
List of Gods : "Ale" - 612 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
King name
Welsh In the tale of Pwyll, the earliest reference to Annwn, the Welsh mythological otherworld, occurs. It is ruled by Arawn, at war with Hafgan. Arawn obtains the help of Pwyll by exchanging kingdoms with him for a year, and Pwyll defeats Hafgan. Welsh
God name
Celtic / Welsh Chthonic god. The so-called “Lord of Dyfed” who, according to tradition, brought the pig to Wales having received it as a gift from ARAWN, the underworld god. He earned the reward by substituting for Arawn and fighting his enemy Hafgan, in payment for an unintended slight to Arawn, whom he met one day while out hunting. His consort is RHIANNON and his son is PRYDERI....

"Pwyll/ Pwyll Pen Annwn"
Wales Sometimes the ruler of the underworld
Goddess name
Bella Coola Indian / British Columbia, Canada Creator goddess. Said to live in the upper heaven, Atsa'axl, from where she controls the earth. According to tradition the mountains were once malevolent beings who made the world uninhabitable, until she conquered them and reduced them in size. She is never invoked or prayed to. Also Tsi Sisnaaxil (our woman); Ek Yakimtolsil (afraid of nothing)....
Goddess name
"Quades” (the holy one)"
Western Semitic Fertility goddess. probably originating in Syria. She epitomizes female sexuality and eroticism in the mold of ASTARTE. She was adopted by Egypt with the fertility gods MIN and RESEP and became partly åśśociated with the goddess HATHOR. She is usually depicted nude standing on the back of a lion (see also INANA and NINHURSAG A) between Min to whom she offers a lotus blossom, and Res”ep for whom she bears snakes. Her cult followed the typically ancient Near Eastern pattern of a sacred marriage carried out by her votary priestesses and their priests or kings....
God name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. The Sun deity representing the third of the five world ages each of which lasted for 2,028 heavenly years, each heavenly year being fiftytwo terrestrial years. Assigned to the element fire and presided over by the Rain god TLALOC. According to tradition, the age ended in a cataclysmic destruction caused by a great fiery Rain. The human population perished and in doing so were transformed into dogs, turkeys and butterflies. Illustrated by the “Stone of the Four Suns” [Yale Peabody Museum]. Also Quiauhtonatiuh; Tletonatiuh....

British The first man. He was the only survivor of an island that had been transformed into a whale by the Thunderbird. Chuckchee, British Columbia

Central America A race of giants whose traditions were prevalent at the time of the conquest of Central America.

Greek The personification of mad rage, the Roman equivalent of the Greek Lyssa. Greek
Angel name
Nazorean The angels in chage of moisture and Rain can be appealed to by repeating their names over and over in a chant: "Mathariel, Ridia, Matriel." Early Nazorean
Spirit name
"Raja Matangi"
Hindu A female spirit who watches carefully over men's actions. Hindu
God name
Persian / Iran God of påśśage and justice. The guardian of the bridge which leads to the otherworld. He weighs souls in the scales at the final judgment....
King name
Greek A son of Zeus and Europa, and brother of king Minos of Crete, or, according to others, a son of Hephaestus. From fear of his brother he fled to Ocaleia in Boeotia, and there married Alcmene. In consequence of his justice throughout life, he became, after his death, one of the judges in the lower world, and took up his abode in Elysium. Greek

Norse A personification of the hard frozen earth. Mother of Vale. The loves of Odin and Rind resemble those of Zeus and Europa in Greek legends. Norse
God name
Roman The female version of Robigus, the god who protected crops from disease. Roman

India The female aspect of Brahma who took the form of a red deer to escape the amorous pursuits of her father, Brahma. India
God name
Polynesian / Maori Whale god. He is the son of TANGAROA, the creator deity responsible for the oceans and the fish, and the father of KAHUKURA, the deity responsible for the appearance of the Rainbow. He is also regarded as the ancestor of several Maori clans. Various traditions are åśśociated with Rongomai. In some regions of New Zealand he is also regarded as a god of war and is thought to have discovered the magic arts during a visit to the underworld, including the power of kaiwhatu, a preventative charm against witchcraft. Rongomai is sometimes mistakenly identified with RONGOMATANE, or Rongo, though the latter is generally considered a distinct personality. As the god responsible for the well-being of whales Rongomai may take the form of a whale, a guise in which he once challenged MARU, a more widely recognized New Zealand war god. Separate mythology places him in the heavens in the form of a comet....
Goddess name
Polynesian / Maori God of volcanoes and earthquakes. According to tradition, Ruamoko is the youngest son of RANGINUI and PAPATUANUXU and is possessed by a formidable temper. When his older siblings set about separating the prime parents from their eternal lovemaking in order to allow light into the space between sky and earth, he was enraged and his boisterous tantrum became revealed in the violence of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Ruamoko is of less importance than PELE, the chief volcano goddess of Polynesia, who is revered mainly in Hawaii....
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