
List of Gods : "Hero" - 184 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Greek Greek heroine who raised the infant Dionysus. Later she was elevated to a sea goddess under the name of Leukothea. Greek
Hero name
Greek I.e. the healer or atoner, a name which the hero was said to have received from Cheiron, his instructor, having before been called Diomedes. The chief exploits of this hero are related in the article Argonautae, and we therefore confine ourselves now to his personal history. Greek
Spirit name
Jumu A lecherous spirit who surprises women by burrowing beneath the sand. He was alive, and wandered the earth with his father, Njirana, during the Dreamtime. Jumu, Australian aboriginal
Goddess name
"Jurate and Kastytis"
Lithuanian Heroes of a Lithuanian legend. The queen of the amber palace Jurate may be considered a manifestation of the goddess of Sea.
Hero name
North-American Son of Mudjekeewis, and the Indian Boreas, who dwelt in Wabåśśo (the North). He paints the autumn leaves scarlet and yellow, sends the snow, binds the rivers in ice, and drives away the seagull, cormorant, and heron. North-American
God name
Polynesian / Maori God of Agriculture and creator of the Rainbow. The son of RONGOMAI, Kahukura is invoked for the well-being of crops and in some regions the name appears to be synonymous with that of RONGOMATANE, the god of Agriculture. Kahukura is particularly åśśociated with a staple vegetable of the Maori, the kumara, a root tuber that was introduced to New Zealand by man and is said to possess many magical properties. Kahukura is not to be confused with a legendary character of the same name, a mortal hero who, in antiquity, learned the art of making fish nets....
Hero name
"Kalevanpoika (son/ man of Kaleva)"
Finland A giant hero who can cut down Forests and mow down huge meadows, identical with Estonian national epic hero Kalevipoeg.
Hero name
Cherokee Kanati "The Lucky Hunter". Sometimes called First Man. He lives with his wife Selu ("Corn") in the east where the Sun rises, and their sons, the Twin Thunder Boys, live in the west. Cherokee
Monster name
Bantu A monster which swallows the population of a village-or, indeed, of the whole country and is subsequently slain by a boy hero. Bantu
Demon name
India A demon with and was defeated by Indra. In the Puranas, a Daitya who took the form of a horse and attacked Krishna, but was killed that hero's thrusting his arm into his jaws and rending him asunder. India
Spirit name
North American Indian Tutelary god. Recognized by several tribes, including the Navaho and Apache. He acts as a cult hero who intercedes with more remote creator spirits and teaches the Indian....
Deities name
Indian The modern deity Krishna is the most celebrated hero of Indian mythology, and the most popular of all the deities. He is said to be the eighth Avatara or incarnation of Vishnu, or rather a direct manifestation of Vishnu himself. This hero, around whom a vast måśś of legend and fable has been gathered, probably lived in the Epic age, when the Hindus had not advanced far beyond their early settlements in the north-west.
Hero name
Finland Tragic antihero. Model for Túrin Turambar in Tolkien's Silmarillion.
Hero name
Greek A daughter of Poseidon, became by Zeus the mother of the Sibyl Herophile. Greek<.li>.
Hero name
Greek A Trojan hero, who plays a prominent part in the post-Homeric legends about Troy: a son of Priam, famous for the tragic fate of himself and his two sons, who were crushed to death by serpents. Greek
Hero name
"Lemminkäinen (Ahti Saarelainen, Kaukomieli)"
Finland A brash hero.
God name
Nkundo / Democratic Republic of Congo, central Africa God. He became the subject of an epic known as Nsongo and Lianja and is regarded today less as a god than a heroic figure, probably under the influence of Christianity....
God name
"Liew Liaw Gyffes"
Celtic / Welsh God. The counterpart of the Irish god LUG. The son of ARIANRHOD, he was raised by GWYDION. The heroic figure of Lancelot may be derived from him....
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