
List of Gods : "land" - 725 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Roman / Celtic / Rhineland Mother goddesses. A trio of matres known from inscriptions....
God name
Wisconsin The Sun god who wanders from land of Winnebago in search for truth. Wisconsin
God name
Islands Holy Maidens who sacrificed themselves by jumping from a towering cliff into the sea. This act was meant to propitiate the sea-god and prevent him from sinking their island. Canary Islands
Goddess name
Scotland A Goddess of protection; of Tungrain origin. Scotland
Goddess name
"Harimella/ Viradechthis"
Scotland A goddess of Tungrain origin

Islands A winged serpent with a human head, four eyes and four breasts and he suckled all he created. Solomon Islands
Goddess name
Hawaiian Mother goddess. ] She is the daughter of PAPATUANUKU, the primordial earth mother, and is revered by many people of Polynesia and by the Maori of New Zealand. Her more notable children include PELE, the volcano goddess of Hawaii, and HI'AIKA, the goddess of the dance. As a deity responsible for birth, Haumea possesses a magical wand that she used at the time of creation to engender fruit trees and fish. From time to time she uses it to replenish stocks. Mythology also identifies her as a heroine who saved herself and her consort from enemies at the time of creation by hiding in a breadfruit tree and fending off the attackers with poisonous sap and wood splinters....
King name
Namaqua A flood hero deity who "came from the east," landing in the west of Cape South Africa, a very long time ago, with fellow survivors from a Sunken kingdom. Namaqua
Goddess name
Germanic / Nordic / Icelandic Chthonic underworld goddess. The daughter of LOKI and the giantess Angrboda, and the sibling of both the Midgard worm who will cause the sea to flood the world with the lashings of his tail, and of Fenrir, the phantom wolf who will swallow the Sun, at Ragnarok. She is queen of the otherworld, also known as Hell, and she takes command of all who die, except for heroes slain in battle, who ascend to Valhalla. In some mythologies she is depicted as half black and half white. She was adopted into British mythology....
Goddess name
Helen is frequently alleged, in Homeric tradition, to have been a mortal heroine or a demigoddess Goddess [Greek] åśśociated with the city of Troy. In his Catalogues of Women Hesiod, the Greek contemporary of Homer and author of the definitive Theogony of the Greek pantheon, confounds tradition by making Helen the daughter of ZEUS and Ocean. Other Greek authors contemporary with Hesiod give Helen's mother as NEMESIS, the Greco-Roman goddess of justice and revenge, who was raped by Zeus. The mythology placing Helen as a demigoddess identifies her mother as Leda, the mortal wife of Tyndareus, also seduced by Zeus who fathered POLLUX as Helen's brother. However Hesiod strongly denied these claims. Homeric legend describes Helen's marriage to king Menelaus of Sparta and her subsequent abduction by Paris, said to have been the catalyst for the Trojan war. After her death, mythology generally places her among the stars with the Dioscuri (sons of Zeus), better known as Castor and Pollux, the twins of the Gemini constellation. Helen was revered on the island of Rhodes as the goddess Dendritis.See also DISKOURI....
God name
Greek In Greece the cult of Helios was very ancient and was practised throughout the land, at Elis, at Apollonia, on the Acropolis of Corinth, at Argos, at Troezen, on Cape Taenarum, at Athens, in Thrace and finally, and especially, in the island of Rhodes which was sacred to him. In Rhodes could be seen.the colossal statue of HeIios, the renowned work of the sculptor Chares. It was about thirty yards high, and ships in full sail could påśś between the god's legs. Greek

"Hell Shoon"
Iceland In Icelandic mythology, indispensable for the journey to Valhalla as the obolus for crossing the Styx.
Spirit name
Tongans In the beginning there was just the sea, and the spirit world. Tangaloa took the sky and Maui the underworld. Hemoana in the form of a sea snake, and Lupe, whose form was a dove, then divided the remainder between them, Hemoana taking the sea and Lupe taking the land. Tongans
God name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian God of the law. He was titled by Gudea of Lagas ”herald of the land of Sumer.”...
God name
Greek The god of smiths and metal-workers was the son of Hera. He was born lame, and his mother was so displeased at the sight of him that she flung him out of Olympus. Other accounts say that Zeus threw him out for taking his mother's part in a quarrel which occurred between them. Hephaistos's lameness, according to this account, was the consequence of his fall. He was a whole day falling, and at last alighted in the island of Lemnos, which was thenceforth sacred to him. Greek
God name
Nordic / Icelandic Messenger god. One of the sons of the Wiking god OTHIN, he was sent to Hel on a mission to obtain the release of the god Balder, who had been slain by the blind god Hod. The mission failed because only one creature in the world, a hag (probably LOKI in disguise), failed to weep at Balder's loss and Hermod returned empty-handed. It may be argued that Hermod is less a deity than a demigod hero modeled on the Danish king of the Beowulf Saga. Also Heremod; Hermoth....
Deities name
Celtic / British / or Anglo - Saxon Chthonic underworld god. Known locally from windsor Great Park, Berkshire, England, he equates with the Welsh deities GWYNN AP NUDD and ARAWN and is, according to legend, the leader of the phantom hunt. Depicted with stag-like antlers....
God name
Haida Indian / Queen Charlotte Island, Canada Tribal god. The personification of the thunderbird known to many Indian tribes. The noise of the thunder is caused by the beating of its wings, and when it opens its eyes there is lightning. The thunder clouds are its cloak....
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