
List of Gods : "Day" - 185 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Sanskrit Natha, is the proper name of a siddha sampradaya (initiatory tradition) and the word itself literally means "lord, protector, refuge". The related Sanskrit term Adi Natha means first or original Lord, and is therefore a synonym for Shiva, Mahadeva, or Maheshvara, and beyond these mental concepts, the Supreme Absolute Reality as the basis supporting all aspects and manifestatons of consciousness.

"Neptunus - Neptune"
Roman The chief marine divinity of the Romans. His name is probably connected with the verb valu or nato, and a contraction of namtunus. As the early Romans were not a maritime people, and had not much to do with the sea, the marine divinities are not often mentioned, and we scarcely know with any certainty what day in the year was set apart as the festival of Neptunus, though it seems to have been the 23rd of July. Roman

Ireland The daughter of Manannan mac Lir and queen of Tir na nOg. She came down on a magical horse, Embarr, one day and asked Fionn mac Čú𝔪hail if his son Oisin would come with her to Tir na nOg. Oisin agreed and went with her to The Land of Youth. Ireland

Hindu Sent by Shiva to take birth on earth to drive away the insanity of the people under the preachings of the Mayavadis and to propagate Srouta Sivaradhya Sampradayam. Hindu
Goddess name
"Nin-s ar (lady plant)"
Mesopotamian / Sumerian Minor mother goddess. Nin-s.ar is linked briefly as consort to either Enlil (her father) or Enki by whom, after nine days of gestation, she gave birth to the goddess Ninkurra who, in turn, became the mother of the goddess Uttu....

Nijin Who gives advice on the rooftops; you who among powerful lords are, who among rulers hold the staff, a shepherd who oversees the teeming people; who strides about the city's squares by night at the middle of the watch; you who open the gates at daybreak, who make their doors stand open onto the street: you have great Divine powers, more than anyone could require. Nijin
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian Minor mother goddess. Ninkurra is linked briefly as consort to Enlil (her grandfather), by whom after nine days of gestation she gave birth to the goddess Uttu. In alternative mythology she was the mother of Nin-imma, the deification of female sex organs....

Buddhist Wrath-filled and muscular guardian of the Buddha, standing today at the entrance of many Buddhist temples in Japan and Korea under the appearance of frightening wrestler-like statues.

Hiawatha Daughter of the moon. Sporting one day with her maidens on a swing made of vine canes, a rival cut the swing, and Nokomis fell to earth, where she gave birth to a daughter named Wenonah. Hiawatha

Zimbabwe The Sun, the primal source of light, has to be captured so that people may have light to live by. The secret of the Sun is that its light penetrates even in the darkest room, just as a swallow can fly through a house before anyone can catch it. Nosenga caught the Sunbirds in his trap, and so day broke. Zimbabwe

Egypt A miraculous drop which falls in Egypt on St. John's day (June), is supposed to have the effect of stopping the plague.
God name
s The Chaldean sea-god. It had a fish's head and body, and also a human head; a fish's tail, and also feet under the tail and fish's head. In the day-time he lived with men to instruct them in the arts and sciences, but at night retired to the ocean.
God name
"Oko (hoe)"
Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa God of Agriculture. According to tradition he descended from heaven and lived at a farm near the town of Irao, where he attained a great age. One day he disappeared, leaving only his staff which was taken as a symbol of his presence. Annually, at the start of the Rainy season, a festival with strong fertility emphasis is held in his honor....
King name
"Old Man"
Blackfoot Came from the south, making the mountains, the prairies, and the Forests as he påśśed, the birds and the animals too. He traveled north making things as he went and arranging the world as we see it today. Blackfoot

"Olojo Oni"
Yoruba The owner and controller of this day and of the daily happenings. All men and women totally depend on the Supreme Being. Yoruba
Angel name
French angel of Destiny and the ruler of the tenth hour of the day. Old French
King name
Hiawatha Son of the Evening Star. When "old and ugly, broken with age, and weak with coughing," he married Oweenee, youngest of the ten daughters of a North hunter. She loved him in spite of his ugliness and decrepitude, because "all was beautiful within him." One day, as he was walking with his nine sisters-in-law and their husbands, he leaped into the hollow of an oak-tree, and came out "tall and straight and strong and handsome;" but Oweenee at the same moment was changed into a weak old woman, "wasted, wrinkled, old, and ugly;" but the love of Osse'o was not weakened. The nine brothers and sisters-in-law were all transformed into birds for mocking Osseo and Oweenee when they were ugly, and Oweenee, recovering her beauty, had a son, whose delight as he grew up was to shoot at his aunts and uncles, the birds that mocked his father and mother. Hiawatha
Deities name
"Oxiahun Ti Ku"
Mayan / Mesoamerican / Mexico sky gods. The collective name for a group of thirteen celestial deities who are probably still invoked by Mesoamerican Indians today....
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