
List of Gods : "Cent" - 272 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Deity name
Buddhist / Japanese Primordial deity. The Japanese equivalent of AMITABHA recognized from the eleventh and twelfth centuries AD....
Goddess name
Hindu - Dravidian Primordial mother goddess. Known locally from east central India and worshiped by the Dravidian tribe of Telugu. She is said to have generated the cosmic egg in the sea of milk from which the major gods BRAHMA, VIS'NU and SIVA were born....
Goddess name
"An i"
Egypt / Upper Guardian deity. Seems to have become åśśimilated with HORUS and was one of the protectors of the eastern sky in which the Sun rises. According to some texts he is also responsible for the decapitation of the goddess HATHOR in a conflict for the throne of Egypt. Anti is known from Middle kingdom coffin texts (circa 2000 BC). Depicted as a falcon, or a human with a falcon's head, standing on a crescent-shaped barque....
Goddess name
Persian / Iran Fertility goddess. Her influence extended through eastern Europe. In pre-Christian Armenia, the center of her cult was at Acilisena where noble families regularly surrendered their daughters to service as cultic prostitutes....

Greek A son of Capys and Themis, the daughter of Ilus. His descent is traced by Aeneas, his son, from Zeus himself. (Apollodorus iii) Hyginus makes him a son of Assaracus and grandson of Capys.
God name
Africa Creator god who lives in the sky and sends the Sun each morning. Central Nigeria, West Africa
God name
Tiv / central Nigeria, West Africa Creator god. An abstract principle who lives in the sky. He sends the Sun each morning, roars with the thunder which heralds his storms and is the creator of the earth....
God name
"Apam Napat"
Hindu / Persia / Vedic Child of the waters. One of the Ahuras in Old Iranian religion, a beneficent god who is the giver of water to man. Hindu / Persia / Vedic
God name
Sudanese / Meroe war god. An Egyptianized deity, his main sanctuary was contained in a vast religious complex and center of pilgrimage at Musawwarat-es-Sufra, north of the sixth Nile cataract. Sacred animals include cattle and the African elephant. Depicted with the head of a lion and a human body, holding a scepter embellished with a seated lion at the tip....
Goddess name
Hindu / Vedic Minor goddess of woodlands. Possibly having evolved from a primitive animistic guardian spirit of animals, Aranyani is an elusive, rarely seen, deity who is recognized in the sounds of the trees, particularly at dusk. She is a benign figure, sweet-scented and unwilling to destroy unless severely provoked....
Goddess name
"Arinna (sun goddess)"
Hittite / Hurrian Solar deity. May have taken androgynous form, but also identified as the consort of the weather god TESUB. Probably the head of the Hittite state pantheon. There is little detail because the religious center of Arinna is knownonly from texts. The Sun goddess was also perceived to be a paramount chthonic or earth goddess. She becomes largely syncretized with the Hurrian goddess HEBAT....
God name
Greek God of herdsmen. The consort of Autonoe. Of ancient origin, worshiped by peasants as a guardian of herds and beekeepers. The cult continued for many centuries at Kyrene [Libya]....
Goddess name
"Armkis [Greek]"
Egypt / Upper Birth goddess. Minor deity with cult centers in lower Nubia and at Elephantine. She is variously the daughter of RE, and of KHNUM and SATIS. Anukis lives in the cataracts of the Lower Nile. Her portrait appears in the Temple of Rameses II at Beit-et-Wali where she suckles the pharaoh, suggesting that she is connected with birth and midwifery, but she also demonstrates a malignant aspect as a strangler (see HATHOR). Her sacred animal is the gazelle. Depicted anthropomorphically wearing a turban (modius) with ostrich feathers. Also Anuket (Egyptian)....
God name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian Minor god. A son of ENKI who apparently acts as a messenger and reporter to his father. Linked with rituals of exorcism. Cult center Ku'ara. In Babylonian times he became largely syncretized with MARDTK....

Greek A centaur, whom Hesiod ( Shield Of Heracles) calls a Diviner, probably from his skill in observing or prophesying from the flight of birds. Greek

"Ascelpius/ Aesculapius"
Greek A moral taught Medicine Chiron the Centaur & could raise the dead
God name
Greek Or Aesculapius, the god of the medical art. In the Homeric poems Aesculapius does not appear to be considered as a divinity, but merely as a human being. No allusion is made to his descent, and he is merely mentioned as the the father of Machaon and Podaleirius.
God name
Greek / Beotian Local river god. Known only from regions of central Greece as one of the sons of POSEIDON....
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