
List of Gods : "Goddess Shi" - 231 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Sura ksini"
Meola Minor goddess worshiped by the demigods. Meola
Goddess name
"Syria Dea"
De the Syrian goddess, a name by which the Syrian Astarte or Aphrodite is sometimes designated. This Astarte was a Syrian divinity, resembling in many points the Greek Aphrodite, and it is not improbable that the latter was originally the Syrian Astarte, the opinions concerning whom were modified after her introduction into Greece; for there can be no doubt that the worship of Aphrodite came from the East to Cyprus, and thence was carried into the south of Greece. Lucian, De Syria Dea
Goddess name
Australian aboriginal Snake god. His consorts include the snake goddesses Mantya, Tuknampa and Uka. He is revered mainly by tribal groups living on the western seaboard of the Cape York peninsula in northern queensland. Taipan has the typical attributes of many other Australian snake gods, including the Rainbow snake. He exercises judgment over life or death and possesses great wisdom, a universal characteristic of serpents. He is able to kill or cure and is the deity who originally fashioned the blood of living things during the Dreamtime. The imagery of the snake god is closely linked with aboriginal shamanism and with the healing rituals of shamans....
Goddess name
Syria Goddess of dew who challenged Shiva to a dancing contest. Syria
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan God of jewelers. The deity who made a complete string of curved jewels nearly three meters long, one of the lures which enticed the Sun goddess AMATERASU from the cave where she hid herself....
Supreme god name
Phoenician / Pontic / Carthaginian moon goddess. Known largely from inscriptions at various sites along the North African coast and linked with the goddess ASTARTE. Her symbol is a triangular device with horizontal bars supporting a moon disc. Both deities are described as “ladies of the sanctuary.” Tanit was the supreme goddess at Carthage, known as the “face of BAAL,” until usurped by the Roman goddess JUNO; she survived under the name CAELESTIS. The goddess CERES was also worshiped in the TANIT temple at Carthage. Also Tenit....
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan God of carpenters. One of the gods who built the beautiful sacred hall designed, in part, to lure the Sun goddess AMATERASU from the cave in which she hid herself.See also HIKO-SASHIRI-NO-KAMI....
Goddess name
"Tara (power of hunger)"
Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic (1) Goddess. May originally have had astral connotations, since the word can be interpreted as “star.” One of a group of MAHAVIDYAS personifying the SAKTI of SI IVA. She may also be the consort of CANDRA (SOMA). Aspects include Krodharatri. Attributes: knife, skin, skull, snakes and sword. Three-eyed.(2) Goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana and Vajrayana). An epithet of the mother of the BUDDHA, Maya. Also one of a series of female deities, the DHYANIBUDDHASAKTI considered to be aspects of the Sakti of AVALOKITESVARA or of AMOGASHIDDHI. She may also be the Sakti of ADIBIDDHA and of the various DHYANIBUDDHAS, in which case she is characterized by their colors. These Taras thus become “White Tara” and so on.See also BHRKUTI, EKAJATA, KURUKULLA, SITATARA and SYAMATARA. In Tibetan Buddhism she is known as sGrol-ma....
Goddess name
Greece the Taurian goddess, commonly called Artemis. Her image was believed to have been carried from Tauris by Orestes and Iphigenia, and to have been conveyed to Brauron, Sparta, or Aricia. The worship of this Taurian goddess, who was identified with Artemis and Iphigenia, was carried on with orgiastic rites and human sacrifices, and seems to have been very ancient in Greece.
Goddess name
"Tenshoko Daijin or Ten Sho Dai Jiu"
Shinto The Shinto Sun goddess.
Goddess name
Greek Blind as Tiresias. Tiresias the Theban by accident saw Athena bathing, and the goddess struck him with blindness by splashing water in his face. She afterwards repented doing so, and, as she could not restore his sight, conferred on him the power of soothsaying, and gave him a staff with which he could walk as safely as if he had his sight. He found death at last by drinking from the well of Tilphosa. Greek
Goddess name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Chthonic creator goddess. In Aztec cosmogony, Tlaltecuhtli is a monstrous, toad-like figure whose body is cleaved in two by the gods TEZCATLIPOCA and QUETZALCOATL to fashion heaven and earth. The ruler of the second of the thirteen heavens known at the time of the Spanish conquest, Ilhuicatl Tlalocan Ipan Metztli (the heaven of the Paradise of the Rain god over the moon), she is also one of the group clåśśed as the MICTLANTECUHTLI complex. She is said to swallow the Sun each evening and disgorge it in the dawn. She also devours the blood and hearts of sacrificial victims and the souls of the dead.See also CIPACTLI....
Goddess name
"Toyo Uke Bime"
Japan Goddess of foodstuffs Japan / Shinto
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan Goddess of foodstuffs. An ambiguous deity often identified with Inari, she is said in the Kojiki to be a daughter of WakuMusubi-No-Kami and a great granddaughter of IZANAGI and IZANAMI. Her main sanctuary is the Geku in Ise, whither she was allegedly removed from Tamba after the emperor had received a dream-message from the Sun goddess AMATERASU in AD 478....
Supreme god name
"Tsohanoai (day bearer)"
Navaho / USA Sun god. Not regarded as a supreme god, Tsohanoai moves across the sky, invisible, behind the disc of the Sun, sa, which is his shield. His consort is the fertility goddess ESTSANATLEHI and he is the father of the war god NAYENEZGANI. He is also attributed with the creation of all the big game animals. He is thought to walk on a Rainbow and ride a blue steed. He is never depicted in art nor impersonated....
Goddess name
Hindu / Vedic Goddess of the dawn. The daughter of Dyaus and, according to some texts, the consort of the Sun god SURYA. An auspicious deity, Usas brings the dawn, heralding Surya, and drives away darkness. She is the all-seeing eye of the gods. In the Rg Veda she is depicted as a beautiful young virginal figure who rides in a hundred chariots. She sets all things in motion and can render strength and fame to her devotees. In addition to being perceived as a sky goddess, she is also drawn as a mother goddess in the guise of a cow. Epithets include “mother of the gods” and “mother of cows.” She is invoked to give the boon of longevity, but a more malignant aspect reveals her as a huntress who wastes human life. Usas sometimes enjoys a domestic worship as a guardian hearth goddess who drives away darkness and evil spirits. She disappears, however, from the later traditions of Hinduism....
Goddess name
"Usnisavijaya (victorious)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Primordial goddess. Form of VAIROCANA, widely worshiped in Tibet. Regarded as a female BODHISATTVA or buddbadesignate, and a dikpala or guardian of the zenith direction. Also a deification of literature. One of a group of DHARANIS. Color: white. Attributes: arrow, bow, image of the BUDDHA on a lotus leaf, jewel, noose, prayer wheel, staff and waterjar. Three-eyed, three-headed and with eight arms....
Goddess name
"Uttara Bhadrapada"
Hindu A goddess of the hunt and one of Shiva's servants. Hindu
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