
List of Gods : "Being" - 519 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

India The Bhagavata-Purana states: "Priya-vrata being dissatisfied that only half the earth was illuminated at one time by the solar rays, followed the Sun seven times round the earth in his own flaming car of equal velocity, like another celestial orb, resolved to turn night into day." India
Angel name
Greek Eros appeared, being androgynous. His masculinity is Himeros, being fire from light. His femininity, innate to him as well, is the soul of blood, the solution of the Pronoia... He is very lovely in his beauty, having charm beyond all the creatures of chaos. Then all the gods and their angels, when they beheld Eros, became enamored. And appearing in all of them Eros set them ablaze. Gaian creation myth

"Pronoia (forethought)"
Gnostic Christian Primordial being. The feminine aspect of one of the androgynous principles born to YALDABAOTH, the prime parent, and ruling the seven heavens of chaos in Gnostic cosmogony. Also described in other Gnostic tracts as Protennoia, the voice of the thought, and alternatively the voice of LOGOS (logic), who descends to earth in human form and plays a part in the primordial salvation of the world....
God name
Greek The first group of beings to come into existence at the beginning of the universe were the Protogenoi - First Born or Primeval and they form the very fabric of the universe and are immortal. The Protogenoi are the gods from which all the other gods descend. Greek
King name
"Psycarpax [granary thief]"
Lake Son of Troxartas, king of the Mice. The Frogking offered to carry the young prince over a lake, but scarcely had he got midway when a water-hydra appeared, and king Frog, to save himself, dived under water. The mouse, being thus left on the surface, was drowned, and this catastrophe brought about the battle of the Frogs and Mice.
God name
Egypt Called the world into being, having dreamt creation in his heart, and speaking it, his name meaning opener, in the sense of opener of the mouth. Considered the god of craftsmen, and in particular stone-based crafts. Eventually, due to the connection of these things to tombs the craftsmen regarded him so highly as to say that he controlled their destiny. Egypt
King name
"Pururavas and Urvasi"
Indian An Indian myth similar to that of "Apollo and Daphne." Pururavas is a legendary king who fell in love with Urvasi, a heavenly nymph, who consented to become his wife on certain conditions. These conditions being violated, Urvasi disappeared, and Pururavas, inconsolable, wandered everywhere to find her. Ultimately he succeeded, and they were indissolubly united.
God name
Hindu / Vedic Primeval creator god. Described as the primordial being from whom the cosmos was formed, possibly the male component of the great mother, MATA. In later Hinduism regarded as an avatara of VIS'NU....

"Purva Phalguni"
Hindu Purva Phalguni is the 11th star of the zodiac. Those born under this constellation are marked by stout body with frequent sweating. This people have an intuitive ability to sense others unspoken problems, for which they extend support without being asked.. This quality earns them a great respect and name. Most of them are famous in one way or other and will excel in one special field. Hindu Zodiac
God name
Hindu God of meeting was responsible for marriages, journeys, roads, and the feeding of cattle. He was a psychopomp, conducting souls to the other world. He protected travelers from bandits and wild beasts, and protected men from being exploited by other men. Hindu
Goddess name
Bella Coola Indian / British Columbia, Canada Creator goddess. Said to live in the upper heaven, Atsa'axl, from where she controls the earth. According to tradition the mountains were once malevolent beings who made the world uninhabitable, until she conquered them and reduced them in size. She is never invoked or prayed to. Also Tsi Sisnaaxil (our woman); Ek Yakimtolsil (afraid of nothing)....

Siberia Qeskina'qu "Big Light" the son of the creator being Tenanto'mwan. Koryak, Siberia
Deities name
Polynesian / Banks Islands Creator god. As with many Polynesian deities, the god is depicted as being very inactive, sitting around all day doing nothing....
God name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. The Sun deity representing the third of the five world ages each of which lasted for 2,028 heavenly years, each heavenly year being fiftytwo terrestrial years. Assigned to the element fire and presided over by the Rain god TLALOC. According to tradition, the age ended in a cataclysmic destruction caused by a great fiery Rain. The human population perished and in doing so were transformed into dogs, turkeys and butterflies. Illustrated by the “Stone of the Four Suns” [Yale Peabody Museum]. Also Quiauhtonatiuh; Tletonatiuh....
Goddess name
PreColumbian Indian / Peru Minor goddess of the quinoa crop. Models of the deity were made from the leaves of the plant and kept for a year before being burned in a ritual to ensure a good quinine harvest....
God name
Blavatsky The seizer supposed to seize the Sun and moon and thus cause eclipses. "A giant, a Demi-god, the lower part of whose body ended in a dragon or serpent's tail. During the churning of the Ocean, when the gods produced amrita -- the water of Immortality -- he stole some of it, and drinking, became immortal. The Sun and moon, who had detected him in his theft, denounced him to Vishnu, who placed him in the stellar spheres, the upper portion of his body representing the dragon's head and the lower the dragon's tail; the two being the ascending and descending nodes. Since then, Rahu wreaks his vengeance on the Sun and moon by occasionally swallowing them. The secret Doctrine, by H. P. Blavatsky

"Recaråñuś aka Garåñuś"
Roman , a fabulous Italian shepherd of gigantic bodily strength and courage. The fact of his being a gigantic shepherd who recovered stolen oxen from him, led the Romans to consider him as identical with the Greek Heracles. Roman

Sanskrit The astral shells or spooks of human beings and animals which are left in the lower strata after death. Similar to bhuta. Sanskrit
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