
List of Gods : "Rate" - 217 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Greek Or Cythera, Cytherias, different forms of a surname of Aphrodite, derived from the town of Cythera in Crete, or from the island of Cythera, where the goddess was said to have first landed, and where she had a celebrated temple. Greek

Greek A son of Dardåñuś and Chryse and brother of Idaeus, who when his family and a part of the Arcadian population emigrated, remained behind in Arcadia. Greek

Greek The sacred vessel made by Theseus and sent annually from Athens to Delos. This annual festival lasted 30 days, during which no Athenian could be put to death, and as Socrates was condemned during this period his death was deferred till the return of the sacred vessel. The ship had been so often repaired that not a stick of the original vessel remained at the time, yet was it the identical ship. So the body changes from infancy to old age, and though no single particle remains constant, yet the man 6 feet high is identical with his infant body a span long. Greek
King name
Greek Son of Prometheus and Clymene. He was king in Phthia, and married to Pyrr. When Zeus, after the treatment he had received from Lycaon, had resolved to destroy the degenerate race of men who inhabited the earth, Deucalion, on the advice of his father, built a ship, and carried into it stores of provisions and when Zeus sent a flood all over Hellas, which destroyed all its inhabitants, Deucalion and Pyrrha alone were saved. Greek
God name
Greek Festivals celebrated in various parts of Greece in honour of Dionysus. We have to consider under this head several festivals of the same deity, although some of them bore different names, for here, as in other cases, the name of the festival was sometimes derived from that of the god, sometimes from the place where it was celebrated, and sometimes from some particular cirçúɱstance connected with its celebration. Greek
God name
Songhai / Niger valley, West Africa storm god. The creator of thunderbolts, which are perceived as stone ax-heads. As the celestial smith he forges lightning and strikes a huge bell with his ax to generate thunder....

"Dragons Guardin Ladies"
European The walls of feudal castles ran winding round the building, and the ladies were kept in the securest part. As adventurers had to scale the walls to gain access to the ladies, the authors of romance said they overcame the serpent-like defence, or the dragon that guarded them. Sometimes there were two walls, and then the bold invader overcame two dragons in his attempt to liberate the captive damsel. European
God name
Shinto / Japan God of luck. The most popular of seven gods of fortune recognized in Shintoism and frequently linked with the god DAIKOKU. He is depicted as a fat, smiling and bearded fisherman holding a fishing rod in one hand and a sea bream in the other. The name does not appear in the clåśśical sacred texts Nibongi and Kojiki, but Ebisu is known to have been worshiped in ancient times among fishermen. From about the sixteenth century his character changed and he became a deity åśśociated with profit. Thus he is a patron of commerce and his picture hangs in most establishments. He is perhaps syncretized with the gods HIRUKO and KOTO-SHIRO-NUSHI. He may also be identified with Fudo, the god of knowledge. He does not join the rest of the Shinto pantheon in the great October festival at Izumo because he is deaf. His festival is celebrated concurrently in his own temple....
Deities name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. The Sun deity representing the second of the five world ages, each of which lasted for 2028 heavenly years, each heavenly year being fifty-two terrestrial years. Assigned to the air or wind and presided over by QUETZALCOATL, to whose complex of deities he belongs. According to tradition, the age ended in a cataclysmic destruction caused by hurricanes. All humanity turned into monkeys. Illustrated by the “Stone of the Four Suns” [Yale Peabody Museum]. Also (4) Ehecatl; Ehecatonatiuh....
God name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Primordial god. A syncretization of EHECATL and QUETZALCOATL, one of four gods who support the lowest heaven at each cardinal point. He is perceived as residing in the west (codices Borgia and Vaticåñuś B). He is the deity who rules over the ninth of the thirteen heavens, Itztapal Nanatzcayan (where the stone slabs crash together). In a separate tradition, EhecatlQuetzalcoatl executed the monstrous god XOLOTL when he declined to offer his blood in self-sacrifice for the creation of mankind....

Syria Old syrian diety who was incorporated into El as El-Eljon, an epithet of Yahweh.
God name
Sumerian A river god in charge of the sacred rivers Tigris and Euphrates. He was also the deity of canals, irrigation and farming. Sumerian
God name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian River god. In creation mythology he is placed in charge of the sacred rivers Tigris and Euphrates by the god ENKI. He is also god of canals, irrigation and farming. In Babylonian times he becomes the son of EA and is syncretized with ADAD....
Deities name
Egypt / Lower The Heliopolis pantheon. The nine major deities enumerated and given their genealogy by the priesthood of Heliopolis, the center of the Sun-worshiping cult in Lower Egypt. Comprising the Sun god ATUM (or Atum-Re) and his offspring, S U, TEFNUT, GEB, NUT, OSIRIS, ISIS, SETH and NEPHTHYS. Other Egyptian cult centers possessed similar pantheons though not necessarily including the same list of deities. Thus, for example, the god PTAH presided at Thebes....
Goddess name
Hellenized Indo - European sky goddess. The spirit of the dawn. She is the daughter of HYPERION and THEA, and the sister of HELIOS (sun) and SELENE (moon). The consort of AEOLOS, the storm god son of POSEIDON, she bore six children who represent the various winds. Hesiod accounts her as the consort of Astraeos. In separate tradition she is the mother of Memnon who was slain at Troy, and her tears are the morning dew. See also AURORA....

Greek One of the Aloeidae. When Iphimedeia and her daughter, Pancratis, celebrated the orgies of Dionysus on Mount Drius, they were carried off by Thracian pirates to Naxos or Strongyle; but both were delivered by the Aloadae Otus and Ephialtes. Greek
King name
Britain Liberated from the stone. The sword which Arthur drew out of the stone, whereby he proved himself to be the king. Britain
God name
Gai / Ivory Coast, West Africa Tutelary god. By tradition he arbitrated a dispute between two tribes, the Chuilo and the Nyaio. The Nyaio were eventually defeated and Fe became specifically the god of the Chuilo people. He is propitiated by means of a dance in which a terrifying mask is worn....
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