
List of Gods : "Tsi" - 42 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Demon name
Discworld Imps are tiny demons that perform minor tasks rapidly. A number of Discworld labour-saving devices exist which function by trapping small imps. The most notable is the iconograph, but others include watches, food processors, razors and personal organisers. The imps in these devices seem not to mind their jobs, although they get sarcastic if overworked or asked to do things outside their purview. Discworld
God name
Greek 1. A son of Apollo and Melia, who is said to have given his name to the Boeotian river which was before called Ladon or Cadmus. 2. A surname of Apollo at Thebes, who had a temple on the river Ismenus. The sanctuary of the god, at which the Daphnephoria was celebrated, bore the name of Ismenium, and was situated outside the city.Greek

N American Kai-matutsi lived on the earth and below. The word åśśociated is with 'earth occupation.' Pomo

N American Lived in the sky and heavens above. The word is åśśociated with 'sky occupation.' Pomo Indians, California

Acoma Children of Iatiku who could bring Rain and food Acoma

Ireland Owned three magical cranes which stood outside his house denying entry or hospitality to anyone who approached. They were stolen by Athirne. Ireland
Goddess name
"Mika-Hiya-Hi (terrible swift sun)"
Shinto / Japan Sun god. A deity subservient to the Sun goddess AMATERASU and engendered from the blood of the fire KAMI KAGU-TSUCHI. Certain Japanese still worship the Sun, going outside in the morning, facing east, bowing and clapping their hands in a daily ritual.See also HI-HIYA-HI....
Goddess name
Crow Goddess of healing Crow
Goddess name
Roman A dirge or lamentation such as was uttered at funerals, either by relatives of the deceased or by hired persons. At Rome Naenia was personified and worshipped as a goddess, who even had a chapel, which, however, as in the case of all other gods in connection with the dead, was outside the walls of the city, near the porta Viminalis. The object of this worship was probably to procure rest and peace for the departed in the lower world. Roman
Goddess name
Bella Coola Indian / British Columbia, Canada Creator goddess. Said to live in the upper heaven, Atsa'axl, from where she controls the earth. According to tradition the mountains were once malevolent beings who made the world uninhabitable, until she conquered them and reduced them in size. She is never invoked or prayed to. Also Tsi Sisnaaxil (our woman); Ek Yakimtolsil (afraid of nothing)....
Goddess name
"Takotsi Nakawe (our grandmother growth)"
Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico Chthonic vegetation goddess. The earth and all plant life belong to her and she is regarded as the mother of the gods, particularly of the fire god TATEVALI. She is very old and is invoked to give the boon of longevity. Her sacred tree is a form of fig, the salate....
Goddess name
"Takotsi Nakawe Huichol"
Mexico Chthonic vegetation goddess, all plant life and the earth are hers Mexico
God name
Navaho A Minor war god
God name
Navaho God of war. Navaho
God name
Navaho Child of water and son of Tsohanoai, the Sun god. Minor war god. Navaho
God name
"Tobadzistsini (child of the water)"
Navaho / USA war god. Considered younger and inferior to NAYENEZGANI, the chief war god of the Navaho. His mother conceived him through the magical power of a waterfall. His priest wears similar attire to that of Nayenezgani, but the mask is painted with red ocher except for a triangular black area bordered with white. It also has a fringe of yellow or red wool....
Goddess name
Siberia Goddess of justice Siberia

Chinese The Self-existent, that which is the unknown darkness. Chinese
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