
List of Gods : "Ale" - 612 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Babylon Goddess of fertility who is the deification of the female sex organs Babylon
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian Fertility goddess. Deification of the female sex organs, fathered by Enki with Ninkurra....
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian Minor mother goddess. Ninkurra is linked briefly as consort to Enlil (her grandfather), by whom after nine days of gestation she gave birth to the goddess Uttu. In alternative mythology she was the mother of Nin-imma, the deification of female sex organs....
Goddess name
"Nins ubur"
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian Messenger God (Goddess). The servant of the goddess Inana, she is particularly prominent in the legend of Inana's Descent and the death of Dumuzi. In Akkadian texts the sex changes to a male personality, the minister of Anu....
Goddess name
Hindu / Vedic One of the Guardians of the directions, representing the southwest. She was originally a goddess of death, connected with Devi, who later became the male Guardian. The gender shift also involved a union with Nirrta, the masculine aspect of the female Nirrti. Hindu / Vedic

Nazorean Drop who abode for 444,000 myriad of years in Her own abode. Female element of the Creator. Early Nazorean
God name
Irish Silver Arm a king of the Tuatha De Danann. He is cognate with the Gaulish and British god Nodens. His Welsh equivalent is Nudd or Lludd Llaw Eraint. Irish
God name
Akan / southern Ghana, West Africa Creator god. An androgynous being symbolized in his male aspect by the Sun, and his female aspect by the moon. He gave mankind its soul and is the controller of destiny. He enjoys a dedicated priesthood and is worshiped in the form of a tree trunk. Also Odomankoma; Onyame; Onyanko pon; Totrobonsu....
God name
Greek The name of a numerous clåśś of inferior female divinities, though they are designated by the title of Olympian, are called to the meetings of the gods in Olympus, and described as the daughters of Zeus. But they were believed to dwell on earth in groves, on the summits of mountains, in rivers, streams, glens, and grottoes. Greek
God name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. The Sun deity representing the first of the five world ages, each of which lasted for 2,028 heavenly years, each heavenly year being fiftytwo terrestrial years. Assigned to the earth and presided over by TEZCATLIPOCA. According to tradition, the age was populated by a race of giants and it ended in a catalclysmic destruction caused by huge and ferocious jaguars which devoured them. Illustrated by the Stone of the Four Suns [Yale Peabody Museum]. Also Ocelotonatiuh; Yoaltonatiuh; Tlalchitonatiuh....
Deities name
Egypt The eight deities worshipped in Hermopolis. They were arranged in four male-female pairs, with the males åśśociated with frogs, and the females with snakes. Egypt
Monster name
Europe Of nursery mythology are giants of very malignant dispositions, who live on human flesh. It is an Eastern invention, and the word is derived from the Ogurs, a desperately savage horde of Asia, who overran part of Europe in the fifth century. Others derived it from Orcus, the ugly, cruel man-eating monster so familiar to readers of Bojardo and Ariosto. The female is Ogress.
God name
Yoruba The sky Father and creator of the universe. Occasionally androgynous or female, he is a god of peace, purity and harmony. Yoruba
God name
Aztec A dual god, male and female, who was the creator of Cemanahuatl. Ometeotl's male aspect is Ometecutli, the female aspect is Omecihuatl. S / he dwelled in and ruled over Omeyocan, "Two Place", home of the gods. Aztec
God name
"Ometeoti (two god)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Primordial being. According to some traditions, the dual principle personified in a bisexual force which the Aztecs believed to be the only reality, all else being illusory. Ometeotl rules in the highest (thirteenth) heaven, Omeyocan (place of duality) which rests above Sun, moon, wind and other elements. Ometeotl impregnated itself to engender the four TEZCATLIPOCAS (aspects of the Sun). Another female aspect, COATLICUE, gave birth to the national Aztec god HUITZILOPOCHTLI. No formal cult existed for Ometeotl, but he was considered to be present in every aspect of ritual.See also TONACATECUHTLI and TONACACIHUATL....
King name
Greek A daughter of the Lydian king Jardåñuś, and wife of Tmolus, after whose death she undertook the government herself. When Heracles, in consequence of the murder of Iphitus, was ill of a serious disease, and received the oracle that he could not be released unless he served some one for wages for the space of three years, Hermes, accordingly, sold Heracles to Omphale, by whom he became the father of several children. Greek

Roman A female Roman divinity of plenty and fertility, as is indicated by her name, which is connected with opimus opulentus, inops, and copia. She was regarded as the wife of Saturnus, and, accordingly, as the protectress of every thing connected with Agriculture. Her abode was in the earth, and hence those who invoked her, or made vows to her, used to touch the ground, and as she was believed to give to human beings both their place of abode and their food, newly-born children were recommended to her care.

Roman A female Roman divinity, to whom an altar was erected at Rome, near the temple of the Lares in the Via Sacra. She was invoked by parents who had been deprived of their children, and desired to have others, and also in dangerous maladies of children. Roman
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