
List of Gods : "God Anu" - 176 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Greek The Aegean mother goddess
Goddess name
Hindu Primordial goddess Hindu / Vedic
Goddess name
Ireland major mother goddess ancestress of the Tuatha De Danann. She gave her name to the Tuatha De Dannan (People of the Goddess Danu). Another aspect of the Morrigu. Ireland
Goddess name
"Danu / Danann/ Dana"
Irish The major mother goddess
Demon name
Sumeria Female demon of fever and and diseases of infants. There were seven evil spirits of this kind, who were apparently regarded as being daughters of Anu, the god of the heavens. Sumeria
Goddess name
Celtic / Welsh Mother goddess. Described in the Mabinogion as the progenitress of the Welsh pantheon. Equates with the Irish goddess DANU....
God name
Nubian God of Nile cataracts. Depicted as an antelope with twisted horns. His consorts are Sati and Anuket. Modeled on the Egyptian ram god KHNUM. Also Dodonu.See also ANUKIS....
Goddess name
Armenian The companion of Gilgamesh, the first primaeval man who was turning his rugged face towards civilization through the love of a woman. He takes part in the wanderings of Gilgamesh, and fights with him against Ishtar and the heavenly bull sent by Anu to avenge the insulted goddess. Apparently wounded in this struggle Eabani dies. Armenian Mythology
God name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Primordial god. A syncretization of EHECATL and QUETZALCOATL, one of four gods who support the lowest heaven at each cardinal point. He is perceived as residing in the west (codices Borgia and Vaticåñuś B). He is the deity who rules over the ninth of the thirteen heavens, Itztapal Nanatzcayan (where the stone slabs crash together). In a separate tradition, EhecatlQuetzalcoatl executed the monstrous god XOLOTL when he declined to offer his blood in self-sacrifice for the creation of mankind....
God name
Roman The god who taught Roman children to utter their first word. It was the god Vagitåñuś who taught them to utter their first cry. Roman
God name
Mesopotamian / BabylonianAkkadian God of fire. Derived from the Sumerian GIBIL, he is the son of ANU and ANUNITU and becomes largely syncretized with both ERRA and NERGAL....
God name
France A Gaulish god åśśociated with a healing spring at the town of Glanum in the Alpilles mountains of Provence in southern France.
God name
Roman / Celtic / Continental / Europe God of healing. The name appears across a wide area generally åśśociated with medicinal springs and hot mineral waters, including sites at Aix-laChapelle, Grand (Vosges), Trier, Brittany, and as far distant as the Danube basin. Grannus became syncretized with the Roman god APOLLO as Apollo Grannus, and baths were sometimes called Aquae Granni....
God name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian God of uncertain function. Known from påśśing reference in texts and from inscriptions....
God name
Greek A son of Oceåñuś and Tethys, was a river god of Macedonia.
Deities name
"Hanui-o-Rangi (fatber of winds)"
Polynesian God of winds and weather. He is the son of the sky god RANGINUI, who fathered him on one of his early consorts, Pokoharua, the sister of TANGAROA, the sea god. All the subsequent descendants of Hanui-o-Rangi are believed to rule over various aspects of the weather. Hanui thus fathered Tawhiri, the god of the northwest wind, whose son was Tiu. They control the fierce storms from the east. The children of Tiu include Hine-I-Tapapauta and Hine-Tu-Whenua, the deities overseeing the more gentle westerly winds. Hine-Tu-Whenua is the mother of Hakona-Tipu and Pua-I-Taha, controlling the southern and southwesterly gales....
Goddess name
"Hanuman (with large jaws)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Monkey god. Hanuman attends RAMA, one of the incarnations of VISINU, and personifies the ideal and faithful servant. He is the son of PAVANA, the god of winds, and is noted for his speed and agility in which context he is often worshiped by young men and athletes. He leads a mythical Forest army of monkeys, and is depicted as a monkey with a long tail. He takes a major role in the Ramayana epic searching for, and rescuing, the goddess SITA who has been captured by the demon Ravana. He may appear trampling on the goddess of Lanka [Sri Lanka]. Worshiped particularly in southern India but more generally in villages. Color: red. Attributes: bow, club, mane, rock and staff. May appear five-headed....
Goddess name
Hawaiian Mother goddess. ] She is the daughter of PAPATUANUKU, the primordial earth mother, and is revered by many people of Polynesia and by the Maori of New Zealand. Her more notable children include PELE, the volcano goddess of Hawaii, and HI'AIKA, the goddess of the dance. As a deity responsible for birth, Haumea possesses a magical wand that she used at the time of creation to engender fruit trees and fish. From time to time she uses it to replenish stocks. Mythology also identifies her as a heroine who saved herself and her consort from enemies at the time of creation by hiding in a breadfruit tree and fending off the attackers with poisonous sap and wood splinters....
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