
List of Gods : "human" - 347 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

"Annis . Black Anna, Black Anny, Black Agnes, Cat Anna"
Britain / Celtic Annis aka Black Anna, Black Anny, Black Agnes, Cat Anna, Leicester witch with very sharp nails who wore a skirt made from the skins of her human prey. Britain / Celtic
God name
Egypt Aka Anpu, Sekhem Em Pet. Messenger from the gods to humans. Pictured with the head of a jackal or dog, or as a dark colored jackal. He, with Maat, weighed human souls for truth and he rules over Wisdom, intelligence, death, embalming, endings, truth, justice, surgery, hospital stays, finding lost things, anesthetics, Medicine, journeys, protection, boats, diplomacy, astral travel, cemeteries. Egypt
Goddess name
Micronesia A god of magic and knowledge in the mythology of Micronesia, who teaches these things to humanity. He is the husband of the creator goddess Ligobubfanu, and may be a creator deity himself.
God name
Sudan God of war. Depicted with a lion's head and a human body. The elephant and cattle were sacred to him. Sudan
God name
Sudanese / Meroe war god. An Egyptianized deity, his main sanctuary was contained in a vast religious complex and center of pilgrimage at Musawwarat-es-Sufra, north of the sixth Nile cataract. Sacred animals include cattle and the African elephant. Depicted with the head of a lion and a human body, holding a scepter embellished with a seated lion at the tip....
God name
Greek Carry Divine Decrees from God to humanity and are constantly in battle with the Son of darkness.
Goddess name
"Asase Ya Ashanti"
Ghana A goddess of the earth, fertility & the creator of humanity
God name
Greek Or Aesculapius, the god of the medical art. In the Homeric poems Aesculapius does not appear to be considered as a divinity, but merely as a human being. No allusion is made to his descent, and he is merely mentioned as the the father of Machaon and Podaleirius.
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian vegetation goddess. Minor deity probably known to the Sumerians from circa 3500BC or earlier. She is concerned with the abundance of grain in the fields, sent as its protectress by the gods ENLIL and ENKI. According to creation accounts, she and the cattle god LAHAR were first intended to serve the needs of the Annunaki, the celestial children of AN, but when the heavenly creatures were found unable to make use of their products, humankind was created to provide an outlet for their services. Attributes: ears of corn sprouting from her shoulders....
God name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. The Sun deity representing the fourth of the five world ages each of which lasted for 2,028 heavenly years, each heavenly year being fifty-two terrestrial years. Assigned to water and presided over by CHALCHIUHTLICUE. According to tradition, the age ended in a cataclysmic destruction caused by a deluge during which all the human population were turned into fish. Illustrated by the “Stone of the Four Suns” [Yale Peabody Museum]. Also 4(Atl), Atonatiuh and Chalchiutonatiuh....
Goddess name
Africa Goddess who encouraged the creation of humans, choosing earth for us to inhabit. Africa
Supreme god name
Polynesian Supreme god. The father of the gods depicted as a hybrid, his body divided vertically, the left half being fishy and the right half of human form. In the tradition of the Hervey Islands, he is the firstborn son of the primordial mother VARI-MA-TE-TAKERE. After a short existence low down in the world coconut living immediately above his mother, he moved to the opening of the upper world. He is largely comparable to TANE, the god of light. Also AVATEA, Vatea, Wakea....

India The Divine spark, whatever that is, in humans

Chinese A fox in human form. Chinese
Goddess name
Chile moon goddess, wife of the Sun. Only Auchimalgen cares anything for the human race, all the rest of the gods being utterly malevolent. Auchimalgen wards off evil spirits and turns red when some important person is about to die. Chile
God name
Polynesian / Hervey Islands moon god. The firstborn offspring of the great mother VARI-MATE-TAKERE and the elder sibling of TINIRAU. According to tradition, Vari-Ma-Te-Takere plucked a piece from her right side to engender Avatea, who is half man, half fish. He is divided vertically with his left side fishy and his right side human....
Spirit name
Buryat red headed earth spirits that like human company, they appreciate eloquence, musical talent, tobacco, tea, & of all & reward models that please them. Those that irritate them forfeit their souls
Spirit name
Buryat Red headed earth spirits who like human company, they appreciate eloquence, musical talent, tobacco, tea, and of all and reward models who please them. Those who irritate them forfeit their souls Buryat
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