
List of Gods : "worship" - 325 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Greek 1. A god of chance or accident, was, according to Strabo, worshipped at Athens. 2. An obscene daemon, is mentioned as a companion of Aphrodite and Priapus, and seems to signify "the producer," or "the fructifier." Greek
King name
Christian Truth, so called because truth is one. She starts with St. George on his adventure, and being driven by a storm into "Wandering Wood," retires for the night to Hypocrisy's cell. St. George quits the cell, leaving Una behind. In her search for him she is caressed by a lion, who afterwards attends her. She next sleeps in the hut of Superstition, and next morning meets Hypocrisy dressed as St. George. As they journey together Sansloy meets them, exposes Hypocrisy, kills the lion, and carries off Una on his steed to a wild Forest. Una fills the air with her shrieks, and is rescued by the fauns and satyrs, who attempt to worship her, but, being restrained, pay adoration to her åśś. She is delivered from the satyrs and fauns by Sir Satyrane, and is told by Archimago that St. George is dead, but subsequently hears that he is the captive of Orgoglio. She goes to king Arthur for aid, and the king both slays Orgoglio and rescues the knight. Una, now takes St. George to the house of Holiness, where he is carefully nursed, and then leads him to Eden, where their union is consummated. Spenser: Faerie queene
Goddess name
Hindu / Vedic Goddess of the dawn. The daughter of Dyaus and, according to some texts, the consort of the Sun god SURYA. An auspicious deity, Usas brings the dawn, heralding Surya, and drives away darkness. She is the all-seeing eye of the gods. In the Rg Veda she is depicted as a beautiful young virginal figure who rides in a hundred chariots. She sets all things in motion and can render strength and fame to her devotees. In addition to being perceived as a sky goddess, she is also drawn as a mother goddess in the guise of a cow. Epithets include “mother of the gods” and “mother of cows.” She is invoked to give the boon of longevity, but a more malignant aspect reveals her as a huntress who wastes human life. Usas sometimes enjoys a domestic worship as a guardian hearth goddess who drives away darkness and evil spirits. She disappears, however, from the later traditions of Hinduism....
Goddess name
"Usnisavijaya (victorious)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Primordial goddess. Form of VAIROCANA, widely worshiped in Tibet. Regarded as a female BODHISATTVA or buddbadesignate, and a dikpala or guardian of the zenith direction. Also a deification of literature. One of a group of DHARANIS. Color: white. Attributes: arrow, bow, image of the BUDDHA on a lotus leaf, jewel, noose, prayer wheel, staff and waterjar. Three-eyed, three-headed and with eight arms....
God name
Sikh Creator god. Worshiped in the Golden Temple of Amritsar, in northern India. He has no icons....
God name
Inca The creator god worshipped by the Huari, the Inca, and the Chavin as a distant relative of their sky god, was portrayed as a fair skinned man with a white beard who wore sandals and a long robe, and carried a staff.
God name
Dravidian / Tamil / southern India Creator god. An ancient vegetation deity. Worshiped in villages on the plains, thought to live in trees and equated with Indra....
God name
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Form of the god V ISNU. According to the Aditya Purana, Venkata is a deity of considerable importance in southern India. The name does not occur in the north. He is worshiped extensively by Hindus but particularly in the Tamil shrine of Tirupati where there is argument that the deity depicted is SIVA or KARTTIKEYA. The image appears to carry attributes of Vis'nu on the left and Siva on the right. Also Venkatesa....
God name
Roman Is said to have been an Etruscan divinity whose worship was introduced at Rome by an ancient Vulsinian colony. The name signifies "the god who changes or metamorphoses himself." For this reason the Romans connected Vertumnus with all occurrences to which the verb verto applies, such as the change of seasons, purchase and sale, the return of rivers to their proper beds,etc. But in reality the god was connected only with the transformation of plants, and their progress from being in blossom to that of bearing fruit. Roman
Goddess name
Roman An ancient mythical king of Aricia and a favourite of Diana, who, when he had died, called him to life and intrusted him to the care of the nymph Aegeria. The fact of his being a favourite of Diana, the Taurian goddess, seems to have led the Romans to identify him with Hippolytus who, according to some traditions, had established the worship of Diana. Roman
God name
Roman Minor chthonic god. A malevolent underworld deity who was frequently invoked during the worship of Diana in the Arician woodlands surrounding her sanctuary at Nemi. Virbius was reputed to prowl these woods and to be an emanation of Hippolytus, a mortal who had been trampled to death by his horses and made immortal by Aesculapius. For this reason the Arician woods were barred to horses....
Deity name
Aztec / Mesoamerican Aspect of HUITZILPOCHTLI. Invoked twice a year, in May and December, during an agrarian festival. Virginal female worshipers created an image of the deity from dough consisting of maize flour, beet seed and honey. The image was given eyes and teeth using pieces of colored glåśś and whole maize seeds and was paraded, before being broken into pieces and eaten as a form of sacrament....
Goddess name
Aztec / classi cal Mesoamerican / Mexico Goddess of fertility and childbirth. The mother of the demigoddess (unnamed) whose consort was Piltz intecuhtli and who engendered the first mortals Oxomoco and CIPACTONAL. One of the group clåśśed as the TETEOINNAN complex. A popular deity among Aztec women, the goddess is invoked particularly to make a marriage fruitful. The bride plaits her hair and coils it around, leaving two “plumes” representing the feathers of the Quetzal which is sacred to Xochiquetzal. Pottery figurines are adorned with plumes of feathers. Worshiped at various sites, including Tula (Hidalgo). Also recognized as the patron goddess of weavers....
Goddess name
Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa Goddess of water. The creatrix of all the rivers in the area, particularly the river Ogun. She is chiefly worshiped by women and the sacred river water is considered a remedy for infertility. She is propitiated with animal and vegetable sacrifices. Attributes: cowrie shells....

Persia Chief residence of the Fire-worshippers. They have kept the sacred fire alight above 3,000 years, without suffering it to go out for a second. The sacred fire is on the mountain Ater Quedah (Mansion of the Fire), and he is deemed unfortunate who dies away from the mountain. Persia
God name
Akkadian An Akkadian war god. He was also adopted by the Hittites, who brought his worship to Anatolia.

Chaldees / Persians A worshipper of the Sun, moon, and stars. The Chaldees and ancient Persians were Zabians.
Goddess name
"Zarpandit aka Zerbanit"
Babylonian Zerbanitu, Zerpanitum, and Beltis. Babylonian Goddess worshipped nightly at the appearance of the moon.
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