
List of Gods : "Goddess Dia" - 474 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Tate Oteganaka (mother corn)"
Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico corn goddess. The mother of the Sun god TAYAU....
Goddess name
"Tate Rapawiyema (mother south water)"
Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico Rain and water goddess. Similar to TATE KYEWIMOKA, but also the patron goddess of Laguna de Magdalena, where she is believed to take the form of a water lizard....
Goddess name
"Tate Velika Vimali"
Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico Sun goddess. Perceived as a young girl or as a royal eagle who holds the world in her talons and guards it. In human form the night sky with its stars are her dress....
Goddess name
Egypt Primordial goddess of moisture. According to the genealogy laid down by the priests of Heliopolis, Tefnut was created out of the breath or spit of the creator Sun god ATUM. She is the sister of SU, god of the air, and the mother of GEB and NUT. Her main cult sanctuary was at Heliopolis. Tefnut, like Su, can become one of several manifestations of the eye of RE in which case she appears as a lion, or in human form but with a leonine head. According to the Pyramid Texts, she creates pure water from her vag***. In a different context she takes the form of a snake encircling a scepter....
Goddess name
Roman Chthonic primordial earth mother. A corn deity, generally regarded as benevolent, but also a goddess of the dead. Enemy armies were offered to her and cursed in her name. Both she and the corn goddess CERES were propitiated with human sacrifice. Also TERRA MATER....
Goddess name
Babylonian The primordial mother goddess in Babylonian and Sumerian mythology, and a central figure in the Enuma Elish creation epic.
Goddess name
Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico God of death. His chief antagonist is the moon goddess METSAKA....
Goddess name
"Tou Mou"
Chinese Goddess of measure. Usually depicted with many arms and with a caste mark on her forehead, suggesting that she derives from the goddess of the aurora, MARICI, in Indian Buddhism. She is considered to live in the constellation of Ursa major and may also be an aspect of the astral goddess TIN HAU....
Goddess name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Goddess of healing. Also the deity of sweet water remedial baths....
Goddess name
India Goddess of basil plants. India
Goddess name
"Tumuteanaoa (echo)"
Polynesian / Hervey Islands Goddess. The fourth child of VARI-MA-TE-TAKERE, the primordial mother. Torn from her right side, Tumuteanaoa lives in Te-Parai-Tea (hollow gray rocks) below the home of the god TANGO....
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / BabylonianAkkadian vegetation goddess. The deity responsible for pastures and poplar trees....
Goddess name
India Goddess of good luck and whoever recites the 700 slokas of markand purana and asks for a specific boon, the goddess will grant it instantaneously. India
Goddess name
Hindu / Vedic Goddess of the dawn. The daughter of Dyaus and, according to some texts, the consort of the Sun god SURYA. An auspicious deity, Usas brings the dawn, heralding Surya, and drives away darkness. She is the all-seeing eye of the gods. In the Rg Veda she is depicted as a beautiful young virginal figure who rides in a hundred chariots. She sets all things in motion and can render strength and fame to her devotees. In addition to being perceived as a sky goddess, she is also drawn as a mother goddess in the guise of a cow. Epithets include “mother of the gods” and “mother of cows.” She is invoked to give the boon of longevity, but a more malignant aspect reveals her as a huntress who wastes human life. Usas sometimes enjoys a domestic worship as a guardian hearth goddess who drives away darkness and evil spirits. She disappears, however, from the later traditions of Hinduism....
Goddess name
"Usnisavijaya (victorious)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Primordial goddess. Form of VAIROCANA, widely worshiped in Tibet. Regarded as a female BODHISATTVA or buddbadesignate, and a dikpala or guardian of the zenith direction. Also a deification of literature. One of a group of DHARANIS. Color: white. Attributes: arrow, bow, image of the BUDDHA on a lotus leaf, jewel, noose, prayer wheel, staff and waterjar. Three-eyed, three-headed and with eight arms....
Goddess name
Sabine Minor goddess. A sanctuary dedicated to this deity is known to have existed near the villa belonging to the poet Horace. She may be synonymous with DIANA or MINERVA....
Goddess name
"Vairotya (having an ax and a goad)"
Jain / India Goddess of learning. One of sixteen Vidyadevi headed by the goddess Sarasvati....
Goddess name
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Mother goddess. A SAKTI of V IS NU, also regarded as a form of LAKSMI. In later Hinduism she became one of a group of MATARAS regarded as of evil intent. Also one of a group of eight ASTAMATARAS. In another grouping one of nine NAVASAKTIS who, in southern India, rank higher than the SAPTAMATARAS. Her vehicle is the hybrid beast GARUDA. Attributes: child, club, conch, lotus and prayer wheel....
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