
List of Gods : "Uni" - 306 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Greek A son of Actor, and father of Eurydamas and Eurytion. He propitiated Peleus for the murder of his brother but during the chase of the Calydonian boar, Peleus unintentionally killed Eurytion, the son of Irus, Peleus endeavoured to soothe him by offering him his flocks but Irus would not accept them, and at the command of an oracle, Peleus allowed them to run wherever they pleased. A wolf devoured the sheep, but was thereupon changed into a stone, which was shown in later times on the frontier between Locris and Phocis. Greek
God name
Greek A son of Elatus, and the beloved of Coronis at the time when she was with child (Asclepius) by Apollo. The god wishing to punish her faithlessness, caused Artemis to kill her, together with Ischys.Greek

Karuk The maker of the Universe. Karuk
King name
Greek Daughter of OEdipus and Jocasta. Antigone was buried alive by the order of king Creon, for burying her brother Polynices, slain in combat by his brother Eteocles. Ismene declared that she had aided her sister, and requested to be allowed to share the same punishment. Greek
Deity name
Inuit A deity that punishes those who break taboos. He usually takes the form of a giant flying eye. Inuit
Supreme god name
Hindu / Puranic Epithet of the god SIVA. In Sanskrit designated the “supreme god who rules the universe.” The generic title of a Hindu's personal high god. In Buddhism the name of a YAKSA attending the eleventh tirthankara....
Goddess name
"Izanagi-No-Kami (his augustness the one who invites)"
Shinto / Japan Creator god. One of seventeen beings involved in creation. His consort is IZANAMI-NO-KAMI. They are strictly of Japanese origin with no Chinese or Buddhist influence. Jointly they are responsible to the other fifteen primordial deities to “make, consolidate and give birth to this drifting land.” The reference, in the Kojiki sacred text, is to the reed beds which were considered to float on the primal waters. The pair were granted a heavenly jeweled spear and they stood upon the floating bridge of heaven, stirring the waters with the spear. When the spear was pulled up, the brine which dripped from it created the island of Onogoro, the first dry land, believed to be the island of Nu-Shima on the southern coast of Awagi. According to mythology, the pair created two beings, a son HIRUKO and an island Ahaji. They generated the remaining fourteen islands which make up Japan and then set about creating the rest of the KAMI pantheon. Izanagi's most significant offspring include AMATERASU, the Sun goddess, born from his nose and SUSANOWO, the storm god, born from his left eye, who are the joint rulers of the universe. Also IzanagiNo-Mikoto....
Goddess name
"Janguli (knowledge of poisons)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Snake goddess. Prevents and cures snake bite. An emanation of AKSOBHYA. Also one of a group of DHARANIS (deification of Buddhist texts). Accompanied by a snake or other unidentified creature. Color: green, white or yellow. Attributes: arrow, blue lotus, bow, image of Aksobhya on crown, lute, peaçõçk feather, snake, staff, sword and trident. Oneor three-headed....
God name
"Jar Sub"
Turkey This is the god of the universe
God name
Philippines Descended from his home in the sky. On earth he married a virtuous maiden named Bangan. She bore him three children. The first was Kabigat, a boy, second was Daungen, a girl. After the birth of the third child, Kabunian had to return to his home in heaven. As a god, he could not continue living indefinitely on earth. Philippines
God name
Philippines The supreme being and a sky and thunder god who created the universe. He has a little doggie called Kimat who can throw lightning. Tinguians, Philippines
Goddess name
Hindu Goddess of cemeteries, destruction and death who helped dance the universe into existence Hindu / Puranic / India
Goddess name
Hindu / Puranic / India A goddess of cemeteries, destruction & death that helped dance the universe into existence
Deities name
"Kalki(n) (with white horse)"
Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic horse god. Possibly the tenth avatara of VIS'NU. He rewards the good and punishes evil. The counterpart of the Buddhist deity MAITREYA. horses became åśśociated with Divine kingship in ancient India because of their speed of movement. Solar deities were perceived to ride horses across the sky and horse sacrifice became highly significant. Kalki is depicted either anthropomorphically or with the head of a horse and has four arms. He is attended by a white horse. Attributes: arrow, conch, prayer wheel, shield and sword. Also Vis'nuyasas....
God name
Hindu / Vedic / Puranic / Epic This god will be the 10th avatar of Visnu that rewards good & punishes people

India Who measured the Universe in three steps. India

India Ultimate creator all who exists in the world and able to judge humanity and to reward or punish India / Tamil / Sri Lanka
Supreme god name
Tamil / southern India / Sri Lanka Supreme god. The ultimate creator of all that exists in the world and the judge of humanity able to reward or punish at will....
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