
List of Gods : "God20Oni" - 620 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
"Tayau (father sun)"
Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico Sun god. According to tradition, he was created by the ancient shamans, who threw the youthful son of the corn mother TATE OTEGANAKA into an oven in full ceremonial attire. He traveled underground and emerged in the east as the Sun. In late May, the Huichol sacrifice a sheep and a turkey in a ritual fire, after which they sing all night until Sunrise. Also Tau; Taverik....
Goddess name
Egypt Primordial goddess of moisture. According to the genealogy laid down by the priests of Heliopolis, Tefnut was created out of the breath or spit of the creator Sun god ATUM. She is the sister of SU, god of the air, and the mother of GEB and NUT. Her main cult sanctuary was at Heliopolis. Tefnut, like Su, can become one of several manifestations of the eye of RE in which case she appears as a lion, or in human form but with a leonine head. According to the Pyramid Texts, she creates pure water from her vag***. In a different context she takes the form of a snake encircling a scepter....
Demon name
"Teharon(hiawagon) (he who holds heaven in his hands)"
Mohawk Indian / USA / Canada Creator god. He engendered the world and all living things and is invoked by shamans to provide good health and prosperity. His adversary is the demonic figure Tawiskaron, symbolizing darkness....
Goddess name
Roman Chthonic primordial earth mother. A corn deity, generally regarded as benevolent, but also a goddess of the dead. Enemy armies were offered to her and cursed in her name. Both she and the corn goddess CERES were propitiated with human sacrifice. Also TERRA MATER....
God name
"Tepeyollotl (hill heart)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Minor chthonic or earth god. One of the group clåśśed as the TEZCATLIPOCA complex. He was originally an earthquake god, symbolized by the jaguar and later adopted into the Aztec pantheon....
God name
Greek Another form for terra, the name under which the earth was personified among the Romans, as Ge was among the Greeks. She is often mentioned in contrast with Jupiter, the god of heaven, and connected with Dis and the Manes. Greek
Goddess name
Berosus The sea, personified as a goddess. Berosus
Goddess name
Babylonian The primordial mother goddess in Babylonian and Sumerian mythology, and a central figure in the Enuma Elish creation epic.
God name
"Tifenua (lord of the land)"
Polynesian / Tikopia Chthonic fertility god. He is linked with the sea god FAIVARONGO and with the sky god ATUA I KAFIKA. His father is Pusiuraura, a powerful deity personified by the reef eel, and his mother is one of the Sa-Nguti-Te-Moana. Also Pu-I-Te-Moana....
God name
"Tifenua Tikopia"
Polynesia Chthonic fertility god Polynesia
God name
Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian God. The tutelary deity of the city of Es numma....
God name
Greek The sons and daughters of Uråñuś and Gaia and a race of godlike giants who were considered to be the personifications of the forces of nature. These Titans are Oceåñuś, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Japetus, Cronus, Theia, Rheia, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Tethys, to whom Apollodorus adds Dione. (Theogony 133) Greek
God name
Aztec Chthonic underworld god. Aztec
God name
"Tlalehitonatiuh (on the earth sun)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Chthonic underworld god. One of the group clåśśed as the MICTLANTECUHTLI complex....
God name
"Tlaloque-Tepictoton (tbe small molded ones)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Fertility and Rain god. The personification of small, Rainbearing hills. One of the group clåśśed as the TLALOC complex....
Goddess name
Aztec A chthonic creator goddess, the ruler of the second of the 13 heavens
Goddess name
Aztec A chthonic creator goddess. (Tlal-teh-koo-tlee) is the monstrous earth goddess. Her name means "The one who give and devours life" and she required many human sacrifices to sustain her.
Goddess name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Chthonic creator goddess. In Aztec cosmogony, Tlaltecuhtli is a monstrous, toad-like figure whose body is cleaved in two by the gods TEZCATLIPOCA and QUETZALCOATL to fashion heaven and earth. The ruler of the second of the thirteen heavens known at the time of the Spanish conquest, Ilhuicatl Tlalocan Ipan Metztli (the heaven of the Paradise of the Rain god over the moon), she is also one of the group clåśśed as the MICTLANTECUHTLI complex. She is said to swallow the Sun each evening and disgorge it in the dawn. She also devours the blood and hearts of sacrificial victims and the souls of the dead.See also CIPACTLI....
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