
List of Gods : "God Pre" - 687 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Supreme god name
"Mahu Fon"
Africa She is the supreme goddess of the earth as well as a goddess of the moon & fertility
Goddess name
Greco - Roman Chthonic or earth goddess. Originally, in pre-Homeric times, a mountain spirit who subsequently became a minor consort of ZEUS. The Romans worshiped her as an obscure goddess of the plains who became briefly a consort of JUPITER, and they perceived her as the mother of the messenger god Mercury. Her cult was åśśociated with that of VulcanUS. Possibly the origin of the name of the month of May.See also MERCURIUS....
God name
"Majas Gars"
Pre - Christian Latvian household god. Invoked until very recent times in country districts as a deity who would bring prosperity to the family home....
Supreme god name
British Makunaima. The supreme god and creator who sent his son Sigu to rule over the earth. Among the Makushi he created the sky and earth, vegetation, animals and men. Among the Ackawoi and Caribs, he created birds, animals, and food plants, åśśisted by his son Sigu. British Guiana
God name
Pre - Islamic northern Arabian vegetation god. Mentioned as the brother of AGLIBOL on an inscription at Palmyra dated to AD 132....
God name
"Malik (king)"
Pre - Islamic northern Arabian Tutelary god. Known from inscriptions....
Goddess name
"Mama Qoca (mother sea)"
Inca / pre - Columbian South America / Peru, etc Goddess of the ocean. Originally a pre-Inca goddess of coastal regions who retained her influence under Inca rule. Invoked by all Indians who gain their livelihood from the sea. Today probably syncretized largely with the Christian Virgin Mary. Also Mama Cocha....
Goddess name
"Mama-Kilya (mother moon)"
Inca / pre - Columbian South America / Peru, etc moon goddess. The consort of the Sun god INTI, she is important in the calculation of time and regulating the Inca festival calendar. The Indians consider that an eclipse of the moon is a time of great danger, caused by a mountain lion or snake eating the moon, and perform a ritual making as much noise as possible to frighten the predator off....
Goddess name
"Manat (fate)"
Pre - Islamic / Arabian Goddess. One of the socalled Daughters of ALLAH, she is primarily identified with a shrine (lost) between Mecca and Medina....
Deities name
Pre - Islamic / Arabian Collective name of gods. Guardian deities, whose chief responsibility is irrigation....
God name
Hindu God of love, represented as a young and handsome winged man who wields a bow and arrows. His bow is made of sugarcane with honeybees on it as the string and his arrows are decorated with five kinds of fragrant flowers. Its string is made of a chain of honeybees. Hindu
Supreme god name
"Maret Jikky"
Botocudo Supreme goddess Botocudo
Supreme god name
Botocudo Supreme god Botocudo
Goddess name
"Mari (2) (queen)"
Basque / Pyrenean region Supreme mother goddess. She is both a sky and chthonic goddess and her consort is MAJU. She is depicted dressed in rich clothing and jewels. Her home is within the earth but she also rides through the air in a chariot pulled by four horses or carried by a ram. She may breathe fire and is symbolized by the Rainbow. When she and her consort meet, a thunderstorm forms. Her symbol is a sickle which is still employed as a device to ward off evil....
God name
Pre - Islamic northern Arabian Local tutelary god. Probably regarded as a fertility deity, his cult was centered at Gaza at the Marneion sanctuary and probably succeeded that of Dagon. He may have been the subject of a colossal statue attributed to ZEUS found near Gaza.See also DAGAN....
Demon name
Polynesian / Maori God of war. One of the important deities revered by Maori clans in New Zealand in times of war, he may be represented in totems as an aggressive face with a prominent tuft of hair, staring eyes and tongue protruding, though these totems generally represent ancestors rather than deities. Maru may be invoked in the familiar Maori war dances and chants demonstrated popularly by the All Blacks before rugby matches all over the world....
Goddess name
Celtic These are the three mother goddesses that oversee fertility, they prefer peace, tranquillity & kids
God name
Shinto / Japan God of sake brewers. Celebrated annually in a festival in Kyoto, when the presence of the god is carried on a palanquin. It is rowed down the river prior to a general celebration, during which sake is drunk liberally....
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