
List of Gods : "Gods" - 540 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Greek In ancient mythology, Ambrosia is sometimes the food, sometimes the drink, of the gods. The word has generally been derived from Greek a- ("not") and mbrotos ("mortal"); hence the food or drink of the immortals. Thetis anointed the infant Achilles with ambrosia and påśśed the child through the fire to make him immortal - a familiar Phoenician custom - but Peleus, appalled, stopped her.
Deities name
Shinto (Exalted Musubi deity), who is later related to the gods of the heaven; Kami-musubi no Kami (Sacred Musubi deity), related to the gods of the earth; and Ame no Minaka-nushi no Kami (Heavenly Centre-Ruling deity). Some Shinto scholars hold that all Shinto deities are manifestations of Ame no Minaka-nushi no Kami.
Goddess name
Hindu - Dravidian Primordial mother goddess. Known locally from east central India and worshiped by the Dravidian tribe of Telugu. She is said to have generated the cosmic egg in the sea of milk from which the major gods BRAHMA, VIS'NU and SIVA were born....
Goddess name
"Ammut (devouress of the dead)"
Egypt Chthonic underworld goddess. A significant deity who allegedly consumes the dead if their hearts are found weighed down with guilt in the Judgment Hall of the Two Truths during the Weighing of the Heart ceremony. Ammut has a fearsome aspect and sits alongside forty-two juror gods named in the Book of the Dead. Depicted with the head of a crocodile, the trunk and fore-limbs of a lion and the hind part of a hippopotamus.See also THOTH and MAAT....
God name
Hindu / Puranic Is one of the Vasus, gods of the material world. He is equated with Agni, and the name usually used for Agni when listed among the Vasus. Hindu / Puranic
God name
Ashanti Creator of the Sun, stars, day, moon and night who often intercedes between gods and mortals Ashanti
God name
"Ananse Ashanti"
Africa The creator of the Sun, stars, day, moon & night who often intercedes between gods & mortals
God name
Hindu / Puranic One of the Vasus, gods of the elements of the cosmos. He is equated with the wind god Vayu, Anila being understood as the name normally used for Vayu when numbered among the Vasus. Hindu / Puranic
God name
Indian One who does not wink, a general epithet of all Indian gods.
God name
"Anu/ Anus"
Babylon The head of the gods, he had an army of stars to destroy evildoers
God name
Egypt Aka Anpu, Sekhem Em Pet. Messenger from the gods to humans. Pictured with the head of a jackal or dog, or as a dark colored jackal. He, with Maat, weighed human souls for truth and he rules over Wisdom, intelligence, death, embalming, endings, truth, justice, surgery, hospital stays, finding lost things, anesthetics, Medicine, journeys, protection, boats, diplomacy, astral travel, cemeteries. Egypt
Deities name
"Anunnaki aka Anunnaku"
Babylon Ananaki, a group of Sumerian and Akkadian deities related to, and in some cases overlapping with, the Annuna (the 'Fifty Great Gods') and the Igigi (minor gods). Babylon
God name
"Anus Hurrite"
The king of heaven who declared war on the father of the gods, he lost
God name
Egyptian Apis the Bull of Memphis, is called the greatest of gods, and the god of all nations, while others regard him more in the light of a symbol of some great divinity. Egyptian
God name
Greek God of hunting and healing. One of the great divinities of the Greeks, was, according to Homer, the son of Zeus and Leto. Hesiod (Theogony of Hesiod 918) states the same, and adds, that Apollo's sister was Artemis. Neither of the two poets suggests anything in regard to the birth-place of the god, unless we take "born in Lycia," which, however, according to others, would only mean "born of or in light." Apollo is one of the few Greek gods who did not sleep with Aphrodite
God name
Phonecian Mortal and hero, handsome and favoured of the gods, who gave him a Divine bow. Anat coveted it and had her henchman Yatpan kill him for it, but the bow was destroyed in the act. Phonecian
God name
Roman Aka Boreas, a purple-winged god of the north wind, one of the four wind-gods. He was also the god of Winter, who swept down from the cold northern mountains of Thrake, chilling the air with his icy breath. Roman
Goddess name
Armenia The father of all gods and goddesses, the creator of heaven and earth. Armenia
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