
List of Gods : "Eri" - 1686 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Greek A surname of Dionysus which, according to the explanations of the Greeks, is derived from the long robe which the god himself and the Maenads used to wear in Thrace, and whence the Maenads themselves are often called båśśarae or båśśarides. Greek
Goddess name
Egypt / Upper cow goddess of fertility. She was probably well known in the Old kingdom (circa 2700 BC onward). Associated principally with Upper Egypt, for a while she may have rivaled Hathor in Lower Egypt but by the time of the New kingdom (sixteenth century BC) her influence had waned. She may be represented on the Narmer Palette (Cairo Museum) which com memorates the unification of the two kingdoms. Bat is only rarely found in large sculptures and paintings, but is often the subject of Egyptian period jewelry, including amulets and ritual sistrum rattles. Depicted as a cow or anthropo morphically with bovine ears and horns. Also Bata....

Greek A daughter of Teucer or of Tros, the wife of Dardåñuś, and mother of Ilus and Erichthonius. Greek
Demon name
"Bathym aka Bathim"
Greek Bathin, Marthin. One of the three demons in the service of Fleuretty. Duke of the Infernal regions he has the appearance of a robust man but his body ends in a serpent's tail. He is well versed in the virtues of herbs and precious stones according to Wierius. He is able to transport men from one place to another with wondrous speed. He commands thirty legions. One of the 72 spirits of Solomon.
Goddess name
Sumeria Goddess of fertility, depicted with the head of a dog, and her name means 'bark', 'woof'. Bau was known as the patron deity of Lagash. Sumeria

Syriac Another name for Satan. Syriac
Goddess name
Akkadian Bel became especially used of the Babylonian god Marduk and when found in Assyrian and neo-Babylonian personal names or mentioned in inscriptions in Mesoptamian context it can usually be taken as referring to Marduk and no other god. Similarly Belit without some disambiguation mostly refers to Bel Marduk's spouse Sarpanit. However Marduk's mother, the Sumerian goddess called Ninhursag, Ningal and Ninmah and other names in Sumerian, was often known as Belit-ili 'Lady of the Gods' in Akkadian.
God name
” Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian Generic title meaning “lord. The Babylonian god MARDUK was often addressed as Bel, and the name occurs in the Vetus Testamentum. The New Year festival of akitu in Babylon included a ceremony of “leading Bel by the hand.” The name also appears at Palmyra as the tutelary creator god whose attributes include lightning and an eagle....
Goddess name
Akkadia Goddess of the underworld, who kept track of the dead coming through Babylon / Akkadia
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian Chthonic underworld goddess. The recorder of the dead entering the otherworld. Known as the “Scribe of the earth.”...
Goddess name
"Belet-Seri/ Belitsari"
Babylon / Akkadia The underworld goddess that kept track of the dead coming through
Goddess name
"Belit Seri"
Babylon Goddess of justice and fairness. She kept the records of human activities. Babylon

Cornwall Bellerium is the Land's End, cornwall England, the fabled land of the giant Bellerus
Goddess name
Roman Mother goddess and goddess of war. She becomes syncretized with the Cappadocian mother goddess MA. The first known temple dedicated to Ma-Bellona by the Romans is dated to 296 BC. Bellona was attended by Asiatic priests who performed frenzied dances and gashed themselves with swords, offering the blood on the goddess's altars. Because of its violent nature, Rome refused officially to recognize the cult until the third century AD....
Goddess name
"Beltiya (my lady)"
Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian Generic title of goddess. ZARPANITUM (SARPANITUM), the consort of the Babylonian god MARDUK, is often addressed as Beltiya....
Goddess name
Greece A Thracian divinity in whom the moon was worshipped. Hesychius says "that the poet Cratinus called this goddess Two Spears, either because she had to discharge two duties, one towards heaven and the other towards the earth, or because she bore two lances, or lastly, because she had two lights, the one her own and the other derived from the Sun. In Greece she was sometimes identified with Persephone, but more commonly with Artemis.
Goddess name
"Bera Pennu"
Northern Indian vegetation goddess. Worshiped by the Khonds in Bengal. She was the recipient of human sacrifice to ensure good harvest, particularly of the spice turmeric, and as a protection against disease and infirmity. The sacrificial victim or meriab was youthful, often kept for years as a holy person before death and was always either the offspring of a previous sacrificial victim, or purchased from impoverished families for the purpose. He or she was generally strangled, sometimes in the fork of a tree, after days of festivities. In other instances the victim was cut up alive....
God name
Western Semitic / Phoenician Local tutelary god. Probably of Aramaean or Syrian origin. First mentioned in a fourteenth century treaty between the Hittite king Suppiluliuma and Nigmadu II of Ugarit [Ras Samra]. He appears more regularly on inscriptions from the end of the seventh century BC and enjoyed considerable popularity during the neo-Babylonian period. Bethel is mentioned in the Biblical text of Jeremiah 48.13, implying that some Israelites acknowledged this deity. There is no evidence of links with the historical place names, including that mentioned in Genesis 38.13....
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