
List of Gods : "Huma" - 359 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Bangala / Democratic Republic of Congo, central Africa God of morality. Also known as the god of hearts, he controls human thought. Also Nzakomba....
God name
"Jakomba Bangala"
Zaire A god of morality that controls human thought
King name
Arabian A sort of fairies in Arabian mythology, the offspring of fire. They propagate their species like human beings, and are governed by a race of kings named Suleyman, one of whom built the pyramids. Their chief abode is the mountain Kaf, and they appear to men under the forms of serpents, dogs, cats, monsters, or even human beings, and become invisible at pleasure. The evil jinn are hideously ugly, but the good are exquisitely beautiful. According to fable, they were created from fire two thousand years before Adam was made of earth. The singular of jinn is jinnee.
Deity name
Buddhist A deity who has perfected transcendent, super-human or supernatural knowledge. Buddhist
God name
Bantu Kabezya-Mpungu decides to become invisible after creating the world and the first humans who did not yet have a heart. After balancing the Rain, Sun, moon, and darkness, he leaves. To replace the visible god, he sends the people Mutima ("heart"), the life-giving or Divine part of humans. Bantu

Chumash the radiance of the child of the Winter solstice. The dawn light of each new day is Kakunupmawa's breath expressed as a sigh. Bears, rattlesnakes, deer, mountain lions and ravens were the "pets of Sun. The Chumash, California
Deities name
Japan Third creator being in the primordial a list of deities, this being was born alone in the cosmos and its presence remains hidden from humans Japan / Shinto
Spirit name
Japan These water spirits are strange, their food is blood & cuçúɱbers, they are mischevious but extremely knowing & prove helpful to humans

India Ultimate creator all who exists in the world and able to judge humanity and to reward or punish India / Tamil / Sri Lanka
Supreme god name
Tamil / southern India / Sri Lanka Supreme god. The ultimate creator of all that exists in the world and the judge of humanity able to reward or punish at will....
Supreme god name
"Katavul Tamil"
S India / Sri Lanka Such a supreme god that he was the ultimate creator all that exists in the world & able to judge humanity & to reward or punish at well
Spirit name
Scotland a very bad tempered water spirit with only one eye and that likes to kill humans
Supreme god name
Tierra del Fuego God who was sent to earth by the supreme god, supposedly to bring order into the world. He goofed up and created humans. Tierra del Fuego

"Keri & Kame Bacairi"
1st nations These brothers are the accused of creating the human race

"Keri and Kame Bacairi."
Bochica Keri and Kame Bacairi. Twin brothers who steal the Sun and the moon from a vulture then created humanity. Bochica
God name
Egypt Khnemu, one of the earliest Egyptian gods, originally the god of the source of the Nile River. Since the annual flooding of the Nile brought with it silt and clay, and its water brought life to its surrounds, he was thought to be the creator of human children, which he made at a potter's wheel, from clay, and placed in their mothers' wombs. He was later described as having molded the other gods, and he had the titles Divine Potter and Lord of created things from himself. Egypt
Goddess name
Egypt / Upper Chthonic or earth god. Said to create human life on a potter's wheel but strictly at the behest of creator deities. He is usually seated before a potter's wheel on which stands a naked figure in the process of molding. The Khnum cult was principally directed from sanctuaries at Esna, north of the first Nile cataract, and at Elephantine where mummified rams covered with gold leaf and buried in stone sarcophagi have been discovered. Khnum supervises the annual Nile flood, which is physically generated by the god HAPY. His consort at Esna is the goddess Menhyt. Khnum is also described at other sites as the BA or soul of various deities including GEB and OSIRIS. Depicted anthropomorphically or with the head of a ram....
God name
"Khnum/ Kneph/ Khnemu"
Egypt A smith god who forms humans on his potter's wheel
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