
List of Gods : "God20Sing" - 134 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Dala Kadavara"
Singhalese Elephant goddess who brings diseases and misfortune. Singhalese
God name
"Deo Qui Vias Et Semitas"
Britain Deo Qui Vias Et Semitas Commentus Est. 'The God who Invented Roads and Pathways' is mentioned on a single altarstone in Britain.
Goddess name
Greek Goddess of justice. The daughter of ZEUS. Depicted as a maiden whom men violently abuse in the streets but who is honored by the gods and who reports to her father on the misdeeds of mankind, causing Divine retribution. She is depicted on the Kypselos chest as an attractive woman strangling an ugly goddess of injustice, ADIKIA....
Deities name
Egypt / Lower The Heliopolis pantheon. The nine major deities enumerated and given their genealogy by the priesthood of Heliopolis, the center of the Sun-worshiping cult in Lower Egypt. Comprising the Sun god ATUM (or Atum-Re) and his offspring, S U, TEFNUT, GEB, NUT, OSIRIS, ISIS, SETH and NEPHTHYS. Other Egyptian cult centers possessed similar pantheons though not necessarily including the same list of deities. Thus, for example, the god PTAH presided at Thebes....
God name
Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa Itinerant god. An ancient deity regarded as the attendant and messenger of the creator god OLODUMARE. He påśśes among mortal people åśśessing character and meting out punishment. Devotees are identified by necklaces of black or brown beads....
Goddess name
"Freya, Freyja"
Norse Freya or Freyja [Feminine of Freyr]. The daughter of Njord and sister of Frey. She dwells in Folkvang. Half the fallen in battle belong to her, the other half to Odin. She lends her feather disguise to Loke. She is the goddess of love. Her husband is Oder. Her necklace is Brisingamen. She has a boar with golden bristles. Norse
God name
China God of happiness and bat. In charge of destiny, fate, love, happiness, and success. China
Goddess name
Pre - Christian Lithuanian Fire goddess. She was invoked by tossing salt on to a sacred flame....
Goddess name
British Goddess known from a single inscription found at Lanchester, Durham. British
God name
Chilkat / American north Pacific coast Sea god. By tradition he brings power and good fortune to all who see him. He appears in several guises, rising from the water as a gaily painted house inlaid with blue and green Haliotis shell, or as the head of a huge fish, or as a painted war canoe. Generally depicted in art as a large head with arms, paws and fins....
Goddess name
Kafir / Afghanistan Tutelary guardian deity. A god of whom there is nothing other than a påśśing reference from among the extinct southern Hindukush tribe of Pachags. He may have been a local consort of the messenger goddess Zhiwu....
God name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian God of uncertain function. Known from påśśing reference in texts and from inscriptions....
God name
Iroquois The creator god; he planted a single maize plant in his mother's body. This single plant grew and was a gift to mankind. Iroquois
Goddess name
Hittite / Hurrian Mother goddess. Described as the “great mother.” In the legend of TELEPINU, the missing god, she sends a bee to locate him. When the bee stings Telepinu to awaken him, the god vents his rage on the natural world. NOTE: the priestesses of the Phrygian mother goddess KYBELE were, according to the Roman writer Lactantius, melissai or bees....
God name
Egypt Harpocrates God of the rising Sun. Horus the Child, son of Isis and Osiris, originally a god of youth and vigor, later taking on the aspects of the Sun-god. At Mendes he was the son of Hat-mehit. Egypt
God name
Navaho / USA God of racing. He organizes and oversees athletic races. The priest who impersonates him has to be a good runner and challenges others, using high-pitched squeaking calls. If the priest wins, the contender is whipped with a yucca scourge. If the contender wins, there is no penalty! A fastidious deity who avoids contact with any unclean objects. His ceremonial mask is a domino shape covering mouth and throat with white shells over the eyes and mouth....
Goddess name
Egypt Primordial goddess. One of the eight deities of the OGDOAD, representing chaos, she is coupled with the god HEH and appears in anthropomorphic form but with the head of a snake. The pair epitomize the concept of infinity. She is also depicted greeting the rising Sun in the guise of a baboon....
Goddess name
Greek God (Goddess) of uncertain status. The offspring of HERMES and APHRODITE and the lover of the water nymph Salmakis. Tradition has it that their påśśion for one another was so great that they merged into a single androgynous being....
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