
List of Gods : "Tum" - 94 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
"Chang Fei"
Chinese God of war. The counterpart of the god KUAN TI and often linked iconographically with him and the god LIU PEI, Chang Fei rules over the dark half of the year—autumn and Winter. Like the seasons he represents he is characterized by drunkenness and wildness. According to tradition he was wounded by his subordinates while in a drunken stupor. He is depicted with a black face, a bushy beard and wild staring eyes giving him a ferocious appearance....
God name
"Cit Bolon Tum"
Mayan A boar-headed god of Medicine and healing. Mayan
Goddess name
Nordic / Icelandic / / Germanic Collective name for guardian goddesses. They were the subject of a sacrificial ritual in autumn and have strong fertility connotations as vegetation and fertility deities. They are identified in the Sigr drifumal (Poetic Edda) and include the Valkyries and Norns of Germanic mythology....
Deities name
Judaic Collective term for gods. Found in the Vetus Testamentum and distinguishing the lower order of gods from the great deities, ELOHIM....
Deities name
Judaic Collective term for gods. Found in the Vetus Testamentum and distinguishing the higher order of great gods from the minor deities, ELIM. Also applied to the Israelite god YHWH....
Deities name
Egypt / Lower The Heliopolis pantheon. The nine major deities enumerated and given their genealogy by the priesthood of Heliopolis, the center of the Sun-worshiping cult in Lower Egypt. Comprising the Sun god ATUM (or Atum-Re) and his offspring, S U, TEFNUT, GEB, NUT, OSIRIS, ISIS, SETH and NEPHTHYS. Other Egyptian cult centers possessed similar pantheons though not necessarily including the same list of deities. Thus, for example, the god PTAH presided at Thebes....
Goddess name
Etruscan Goddess of the autumn, fire and volcanoes. She also served as a goddess of travel, fire, and waters. Erilio, the king of Preneste, was her son according to one tradition. According to another tradition her son was the underworld god Herulus. Etruscan
Goddess name
Western Semitic / Punic / Carthaginian God of uncertain status. Probably concerned with chance or fortune and known from Palmyrene inscriptions, and from the Vetus Testamentum in place names such as Baal-Gad and Midal-Gad. Popular across a wide area of Syrio-Palestine and Anatolia in preBiblical times. Thought to have been syncretized ultimately with the Greek goddess TYCHE....
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian Fertility goddess. The daughter of the sky god AN, she is the tutelary mother goddess of Lagas'....
Goddess name
"Gatumdug/ Gula"
Mesopotamia / Sumeria / Babylon / Akkadia A fertility goddess as well as the tutelary goddess of Lagas
Angel name
Roman The angel who makes the leaves fall in autumn. Occult Lore
God name
Greco - Roman Local tutelary god. Known from the region of the Bosphorus circa 150 BC until AD 250. As late as the fourth century AD there are mentions in texts of bypsistarii in Cappadocia, who seem to have been unorthodox, Greek-speaking, Jewish fringe sectarians. The word bypsistos occurs in the Septuagint version of the Vetus Testamentum and means “almighty.”...
Goddess name
"Idem Huva Finnish"
Ugric Goddess of autumn Ugric
Goddess name
"Idem Huva Finno"
Ugric A goddess of autumn
Goddess name
Egypt / Lower Creator goddess. Locally known from Heliopolis and perceived as being a feminine principle in the cosmos equating to the Sun god ATUM. Depicted anthropomorphically with a scarab on her head....
Hero name
North-American Son of Mudjekeewis, and the Indian Boreas, who dwelt in Wabåśśo (the North). He paints the autumn leaves scarlet and yellow, sends the snow, binds the rivers in ice, and drives away the seagull, cormorant, and heron. North-American
God name
Moabite / Jordan Tutelary god. Mentioned under the name of Chemosh in the Vetus Testamentum kings, as being one of the gods worshiped by the Israelite king Solomon. Eventually adopted by the Greeks and absorbed into the cult of ARES....
God name
Egypt A description of the Mnevis bull, a manifestation of the Ka (life-force / power) of the chief god, Atum-Ra. Egypt
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