
List of Gods : "God20Ten" - 439 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Chilcotin Indian / British Columbia, Canada Tutelary god. The so-called transformer known by different names among many Indian tribes. He is a wanderer who can change shape from human to animal and who educates the human race. He often appears in the guise of a raven, or as a dog, and has three sons....
God name
southeastern African Creator god. The name by which the supreme deity is known across a wide area of Zambia and Zimbabwe. Equating to LISA in regions of West Africa. Also regarded as a Rain god. Probably strongly influenced by Islam and, to a lesser extent, by Christianity. Also Leza....
God name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian Chthonic underworld god. Probably a minor variation of ERRA, the Babylonian plague god. The prefix Lugal means ”lord.” Often coupled with MES LAM TAEA, god of war....
God name
Nordic / Icelandic God of wisdom and inspiration. An AESIR god who lives in the world of the Frost Giants. He guards the well of knowledge, filled by a spring which flows beneath the world Tree, Yggdrasil, and which is supplied from the primeval waters. The god OTHIN drank from the spring to acquire knowledge, having forfeited one of his eyes to Mimir. Said to be the wisest among the gods. According to some sources he was sent as hostage to the VANIR in their war with the Aesir and was killed by them (see Othin). Some authors argue that he is more properly a giant than a god. Said to be accompanied often by the silent god HOENIR. Mimir warns Othin of the final onslaught at Ragnarok (doom)....
God name
"MITHRA (friend)"
Persian / Iran God of the upper air. Originating in India, Mithra is a god of light who was translated into the attendant of the god AHURA MAZDA in the light religion of Persia; from this he was adopted as the Roman deity Mithras. He is not generally regarded as a sky god but a personification of the fertilizing power of warm, light air. According to the Avesta, he possesses 10,000 eyes and ears and rides in a chariot drawn by white horses. In dualistic Zoroastrianism, which effectively demoted him, Mithra is concerned with the endless battle between light and dark forces; he represents truth. He is responsible for the keeping of oaths and contracts. He was born from a rock and, according to legend, engaged in a primeval struggle with Ahura Mazda's first creation, a wild bull, which he subdued and confined to a cave. The bull escaped, but was recaptured by Mithra, who slit its throat. From the blood sprang plant life on earth. His chief adversary is AHRIMAN, the power of darkness. Mithra is not generally worshiped on his own, but as an integral part of the Mithraic worship of Ahura Mazda, where he acts as an intercessor between gods and men. In the Hellenic period he was transformed more closely to the role of a Sun god. See also AHURA MAZDA....
God name
"Mabon (son)"
Celtic / Welsh God of youth. The son of an earthly mother, MODRON. According to legend he was abducted when three days old. Also a god of hunters and fishermen. He is known particularly from northwestern Britain and his cult extends along the region of Hadrian's Wall. Known from many Romano-Celtic inscriptions and syncretized with the Romano-Greek god APOLLO....
Goddess name
Egypt Minor goddess. She acts as a guardian against snakes and scorpions. She is depicted in the form of a panther, often with the instrument of an executioner....
Goddess name
Hindu / Puranic Elephant god. This form of the god GANESA possesses ten arms instead of the more normal four and may have a goddess, BUDDHI or SIDDHI, seated on the knee....
God name
Buddhist Guardian god of science and tents Buddhist
God name
"Mahakala (the great death)"
Hindu / Puranic (1) God. A violent aspect of S IVA. His SAKTI is Mahakah. Rides upon a lion. Color: black. Attributes: five arrows, ax, Brahma-egg, club, cup, rosary of skulls, staff and trident. Three-eyed. Also considered to be a form of the god BHAIRAVA in which context he is a guardian of the faith.(2) Guardian god of tents and science. BuddhistLamaist [Tibet]. Derived from the Hindu god S iva and an emanation of the five DHYANIBUDDHAS. Also one of a group of DHARMAPALAS with terrible appearance and royal attire. A deity of riches. He treads on the god Vinayaka, or on a man, a corpse, or on two elephant-headed men. Color: black, blue or white. Attributes: mainly elephant skin, prayer wheel and trident, but may hold various other objects....
Goddess name
Hindu Represent the ten Mahavidyas or "Great Wisdom Goddesses". She is depicted in this form as having ten heads, ten arms, and ten legs. Hindu
Goddess name
Buddhist / Mahayana Collective name of a group of goddesses. Ten personifications of SAKTI as the femaleness of SIVA, åśśociated with the possession of knowledge....
Goddess name
"Mahayasa (most glorious)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Minor goddess. An attendant of BUDDHAKAPALA....
Goddess name
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Mother goddess. A SAKTI who in later Hinduism became one of a group of seven MATARAS regarded as of evil intent. Also one of eight ASTAMATARAS. In another grouping one of a group of nine NAVASAKTIS who, in southern India, rank higher than the SAPTAMATARAS. Attributes: antelope, arrow, ax, bow, club, drum, prayer wheel, staff and trident....
Goddess name
"Mahodadhi (the great ocean)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Minor goddess. An attendant of BUDDHAKAPALA....
Goddess name
"Malhal Mata"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Mother goddess. One of seven SAKTIS who in later Hinduism became regarded as SAPTAMATARAS (mothers) of evil intent. Particularly known in Bengal as a bringer of disease....
Goddess name
"Mama-Kilya (mother moon)"
Inca / pre - Columbian South America / Peru, etc moon goddess. The consort of the Sun god INTI, she is important in the calculation of time and regulating the Inca festival calendar. The Indians consider that an eclipse of the moon is a time of great danger, caused by a mountain lion or snake eating the moon, and perform a ritual making as much noise as possible to frighten the predator off....
God name
"Manannan (Mac Lir)"
Celtic / Irish / British Sea god. Extensively worshiped. From the name is derived the “Isle of Man” where, according to tradition, the god is buried. He rules the “Isle of the Blessed” and determines the weather at sea. Father of the Irish hero Mongan. Also Manawyddaw (Welsh)....
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