
List of Gods : "Goddess of war" - 203 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of chastity. Depicted as a matronly lady, her cult fell from popularity as the Roman Empire veered increasingly toward decadence....
Goddess name
British A warrior goddess of the indigenous Nuxalk people. British Columbia, Canada.
Goddess name
Iran The goddess of the warmth of the earth. She dominates the evil frost and encourages regrowth. Iran
Goddess name
"Sakhemet aka Sachmet"
Egypt Sakhet and Sakhmet, originally the war goddess of Upper Egypt. It was said that her breath created the desert. She was also known by some cults to be a daughter of the ancient Sun god Ra. Egypt
Goddess name
"Sakhemet/ Sachmet"
Egypt A goddess of war
Goddess name
Akkadia wife of the weather god Adad and a goddess of war. Akkadia
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Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian war goddess. A consort of ADAD, she carries a doubleheaded mace-scimitar embellished with lion heads....
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Hindu Goddess of warriors Hindu daughter of the celestial architect Tvastra disguised herself as a horse and fled from her husband. When he caught her, they produced the Ashwini Kumaras, the horse-headed twins. Each day the twins bring the dawn as their chariot speeds through the sky. Hindu
Goddess name
Kafir / Afghanistan Harvest goddess. A littlereported deity, the consort of the war god GISH and daughter of SANU. She controls the harvesting, threshing and winnowing of grain and the safe storage of wheat and butter. She carries a golden winnow and is either depicted in human form or as a goat. Her cult is known chiefly from the village of Pronz in the southern Hindukush where she enjoyed an important sanctuary with stone seats around the icon, part of which reportedly still exists. Wooden statues depict her in human form, nude to the waist. Alternatively, she is perceived as a bird that acts as a messenger. The blood of sacrificial animals was poured over the figure. Also Sulmech; SANU....
Goddess name
Kafir / Afghanistan God of obscure affinities. The father of the goddess SANJU and an adversary of the war god GISH. Described as a “Muslim,” so perhaps of foreign import. Also Sanru....
Goddess name
Hittite / Hurrian Fertility goddess. Of Hurrian origin, Saus”ka was adopted by the Hittite state religion. She is also identified with war and is particularly renowned as a goddess of healing. She is depicted in human form with wings, standing with a lion and accompanied by two attendants. Saus”ka is known in detail only because she became the patron goddess of the Hittite king Hattusilis II (1420-1400 BC)....
Goddess name
Egypt Goddess of justice, beer, war. Egypt
Goddess name
Egypt The lioness-headed goddess of war and destruction, the sister and wife of Ptah, was created by the fire of Re's eye. Egypt
Goddess name
Egypt Minor mortuary goddess. Known from the middle of the third millennium BC, she protects the throne of the king in the guise of a scorpion. She is depicted in human form wearing a headpiece in the form of a scorpion with its sting raised. In the Pyramid Texts she is the mother of the scorpion god NEHEBU-KAU. In her role as a mortuary goddess she is partly responsible for guarding the jars containing the viscera of the deceased. Although she is never identified as warding off the effect of scorpion stings, her influence has been regarded as effective against other venomous attacks. Also Selkis (Greek)....
Goddess name
Ugarit Goddess of war. Ugarit
Goddess name
Canaan Goddess of war and the Sun. Canaan
Goddess name
Nordic / Icelandic / / Germanic corn goddess. The consort of THOR. She is mentioned in the Eddaic Lay of Lokasenna and in the Lay of Har barth. According to Snorri Sturluson she was originally a prophetess called Sibyl. She possesses great beauty and has long golden hair. Her sons are ULL and Loridi. According to tradition, LOKI cut off Sif's hair in mischief, but when confronted and threatened by Thor, he had the dwarfs make her a magical hairpiece of pure gold which, when it touched her head, became a living part of her and grew....
Goddess name
Ireland Patron goddess of warriors. Ireland
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