
List of Gods : "Hero" - 184 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian Goddess of desolation. She is perceived as a demonic figure who, in the epic legend of Gilgames“ and the Huluppu Tree takes up residence in INANA'S holy tree growing on the banks of the Euphrates in Unug. When the hero Gilgames” attacks Lilith she escapes into the desert wastes....
God name
Pan-Celtic The Shining One, "Sun God", "Many Skilled", "Fair-Haired One", "White or Shining". A hero and god of war. Pan-Celtic
Demon name
"MON (great god)"
Kafir / Afghanistan—Hindukush warrior god and hero. Mon is a senior deity in the Kafir pantheon who challenges and defends mankind against demons and giants. He is the first offspring of the creator god Imra. He is also a weather god who controls clouds and mist. Mon is perceived as a deity of vast size and vigor who creates glaciers with his footprints. He is also a god of flowing water. Some legends place him as a creator of mankind and law-giver, but only mirroring the actions of the supreme creator IMRA. He appears as a mediator between heaven and earth....
Goddess name
"MORRIGAN (queen of demons)"
Celtic / Irish war, fertility and vegetation goddess. A complex goddess displaying various characteristics which are both generative and destructive (see also ANAT, INANA, IS'TAR, ATHENE). At the festival of Samain, she mates with the DAGDA to ensure the future prosperity of the land and as queen Maeve (Medb) of Connaught she was ritually wedded to the mortal king whose antecedent was Ailill. As Nemain (panic) and Badb Catha (raven of battle), she takes on a more warlike and destructive aspect. Rather than engaging directly in conflict, she uses her supernatural powers to spread fear and disarray. The Irish hero Cu Chulainn was thus visited on the battle field by BADB driving a chariot and dressed in a red cloak and with red eyebrows presenting an intimidating appearance. She is capable of changing her shape into various animal forms and in the guise of a raven or a crow is able to foretell the outcome of battle....
God name
"MOT (death)"
Canaanite / Phoenician / northern Israel, Lebanon / Syrian coastal regions God of natural adversity. ot is the Canaanite representation of adversity in the natural world. He lives in a pit within the earth and is responsible for its annual death from drought and heat: “he has scorched the olive, the produce of the earth and the fruit of the trees.” He engages in the clåśśic confrontation with the Canaanite hero and national god, BAAL. Though the duel results in Baal's demise, his death is avenged by his twin sister ANAT, who slays Mot, then cleaves, winnows, burns and grinds him with a millstone, in what appears to be a ritual allied to the sowing of seed and harvesting (see OSIRIS). Baal is later restored. The conflict probably formed the basis of an annual ritual drama at the Canaanite New Year which was held in the autumn. In the texts Mot is the son of Il and his mother is AS'ERAH (ATHIRAT)....
Goddess name
Celtic / Irish Fertility goddess. One of the aspects of the MORRIGAN (a trio of warrior goddesses with strong sexual connotations), she appears as the consort of Nemed and of Crunnchu. She is also a warrior goddess who influences the outcome of battle by magical devices. She can change shape from girl to hag and is generally dressed in red. She is depicted with red hair. She appears thus to the Irish hero, Cu Chulainn, before the Battle of Moytura when she suddenly changes herself into a crow, the harbinger of death. heads of slaughtered soldiers were fixed on the so-called Pole of Macha, and the ancient religious center of Emain Macha in Ulster is named after her.See also Banbha, ERIU and Fodla....
God name
Brazil Maire-Monan. Among the Tupinamba, the creator god. Among the Tupi, a culture hero. Brazil
Spirit name
"Manabozho aka Nanabush"
Ojibwa Manabozo, a spirit trickster figure and culture hero. He was the son of a human mother and Bangishimog, a spirit father. Nanabozho most often appears in the shape of a rabbit and is characterized as a trickster. He was sent to earth by Gitchi Manitou to teach the Ojibwe, and one of his first tasks was to name all the plants and animals. Ojibwa
God name
"Manannan (Mac Lir)"
Celtic / Irish / British Sea god. Extensively worshiped. From the name is derived the “Isle of Man” where, according to tradition, the god is buried. He rules the “Isle of the Blessed” and determines the weather at sea. Father of the Irish hero Mongan. Also Manawyddaw (Welsh)....
Deities name
Ojibwa / Canada Creator being. One of a number of very powerful beings all identified by the same title. These deities include the four winds, the thunderbirds, the underwater manitos and the heroic god NANABOZHO. They are the ultimate source of existence and are essential to the continuance of life. It is necessary for mankind to maintain close communication with them....
God name
Hindu / Vedic Primordial creator god. The son(s) of SURYA. The name given to the fourteen original progenitors of mankind during the mythical or heroic ages. According to tradition, the consort of Manu is Ida, who was engendered from milk and butter offered to S IVA as a propitiation....
Goddess name
Nkundo / Democratic Republic of Congo, central Africa Mother goddess. The consort of ITONDE and mother of the hero LIANJA....
Hero name
Greek A son of Molus, conjointly with Idomeneus, led the Cretans in 80 ships against Troy where he was one of the bravest heroes, and usually acted together with his friend Idomeneus. Greek
Goddess name
Greek A daughter of Triopas, and wife of Polycaon, whom she induced to take possession of the country which was called after her, Messenia. She is also said to have introduced there the worship of Zeus and the mysteries of the great goddess of Eleusis. In the town of Messene she was honoured with a temple and heroic worship. Greek
Goddess name
The essence of the great mother of all gods, equating most closely to GAIA Mother goddess, Greek. Known throughout the Greek Empire and generally the object of devotion by individuals rather than large cult followings. Also known as Meter oriae (mother of the mountain). Her popularity is thought to have spread from northern Ionia. Herodotus mentions a festival of Meter in Kyzikos. Probably derived originally from the western Asiatic great mother (see KYBELE)....
God name
Syria / Palestine / Cyprus A heroic god known from about 1100 B.C.E.
God name
Western Semitic / Syrio - Palestine / / Cyprus Heroic god. Known from inscriptions circa 1100 BC and possibly one of the original pre-Hellenic models from which APOLLO was derived....
God name
Kafir / Afghanistan / Hindukush A warrior god & hero from prehistoric origins and around today
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