
List of Gods : "air" - 417 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
King name
Ireland Son of the hazel, one of the last Tuath kings, was so-called because he worshipped the hazel. Fairies danced beneath the hawthorn. Ogham tablets were of yew. Lady Wilde styled the elder a sacred tree; and the blackthorn, to which the Irishman is said to be still devoted, was a sacred tree. Ireland

Ireland One of the greatest of the women of the Tuatha de Danaan, she fed on the heads of men slain in battle. She, along with Badb and Morrigu, used powers of enchantment to bring mists, clouds of darkness, and showers of fire and blood over the Firbolgs at Teamhair for three days. The daughter of Emmåśś, she was killed by Balor in the second battle of Mag Tuireadh. Ireland
Goddess name
Celtic / Irish Fertility goddess. One of the aspects of the MORRIGAN (a trio of warrior goddesses with strong sexual connotations), she appears as the consort of Nemed and of Crunnchu. She is also a warrior goddess who influences the outcome of battle by magical devices. She can change shape from girl to hag and is generally dressed in red. She is depicted with red hair. She appears thus to the Irish hero, Cu Chulainn, before the Battle of Moytura when she suddenly changes herself into a crow, the harbinger of death. heads of slaughtered soldiers were fixed on the so-called Pole of Macha, and the ancient religious center of Emain Macha in Ulster is named after her.See also Banbha, ERIU and Fodla....
God name
"Mahakala (the great death)"
Hindu / Puranic (1) God. A violent aspect of S IVA. His SAKTI is Mahakah. Rides upon a lion. Color: black. Attributes: five arrows, ax, Brahma-egg, club, cup, rosary of skulls, staff and trident. Three-eyed. Also considered to be a form of the god BHAIRAVA in which context he is a guardian of the faith.(2) Guardian god of tents and science. BuddhistLamaist [Tibet]. Derived from the Hindu god S iva and an emanation of the five DHYANIBUDDHAS. Also one of a group of DHARMAPALAS with terrible appearance and royal attire. A deity of riches. He treads on the god Vinayaka, or on a man, a corpse, or on two elephant-headed men. Color: black, blue or white. Attributes: mainly elephant skin, prayer wheel and trident, but may hold various other objects....
Goddess name
"Mahasahaspramardani (the thousand fold destroyer)"
Buddhist Goddess. An emanation of VAIROCANA, and one of the MAHARAKSAS. Color: white. Attributes: particularly noose, prayer wheel and sword, but also depicted with other objects including image of Vairocana on crown. May be four-headed....
Spirit name
Cheyenne The void dwelling omnipotent Great spirit and creator who created the water, light and air. With the help of Coot he made land by placing mud on the back of Grandmother Turtle, who then became the earth. Cheyenne Indians

Polynesia The iron rock called Touiafutuna was split asunder and there leapt forth the second pair of the primordial male and female twins, Atungake and Maimoa-a-Longona. Tonga, Polynesia

Brazil The demiurge of the Urubu. Brazil
God name
Brazil Maire-Monan. Among the Tupinamba, the creator god. Among the Tupi, a culture hero. Brazil

"Makarom Manouwe"
Indonesia The masculine principle lives in the sky and sometimes in the Sun, a primordial pair with Makarom Mawakhu. Island of Keisar, Indonesia

"Makarom Mawakhu"
Indonesia The feminine principle is Present in the earth, and forms a primordial pair with Makarom Manouwe. Island of Keisar, Indonesia
Goddess name
Syria Goddess of mountains, part of the pair with the weather god Syria
Goddess name
"Manuzi/ Liluri"
Syria A mountain goddess, part of the pair with the weather god

Italian The Prince of the Italian fairies.
Goddess name
"Mari (2) (queen)"
Basque / Pyrenean region Supreme mother goddess. She is both a sky and chthonic goddess and her consort is MAJU. She is depicted dressed in rich clothing and jewels. Her home is within the earth but she also rides through the air in a chariot pulled by four horses or carried by a ram. She may breathe fire and is symbolized by the Rainbow. When she and her consort meet, a thunderstorm forms. Her symbol is a sickle which is still employed as a device to ward off evil....
Goddess name
"Marici (shining)"
Buddhist / Mahayana (1) Astral goddess. An emanation of VAIROCANA and also his female aspect or SAKTI. She is further identified as a buddha-designate or BODHISATTVA. She may also be the mother of SAKYAMUNI (a form of the BUDDHA). Considered by some to be the equal of the Hindu SURYA. She may be depicted in a three-headed form (as the Sakti of HAYAGRIVA), in which case her left head is that of a pig. She rides in a chariot drawn by seven boars. Color: red, yellow or white. Attributes: arrow, bow, fly whisk, horse's head image in the hair, needle, prayer wheel, staff, sword, thread and trident. Three-eyed.(2) Demiurge. Hindu. A product of the creator god BRAHMA....
King name
Cornwall A mythical king of cornwall, Sir Tristram's uncle. He lived at Tintagel Castle, and married Isolde the Fair, who was påśśionately enamoured of his nephew, Sir Tristram. The illicit loves of Isolde and Tristram were proverbial in the Middle Ages.
Demon name
Polynesian / Maori God of war. One of the important deities revered by Maori clans in New Zealand in times of war, he may be represented in totems as an aggressive face with a prominent tuft of hair, staring eyes and tongue protruding, though these totems generally represent ancestors rather than deities. Maru may be invoked in the familiar Maori war dances and chants demonstrated popularly by the All Blacks before rugby matches all over the world....
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