
List of Gods : "Uma" - 508 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Deities name
Shinto / Japan Primordial being. The fifth of the deities to emerge in the heavens, named in both the sacred texts of Shintoism, the Kojiki and Nihongi, but probably strongly influenced by Chinese religion. Born from a reed floating in the primeval waters. See also UMASHI-ASHI-KABI-HIKO-JI-NO-KAMI....
Spirit name
Buddhist Fifth meditation Buddha. He is one of five mystic spiritual counterparts of the human buddha in Vajrayana Buddhism; a product of Adibuddha who represents the branch of the cosmos concerned with consciousness. Buddhist

Greek Commands forty legions, can appear in the form of a wolf with a serpent's tail and vomiting flames. In human form, he has the head of an owl and his beak shows canine teeth. He was the supreme diety of the Egyptians, who had blue skin in human form. Amon can tell of the past and the future, and reconcile the differences between friends.

"Among the Yoruba"
Africa / Nigeria Aja also refer to a "wild wind";. It's believed that if someone is carried away by aja, and then returns,he becomes a powerful "jujuman". The journey supposedly will have a duration of between seven days to three months, and the person so carried is thought to have gone to the land of the dead or heaven (0run).
Goddess name
"An i"
Egypt / Upper Guardian deity. Seems to have become åśśimilated with HORUS and was one of the protectors of the eastern sky in which the Sun rises. According to some texts he is also responsible for the decapitation of the goddess HATHOR in a conflict for the throne of Egypt. Anti is known from Middle kingdom coffin texts (circa 2000 BC). Depicted as a falcon, or a human with a falcon's head, standing on a crescent-shaped barque....
Archangel name
Christian The prince of the Archangels and one of the seven angels of creation. He is in charge of Fridays, Venus, the moon and human sexuality. Christian
Goddess name
"Anat / Athene"
Greek Anat and Athene In a Cyprian inscription the Greek goddess Athêna Sôteira Nikê is equated with ‘Anat. Anat is also presumably the goddess whom Sanchuniathon calls Athene, a daughter of El, mother unnamed, who with Hermes (that is Anubis) councelled El on the making of a sickle and a spear of iron, presumably to use against his father Uråñuś. However, in the Baal cycle, that rôle is åśśigned to Asherah / Elat and Anat is there called the "Virgin."
Goddess name
Roman / Celtic / British Goddess of war. The patron goddess of the Iceni tribe. The warrior queen Boudicca is reported to have prayed to her before battle and she was the recipient of human sacrifice. Andrasta does not appear in Celtic Gaul, though a deity called Andraste is mentioned by the...
God name
"Angel of Death"
Pan-religions The appointed servant of God, with the task of bringing an end, at the appointed time, to the lives of humans. Pan-cultural. Pan-religions
Goddess name
"Anna Kmari"
Indian Local vegetation goddess. Worshiped by the Oraon tribe of Chota Nagpur. The recipient of human sacrifice in the spring months, she was believed to endow riches on the sacrificer and to ensure plentiful harvest while living in his house in the form of a child....
Goddess name
"Anna Kuari"
India / Oraon Local vegetation goddess who can give good crops and make a man rich, but to induce her to do so it is necessary to offer human sacrifices. India / Oraon

"Annis . Black Anna, Black Anny, Black Agnes, Cat Anna"
Britain / Celtic Annis aka Black Anna, Black Anny, Black Agnes, Cat Anna, Leicester witch with very sharp nails who wore a skirt made from the skins of her human prey. Britain / Celtic
Deity name
"Ans ar"
Mesopotamian / BabylonianAkkadian Primordial deity. Mentioned in the Babylonian creation epic Enuma Elis' as one of a pair of offspring (with KIS'AR) of LAHMU and LAHAMU, and who in turn created ANU. Ans'ar is linked with heaven while Kis'ar is identified with earth....
Deities name
Polynesian God of space. One of the sons of RANGINUI by Pokoharua, the sister of TANGAROA, the sea god. He belongs to a group of deities engendered at the time of creation that includes ANU-MATE, Anu-Matao, Anu-Whakarere and Anu-Whakatoro, all of whom rule over different aspects of space above the upper world. AnuMate is perceived as the god responsible for the “space of cold death” and in fact all of the group are envisaged as deities ruling over realms of great cold....
God name
Egypt Aka Anpu, Sekhem Em Pet. Messenger from the gods to humans. Pictured with the head of a jackal or dog, or as a dark colored jackal. He, with Maat, weighed human souls for truth and he rules over Wisdom, intelligence, death, embalming, endings, truth, justice, surgery, hospital stays, finding lost things, anesthetics, Medicine, journeys, protection, boats, diplomacy, astral travel, cemeteries. Egypt
Goddess name
Micronesia A god of magic and knowledge in the mythology of Micronesia, who teaches these things to humanity. He is the husband of the creator goddess Ligobubfanu, and may be a creator deity himself.
Goddess name
Sanskrit A lunar deity and goddess of wealth, intellect, children, spirituality and prosperity. Also Anumati is a type of full moon day in which the moon remains slightly cut and not fully full moon called as Chaturdashi bhiddha purnima Sanskrit
God name
Sudan God of war. Depicted with a lion's head and a human body. The elephant and cattle were sacred to him. Sudan
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