives in the cataracts of the Lower Nile. Her portrait appears in the Temple of Rameses II at Beit-et-Wali where she suckles the pharaoh, suggesting that she is connected with birth and midwifery, but she also demonstrates a malignant aspect as a strangler (see HATHOR). Her sacred animal is the gazelle. Depicted anthropomorphically wearing a turban (modius) with ostrich feathers. Also Anuket (Egyptian)....
Goddess name
Western Semitic / Canaanite Chthonic underworld goddess. According to epic creation texts, she is the third daughter of BAAL at Ugarit (Ras Samra), possibly also equating with ALLATUM....
God name
Norse Asa or Ass; plural ÆSIR. The asas, gods. The word appears in such English names as Osborn, Oswald, etc. With an n it is found in the Germ. Ansgar (Anglo-Sax. Oscar). The term aesir is used to distinguish Odin, Thor, etc., from the vanir (vans). Norse.

Norse Asa-Loki. Loke, so called to distinguish him from Utgard-Loke, who is a giant. Norse.

Greek 1. A surname of Athena in Colchis. Her worship was believed to have been brought from thence by Castor and Polydeuces to Laconia, where a temple was built to her at Las. 2. A daughter of Oceåñuś and Tethys, who became by Japetus the mother of Atlas, Prometheus, and Epimetheus. (Theogony of Hesiod 359.) According to some traditions the continent of Asia derived its name from her.
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian vegetation goddess. Minor deity probably known to the Sumerians from circa 3500BC or earlier. She is concerned with the abundance of grain in the fields, sent as its protectress by the gods ENLIL and ENKI. According to creation accounts, she and the cattle god LAHAR were first intended to serve the needs of the Annunaki, the celestial children of AN, but when the heavenly creatures were found unable to make use of their products, humankind was created to provide an outlet for their services. Attributes: ears of corn sprouting from her shoulders....
Goddess name
Semitic Goddess of hunting. West Semitic
Goddess name
Canaan A goddess of hunting
Goddess name
Israel Goddess of fertility Palestine / Israel / Lebanon
Goddess name
Ephebian Goddess of love, held in extremely low regard by the god Om and sister to the goddess Patina. Mentioned in Small Gods and Discworld Noir.
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