
List of Gods : "Sesat" - 648 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Itzpapalotl-Itzcueye (possessor of obsidian skirt)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Minor mother goddess. One of the group clåśśed as the TETEOINNAN complex. Limited to the Valley of Mexico....
Goddess name
Greek Goddesses of femininity Roman / Greek
Goddess name
Greco - Roman Goddesses of femininity. Generally depicted as a trio of MATRES. A shrine at Saintes Maries on the Rhone delta was originally dedicated to the Iunones Augustae....

"Jannes and Jambres"
Egypt The two magicians of Pharaoh, who imitated some of the miracles of Moses. The Jannes and Jambres who withstood Moses, mentioned by St. Paul, are supposed to be the same. Egypt
Goddess name
Hindu Goddess of the household, domestic health, happiness and prosperity. The night-eater of corpses. Hindu

"Jarnvid Iron-wood"
Norse A wood east of Midgard, peopled by giantesses called Jarnvids. This wood had iron leaves. Norse

Norse The giantesses in the Iron-wood. Norse
Spirit name
Jumu A lecherous spirit who surprises women by burrowing beneath the sand. He was alive, and wandered the earth with his father, Njirana, during the Dreamtime. Jumu, Australian aboriginal
Goddess name
Australia Sisters and goddesses of the Sea and Marine Life. Active during the Dreamtime. Australia
God name
Jain / India The stellar gods, there are five clåśśes
Demon name
Mayan A giant demon that causes earthquakes and makes mountains disappear Mayan
God name
Polynesian / Maori God of Agriculture and creator of the Rainbow. The son of RONGOMAI, Kahukura is invoked for the well-being of crops and in some regions the name appears to be synonymous with that of RONGOMATANE, the god of Agriculture. Kahukura is particularly åśśociated with a staple vegetable of the Maori, the kumara, a root tuber that was introduced to New Zealand by man and is said to possess many magical properties. Kahukura is not to be confused with a legendary character of the same name, a mortal hero who, in antiquity, learned the art of making fish nets....
God name
Japan God of rivers invoked to protect houses against fire Japan / Shinto
Deities name
"Kalki(n) (with white horse)"
Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic horse god. Possibly the tenth avatara of VIS'NU. He rewards the good and punishes evil. The counterpart of the Buddhist deity MAITREYA. horses became åśśociated with Divine kingship in ancient India because of their speed of movement. Solar deities were perceived to ride horses across the sky and horse sacrifice became highly significant. Kalki is depicted either anthropomorphically or with the head of a horse and has four arms. He is attended by a white horse. Attributes: arrow, conch, prayer wheel, shield and sword. Also Vis'nuyasas....
Goddess name
"Kam,enae/ Camenae"
Italy Goddesses unbowed of springs & wells with a shrine in Rome where of the of vestal virgins got their water
Goddess name
Italy Goddesses unbowed of springs and wells with a shrine in Rome where of the of vestal virgins got their water Italy
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan Generic name for a deity. The title applied to the gods and goddesses of Shintoism....
Hero name
Cherokee Kanati "The Lucky Hunter". Sometimes called First Man. He lives with his wife Selu ("Corn") in the east where the Sun rises, and their sons, the Twin Thunder Boys, live in the west. Cherokee
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