
List of Gods : "Ato" - 826 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Deities name
Polynesian / Maori God of death. Regarded as an errant son of the creator deities, RANGINUI and PAPATUANUKU, Whiro stands as the chief antagonist of TANEMAHUTA, the creator god of light. He is, therefore, the personification of darkness and evil. During the time of creation from chaos, Whiro is said to have fought an epic battle against Tanemahuta in the newly formed heavens. He was vanquished and forced to descend into the underworld where he became ruler over the dead and chief among the lesser underworld deities who are responsible for various forms of disease and sickness. In the temporal world the lizard, a symbol of death, embodies him, and various creatures of the night, including the owl and the bat, are earthly representatives from his kingdom, as are such malignant insect pests as the mosquito. This deity is not to be confused with the legendary human voyager and adventurer of the same name whose traditions have, in the past, often been muddled with those of the god....
Spirit name
Australia The ancestor and patron god of the Kamilaroi, as well as being an important creator spirit or culture hero of the Eora, the Darkinjung, the Wiradjuri, and several other eastern Australian language groups.
God name
Cree A trickster god in Cree mythology, similar to Nanabozho in Ojibwa myth and Inktonme in Assiniboine myth. His name means "the Flatterer." He is generally portrayed as being responsible for a great flood which destroys the world originally made by the Creator, as well as the one who creates the current world with magic, either on his own or with powers given to him by the Creator for that specific purpose.

Australia The creator of the sky of heaven and earth and of everything that walks, crawls, swims or flies. Australia

California The benevolent supreme being and creator of the world. The Maidu, California
Goddess name
Egypt Localized guardian goddess. With a cult center at Thebes, Wosret is, according to some inferences, an early consort of the creator god AMUN and was superseded by MUT. She is identified with the protection of the young god HORUS. Also Wosyet....
Goddess name
Africa Creator Goddess who shaped humans from clay dolls. Africa
God name
Africa The Creator god who made heaven to close to earth and was uses as a towel and sniffed by dogs. Africa

Africa The supreme being of the Heikum of South Africa. Creator of all things, including mankind, he is a benevolent figure who is invoked for help when ill and when traveling. and is said to provide the Rain. South Africa.

Greek wife of Pleuron and the mother of Agenor, Sterope, Stratonice, and Laophonte. Greek
God name
Koryak / southeastern Siberia Creator god. The name given to the Christian god by the Koryaks to distinguish him from their own supreme being, TENANTO'MWAN....
God name
Gnostic Christian Creator God. The so-called “prime parent” of Gnostic cosmogony, engendered by PISTIS SOPHIA out of the nothingness of chaos, provided with form and given charge over the substance of the cosmos. Yaldabaoth is, at first, unaware of the existence of Pistis Sophia and, by his own powers, engenders seven androgynous beings, placing them in seven heavens. He decrees himself alone and allpowerful, whereupon Pistis Sophia names him SAMAEL (blind god). Of his offspring, the most significant is SABAOTH, who stands against his father and on the side of Pistis Sophia. When she eventually reveals herself to Yaldabaoth as pure radiant light, he is humbled....

Siberia The supreme being and creator. Siberia
God name
Kafa / Ethiopia Creator god. A sky god to whom sacrifice is still possibly enacted on hill tops and river banks in rural areas. Became largely syncretized with the Christian god. Also Yero....
God name
Siberia After ascending through several heavens in visionary consciousness, the shaman converses with the creator god Yayutsi and also bows before the moon and Sun in turn. Finally, at the celestial abode of bai Ulgan, the shaman learns details of future weather patterns and the outcome of the harvest. The shaman then collapses in a state of ecstatic release. The Altai, Siberia
Supreme god name
Canada The creator formally known as Niottsi. The supreme god of the Chipewyan. Canada
God name
Mongo / Nkundo / Democratic Republic of Congo, central Africa Creator god. According to tradition, he gave the Sun god Nkombe three parcels when the people complained the world was too dark; two were brightly colored and one was a dull gray. Realizing that he was about to be tricked, Nkombe opened the gray parcel and the world was flooded with light....
Goddess name
Karraur Goddess of light and creator goddess Karraur
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